The "Crazy Card" Membership has its priviledges
Lately I have noticed that not slowly but very surely my BF is starting to describe the 3 adult skids as all having mental health issues as an explanation for their irresponsible and nasty behavior.
I find this incredibly interesting and bleeping annoying because for years and years I have warned that they all had issues that required serious trained professionals to help with.
To some extent they received it. But they were not held accountable and any crap they pulled was all swept away with excuses and more rewards for bad behavior because they were in so much emotional pain and complete victims (right). And any opportunity was used to blame the BM or me (how convenient).
At what point does a human being become responsible for their actions? At 12, 14, 16, 18, 32? When? I could literally see when they were 4 years old how they managed him - and they still do.
Now - BF is seeing daily what Bleeps they are as adults so he is scrambling for new ammunition in readiness to defend their behavior and rescue them. I feel that my BF is gearing up to once again hand them excuses for treating us and others like crap and sponging off of us. I'm tired of him finding reasons to save them.
It depends and without a
It depends and without a specific situation nobody can really comment.
I've never rescued a kid and their mother certainly screwed them up. But I can't compare.
Narcassist will never change
Narcassist will never change ~ it's easier to blame than take responsibility.
I have a narcassist for a SD n BM. Never gonna get it ~ self entitlement has marinated their brains.
I have 4 of my own ~ they own their actions NOT me.