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Need Advice Badly About New Custody Situation

tiny.constellation's picture

Hi there, recently he received full custody of his 5 year old. The situation at her bio moms was bad - homeless, abusive boyfriend, drugs...

Anyway, we are working on getting her into a child therapist because of some things that have come up in the past week. Until then I was hoping that some of you might have gone through something similar? Bio mom has supervised visitation twice a week.

Things stepdaughter has said recently:

"I'm not supposed to be living with you, I'm only supposed to be living with my mommy."

"I'm not supposed to believe anything you say, because you lie to me, I'm only supposed to believe what my mommy tells me."

How do you argue with things like that? When told that we lie, and that she shouldn't be here. She's getting increasingly irritable, and is having tantrums and acting out. We are told that at visitation her mom just sits there on her cell phone and doesn't play with her. So far we haven't told her much about the situation, just that she lives with us for a while and has to visit her mommy a few times a week. She argues with us constantly about how nice things were, then turns around and tells us about mommy getting punched in the stomach.

I have no idea what I'm doing. Neither of us have been in this situation before and just keep trying to ensure her that she's safe and things are good here without pointing out too much how bad things were.


Rags's picture

You don't argue with the kid. You record her saying those things then beat the shit out of BM with that info in court. Bring the wrath of the courts, CPS, therapists, etc... down on that failed waste of parenting skin like a ton of shit in a 10LB bag.

You(DH) have custody, you are in control, learn the CO, live it, and when BM so much as twitches out of compliance with the CO beat the snot out of her with a rolled up copy of the CO (figuratively of course).

Zero tolerance is a great way to manage a toxic blended family oppostion.

Good luck.