Tension is beginning
I feel the tension is beginning to build because I've have disengaged, I am not interested in engaging in conversation about the skid marks on any level including the grand skid. They haven't been around for months now after they were told to ring before to make sure we weren't busy and they had to ring me ( DH 's idea ), guess what- no visit so DH is starting to feel it- I couldn't care less- it may sound harsh.
The problem is I feel that DH want's only what makes him happy, not anyone else- what don't they get , the DH is the only one that wants a mixture of his other kids- grand skid- current kids and current wife and live happily ever after- WTF it will never happen- forever delude himself.
I feel resentment building as I am now on the receiving end of his change of temperament - DH will blow soon. I havent got any pull outside my nuclear family like he does- but he is hell bent on destroying it because he cant deal with it --my family is with me, I don't change like he does-Why should we do what DH wants when it comes to the skids- they are fcuking 31, 27, 25 and baby skid, I have sold myself short and my own happiness for 16 years to make sure DH is fcuking happy- not any more..
Agreed. Given your comment
Agreed. Given your comment below DH put you in the middle. He should say they have to call or text first (to him) and he will get back with him once he checks the schedule. You are the holder of the schedule. These are his daughters who have treated you poorly. He is responsible for protecting you and not putting you in any sort of position of responsibility.
That being said, since it's already done, I'd move on and enjoy the lack of drama.
Thanks for replying. DH
Thanks for replying. DH agreed that they needed to ring, I never wanted the skids to ring me and I was angry when DH told me that is what he arranged, Like you said he was not accepting responsibility, they should ring him ,then discuss it with me before a decision is made either way,I told him there and end you have set me up to fall- as if they will ring me- I too told him if my own father told me to ring his new wife before I saw him - I would be furious and there would be no way in hell I would ring her- told him he was basically a idiot for setting that up- wasn't happy- so fast forward a few months- no phone calls to me- well hello what do you expect and of course they are dark on me - that I'm the bitch for coming between them and their father, when it was the father that created the situation.
Men don't take real action to put things in place in the present to prevent a situation occurring in the future, they are so fcuking emotionally stunted when it comes to relationship dynamics, head in the sand mentality. So So frustrating.
This wife has been sucking it up for too long and I was the lesser of two evils, always ready to appease them over me. I'm now the wild tiger as such ready to pounce at any breach of trust or disrespect. A few weeks ago I found out he had been meeting up with his Daughter a grand skid for lunch, never told me, having lunch I don't have an issue with but deliberately with holding from me I had a big issue with - to the point I mistrust him- fine they don't come around but live a double life as I'm not informed at all - just wrong to me.
Doesn't it make you sick when they are pathetic yes men when it comes to the skids.
And you are right. Men are simple creatures, give them great sex. boost their ego and they are happy but for women we are so much more complicated and as women we understand and read the dynamics of personal relationships, men just don't want to know as long as they are fed, clothed and given great sex they are happy.
I think now he wants to fight me but is now concerned now of the reaction he will get.
Had my time over again, no fcuking way would I ever be attracted to a man who has spawned with another female--- that to me now is the ultimate turn-off.Lol
I know I even feel different now he is a grandfather--argh -- he is ten years older than me-- fcuking can't enjoy even grandskids together- he will always have firsts, can't enjoy that together- it sucks...
DH also knows they have never
DH also knows they have never seen a side of me that can release fury- never wanted to upset the fcuking spawn-- but now is different and DH is aware and it scares him, I've told him if there is any of the passive aggressive comments about me or our bios , they will get it back , to the point they won't want to come visit- I say bring it on- should have done it years earlier- scare the little pussies away instead us stepmothers have kept feeding them ,why on earth were we so stupid
I hope and prey the middle skid divorces and becomes a single mother who then marries a man with entitled kids--oh karma-- love to see that.
You hit the nail on the head. DH didn't want to tell me because he knew how I would reactWTF, well he got more of a reaction from me because I caught him out, twists it all around- how fcuking dare I question him, threatens to leave- told him if you walk out that door - you will never be walking back I - called his fcuking bluff- and to be honest I would have got over it - fcuking idiot.
DH is now reaping the rewards of all the bullshit ,on how he has handled stuff, his fcuk up not mine---
And I too. Don't care sweet fcuk all how they feel about me anymore- once i did--- fool me--I have learnt ,grown wiser and I have now this resentment directed at my DH for all the hurt he has caused me--- women do not forget.