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Skids breed, arghhhhhhh

Want my life back's picture

Just when you thought the skids are all grown up the fcuking next generation is created and the shit starts all over again with a new found vengeance.
DH before the grandskid was born, my kids are all grown up now and they have their own lives - Yeah right- and your still right there in the mix. Now it's the fcuking grandskid he wants to be around- arghhhhhhh- just further manipulation of DH.
Maybe I should suggest he go live with your ex, she is now single, two adult skids still live at home , the other skid and grandskid can visit and you can all play happy families --- oh by the way then introduce our bio sons to your ex wife and see if she will put up with them- guess what women all over the world will feel the same- fcuking wake up to yourself.
Blended families what a joke, no wonder we as women never feel we quite fit in anywhere, as there is a constant pull to devide your own family.

Want my life back's picture

What hurts us is DH is never ever devoted 100% to our family. Though he tells me in one breath he is totally devoted and then says i cant help that i have a bigger family than yours -WTF- that hurt.My devotion is not devided one bit like his. You are right the grandskid is not part of the equation, not in my home. If the birth mother treated me with respect years previously it would be different but it's not. They planted the seeds years earlier along with DH.
When I'm gone from DH life, the skids will be older the grandskuds older and I won't be around to make their game inticing anymore and then DH will be by himself in his old age waiting for a visit but hey they have their own life but guess what they fcuked yours up right under your nose.