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Support group

SMBM2017's picture

Does anyone have a local step parent support group ? I would love to start one. Wondering if anyone else had experience with one ?

classyNJ's picture

Thats what led me here. We don't have a local support group in my area. After being here I probably wouldn't go anyway. My SS's are not the problem. Its the BM and the fact that I do not have bios so have to idea about parenting. Good luck! I hope you find a group.

Acratopotes's picture

Nope - we do not have support groups in this country.... people simply tell you, you are not special build a bridge and get over yourself....

I also found that talking to people about it can be very dangerous due to the gossip nature, today you sit in a group and talk about your slutty SD, tomorrow the whole town knows about it.....

My support group is this site... no one knows my real name - I like bending the truth hehehe some ladies do know my real name cause we are connected on other sites and emails etc - but you will have a hard time proving to SO that I am Acra...

CANYOUHELP's picture

I agree with Acra, I would not feel good about having a support group in my community; too false positive to share anything. The beauty here is nobody can tell who you are and you are free to express yourself without fear of outside influence or known prejudices. This is my support group as well, and I trust these people to be fully honest with me and completely share how they feel. I found ladies here who live what I live too, so it is great to know I am safe here and not alone.