Stepdaughter is driving us crazy
I'm so frustrated with adult SD she is 20 and an addict. She reverently got in a lot of trouble and sentenced to two years in jail! The day she was sentenced BM moved 2000 miles away. My husband is now the only one that visits her as she will not allow me on the visitors list! She wants to keep us apart because she cannot get away with manipulating her father when I am around! He I is not dealing with her being in jail very well she calls him all the time crying to him which she knows upsets him. When he visits all she does is cry and he comes home and crys for days! She knows how it hurts him but does it anyway! She doesn't cry to her brother, sister or mother just him! She acts like a tuff thug to everyone else and it's really making me angry what she is doing to him! She has been in jail for only 2 months and I don't know if I can sit by and watch her do this to him for 2 years! I've tried to make him realize she is manipulating him and he starts to see this for a few days until she calls crying! I'm so frustrated ruining her life wasn't enough for her she has to ruin his to!
Step back when he is like
Step back when he is like this. He will not stop visiting.
I know it is hard to watch but there is nothing you can do.
Explain to him that it is too hard to see him hurting and you need to protect your mental health and not get sucked into this dysfunctional vortex.
I would also suggest to step
I would also suggest to step back, and when he gets into his crying moods, kindly and loving him explain that the only affected by this is you and it is not fun. He is feeling guilt and is hurt as he cannot protect his dd, even though she is an adult. Eventually it will also wear on him and he will learn to deal with his pain. Truthfully, right now it is too soon and he feels that he is carrying the emotional brunt of trying to help her as her dm is no longer in the picture. If necessary tell him that because of his reaction to her being in jail when he visits her that you will give him the space to deal with his emotions, however you will not let yourself be sucked into it as she made adult choices and now must suffer the consequence. Also, if necessary, when it gets really bad, let him know that you will stay elsewhere for a couple days so that he can grieve over her choices and go stay with a friend or family member. Doing this will direct to deal with how it is affecting him and he either accept that she did this to herself or lose a wife/partner. He too has to make choices for his behavior and not expect that you accept it, just as his dd expects that he just accept her behavior carte blanc.
Having a kid in jail has a
Having a kid in jail has a huge impact on your DH's life. There is NO WAY he will be able to deal with this without some kind of professional guidance or help. He should check with the prison and see if there are support groups for families of the incarcerated.
If need be, he can find an individual counselor to help him through this. But be forewarned that this WILL NOT end when she is released from prison. She will still have a very difficult time afterwards, and you must expect that she will be making demands on him then, too. Not knowing what crime she is in for, you may or may not want her living in your home - but be prepared that he will most certainly want to offer her that when she is released.
Get some professional help. This is not your typical step-family dynamic; it is much more complicated.
But I do agree with the others that you need to disengage from the SD and figure out how, and how much, you want to support your DH as he travels down this muddy, pot-holed road.
I understand he will not stop
I understand he will not stop visiting and I would never expect him to. I also am not upset that I am not allowed to visit her because she is always very nasty to me and unlike my husband I will not tolerate her bad behaviour! I have never given this girl a reason to dislike me other then be with her father. I have given her a place to stay when no one else would, I got her in to a treatment program, I ran all hours of the night bringing her things she demanded while she was there, I did this so she would have no excuses to leave the program! When she moved to another province with her mother and couldn't get along with anyone I bought her a plane ticket home. When she was in a treatment program BM moved home and allowed her to leave and move in with her! She then completely cut her father and I out of her life She has caused everyone in his family to be arguing! She immediately got back on drugs and eventually along with 4 men put on a mask and robbed a man and beat him! She is now in jail and is only sorry cause she got caught! She is constantly telling her father she is going to change but refuses to tell him she is still dating her drug dealing boyfriend! BM has no worries she just up and left her father to deal with it! It's maddening because she's lying to him and manipulating him! He is in poor health and the stress of this is making it worse She knows exactly what her crying does to him and she doesn't feel one bit bad about it! She is going to continue to do this to him as long as she keeps getting what she wants such as money all his time and him to be alone because then she can get more! In not quite 2 months she has been given over 800 dollars in jail not only by him but her sister to! I just don't understand if she loves him so much why does she want to make him miserable? She wants him to choose between me and her and she is tearing him apart! I will not be allowing her to live with me when she is released I'm not going through all that craziness ever again in fact I plan on having no contact with her! I may sound mean but this person destroys relationships with everyone she comes in contact with and I had enough! I just think this girl needs to be told no and needs to be told her choices are why she is where she is!
we live in my home that I
we live in my home that I bought and paid for before we met, so he will have to make sure he has other arrangements in place because she turns our would upside down and everyone is scared to say no to her cause she will throw a fit and cut you out like she never knew you! I am no longer able to find sympathy for her! I am prepared for him to choose his daughter as I understand it's his child but he also needs to realize that if he wants to leave and provide a home for an adult addict that will probably forget his phone # the minute she can contact her friends again then he will also have to live with the consequences of his choices! My 20 year old son had some troubles and asked to move home for a couple months to get back on track and my husband was not ok with it he told me if I rescue my son I'm not helping him grow up! Since she's his baby girl it's different
Stand firm - no double
Stand firm - no double standards, no disrespect in your home. Good luck with all of this. By the way, you are NOT mean. You have been more generous and understanding than SD or DH deserve.
I'm glad to hear you are
I'm glad to hear you are secure with your home. I would just listen to DH, when he wants to talk about it. I would find something to do, when he begins to cry and carry on. Tell him up front "you are sorry for his troubles for his DD, but you do not want to hear about any of it in the future, because it effects your marriage and your relationship with him". Be truthful and never, never attack him or his daughter in relation to this jail/drug thing. Let him deal with it; he'll get burned by her and hopefully wake up.
My YSS spent 15 years in prison for fraud, identity theft, etc.; DH's heart was broken; I said nothing and have never mentioned it. I listened to his broken heart and stayed out of the entire drama scene. YSS52 is out of prison now going on two years and cannot leave the neighboring State; he lives with BM, terms stated in his probation. So this is DH and BM's product of a dysfunctional marriage and raising dysfunctional kids; not my problem.
You need to let it go and build your marriage and be supportive of your DH, by not getting involved.
Good Luck!
Be glad you're not on the
Be glad you're not on the visitor list, less drama and expectation on you. You can't stop her from "ruining his life," only he can set those boundaries with her. She'll likely run all over him and drain his finances when she gets out too, all you can do is protect yourself and your living space.
I watched my mother go through this w/one of my brothers. He was in and out of jail, on drugs, then in and out of prison, jumped parole, back in prison. He would call her crying, telling how unfairly they treated him, she'd send him $$$ every month so he could buy extras in prison. She'd then call me and dump it all. I tried to get her to set boundaries w/him but it never worked. He moved into her little trailer when he got out of prison, ate all her food and didn't work for a year. She's on SSI and is very low income. She let all this happen in the name of "helping" him. Tried reeling me into the drama by having me give him $ and a place to stay, sorry mom never gonna happen.
Set solid boundaries now.
I am very glad I am not on
I am very glad I am not on the visitors list as he would want me to go with him and I have no desire to sit and listen to all the lies she comes out with! I love my husband and his 2 other children very much and in fact if it wasn't for this girl our life would be wonderful! I don't like to feel this way towards my SD but I just can't deal with her drama! I feel my poor husband is going to need to end up alone before he realizes the damage this girl is causing! I am so tired of watching her use him and make him miserable but he is allowing it all so what can I do! Besides her addiction she has other issues that are not being dealt with!
I feel bad for you; I have a
I feel bad for you; I have a nasty SD also. She blames me for everything, including YSS for going to prison. But it has nothing to do with me and I don't say a word.
My DH created this dysfunctional family, by aiding to their behavior, not my problem and I will NEVER make it my problem! Before my time, thank goodness!
Thank goodness my DH has never been guilty of anything, but loving his children and that means he has never paid to get YSS out of jail or helped him one minute since he went to prison for 15 years. We visited once, drove 9 hours, and DH never wanted to go again.
It will heal itself and if you let it go, you will have a better marriage. Believe me, I've been there. Your SD is in the gutter; don't bring yourself down there.
she's in for 2 years and you
she's in for 2 years and you complain about only being 2 months? Hon after 8 months DH will change believe me, when he's over the shock.... distance your self from him if he's like this, just go on with life like you use to,
be glad you do not have to visit...
You know how DH will be after a visit, but he's still processing, give it another 6 months, when he comes home, be friendly and supportive, even if supportive means you leave the house and have some fun, he will come around and when he realizes SD is in jail and she caused this, no one else he will change his attitude... just give the man some time to process
Thank you all for the great
Thank you all for the great advice, I'm going to try and just avoid the situation and hope it will get easier with time. Sometimes I just feel like the drama and nastiness with SD will never end! Hopefully this time in jail will make her see the error of her ways and if not hopefully dad will cut her loose and let her live with the choices she makes!
I would expect the worst. It
I would expect the worst. It is unlikely to change. My husband's aunt has a grandson who has AGAIN relapsed and this time it's assault on a police officer.
Your SD is doing this to your
Your SD is doing this to your husband because she is an adict and he is co dependent. She has a melt down to "hand off" an emotion to someone else. God forbid that she deal with her own emotions! Anyone who reacts to the adict, tries to help, listens sympatheticly is in danger of picking up the problem. According to adict mentality that transfers the problem. Adicts hate responsiblity for themselves. This is the classic hand off game. She feels so much better when she hands off all these emotions to DH. DH feels worse but SD could not care less. She feels better!
In turn DH comes home to you and does his own version of the "hand off game". You get to pick them up and share them with him.
STOP picking up these sad feeling from DH. Quit feeling sorry for DH. Quit listening to him talk about her.
I suggest you find an alanon meeting and start attending every week. Ask DH to go too but go without him if he wont go.
Joan Mary is quite right
Joan Mary is quite right about the "hand off" addicts hand off and expect the other person to continue to emotionally and financially care for them. Be wary of accepting the "hand of". They do not want to assume responsibilities for there actions.
I don't ever ask him how she
I don't ever ask him how she is and I no longer listen to him when he tries to explain to me just how upset she is and that the other girls are mean to her urgh! He is obsessed with this he visited sat, sun, mon and again today and now he's giving her more money again and lying about it he says he didn't tell me because he didn't want to fight about it and I don't want to fight either but she is going through money like crazy who can spend 1000 dollars in jail in 2 months! So frustrated
separate your finances Heidi,
separate your finances Heidi, keep your away from DH and jailbird.....
DH needs to pay his debt and 50% of living cost, then with the rest of the money he can do as he please... you will not fund him anymore.....