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SS development

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So DH says something interesting to me this morning. Out of the blue he says that SS 26 wishes to reconcile with me. Really, I say that's interesting. I said nothing more. It's been about a year since I completely disengaged and cut him and the other one out of my life completely. Don't know why he saying he wishes to reconcile but DH claims that SS says he knows he behaved hatefully and ignorantly. I had to bite my tongue, because what I wanted to say was "don't bother trying to reconcile until you have a check ready to present to me in the amount of $2500. The remaining amount of what you stole from us and have refused to pay back." If I ever hear from him or the other one this is what I will say "I forgive you for your terrible and hateful and hurtful behavior. I forgive you because it's the right thing to do for my own well-being. But forge a relationship with you again? That is something you'd have to prove to me would be in my best interest to do. The both of you showed me clearly that you have no regard for me as a human being whatsoever. If that's changed I'm sure I'll see that in your behavior".