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The answer is no

Want my life back's picture

I am so proud of myself. It goes to show doesn't matter how many discussions about not wanting to be involved with the adult skids, the deluded DH keeps on believing I want to be involved. DH asked if I would like to go out to lunch with him and the adult skid for her birthday--I explained to him we have discussed this before, I'm not interested and the truth be known she wouldn't want me there anyway---enough is enough after 16 years--- who wants to listen to a 25 year tell everyone how great she is---I wanna vomit!!!
Two years ago I would have said yes but wanting to say no, enough is enough and I don't give a hoot if it hurts his feelings as my have been hurt more just to keep him happy- but no more.


Want my life back's picture

He kinda went quiet but didn't get angry at me like he has before.I think maybe he knows I have reached a point in our relationship that I don't need to be connected to his skids for me to have his approval and love, because if i need to love his skids for his love that really is the time to walk away, so on that level I don't care. I'm now 45 not 28 like I was when we were first met, you get stronger and sometimes I think it may have something to do with mid life crisis, I am not living the rest of my life having other adults I don't like have some sort of hold over me. I have tried to rationalise my thoughts on how I feel--but still despise them.

baseballgirly's picture

I was 28 when we first started dating and I let it be known from the very start that I wanted nothing to do with kids. His kids or any kids. I don't have any and never ever wanted any. He said then that it was totally okay... now that it's been 2 years, he's starting to look a little disappointed. I think he planned on changing my mind. Too bad he's such a lazy/uninvolved father or else maybe I would have wanted to spend more "family time" together!!!