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Stepmother Support Group

lucy51's picture

Has anyone tried to start one? Just curious. We don't have one here. What might the difficulties be in starting one? Thanks

Not-the-mom's picture

I have been wondering the same thing.

There are:

Emotions Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
Over-eaters Anonymous
Schizophrenic Anonymous
Co-dependents Anonymous

Why can't there be a Stepparents Anonymous - for both men and women who are stepparents?

All of these Anonymous Programs follow the 12-steps formula, so I am not sure how that would work for something like Stepparents Anonymous, but it seems some of the steps would apply.

I just found several Stepparent support groups through, maybe there is one in your area?

sandye21's picture

If we all got together I don't think we'd want to go back home! LOL I'd venture to bet most of the brides of 'Bridzillas' are SDs.