Terrible SK's and DIL's
In some of my forums I talked about how I finally disengaged from the SK's and the venomous DIL's. We all live in very small town.Today I walk in restaurant and SK's - DIL's - and BM was in line to get their food. I was a little nervous wondering if they would see me. SS turns around and see's me in line and I could hear him say lets get out of here. The rest of them saw me and they said Im not staying here while she is here. I tried to act like I didnt hear them.People in line could hear what the were saying and what they were doing .They walked by me and everyone of them gave me the go straight to hell look.I didnt do anything but I wanted to. Oh I wanted to stop them in their tracks with what I could come back with. How stupid those people are.
How nice they will vacate a
How nice they will vacate a establishment so you can eat in peace. You did a wonderful job in raising them. }:)
That's just so rude and mean.
That's just so rude and mean. I actually have avoided moving to small towns because you can't get away from people like this. I'm really sorry they did this to you. Keep you head held high, more of a reflection on them than on you.
NOW I realize that all those
NOW I realize that all those years when SD told her Dad I made her "uncomfortable" it had a note of truth to it. She was uncomfortable because I was a threat to her. She had an extremely manipulative and exclusive relationship with DH, and she knew eventually I would I would not buy into it. But as you wrote, the fact that she was 'uncomfortable' was HER issue to own, not mine. Thanks for the 'eye-opener'.
Yes I did read about RA and
Yes I did read about RA and they fit it to a T.DH wasnt shocked at all.He said well at least you stayed and didnt leave and that showed them you are the bigger person.For me I will never leave a room or event if they show up(never)they dont bother me like I do them. Funny tho how 3 SK's and DIL's and the mom can all have RA.I will say they didnt make a mistake of finding their match.
Good for you Lady. You
Good for you Lady. You stayed and showed your grace and maturity. The feeble minded idiots who left have a lot of deep rooted problems. I am sorry that you are going through this as I know it must hurt, but these people are not worth your time. They are living in the hatred filled heart they have and I am sure it is not a good place to be. You sound lovely and kind and they are the losers in all of this.