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Makes me sick

Ruby55's picture

It truly sickens me the way my husband continues to kiss the asses of his adult evil spawn. How he can even look at his son who stole so much money from him while he was lying in a coma and refuses to pay it back, is beyond me. Probably because it doesn't affect him, I'm the one that got hurt since I'm the one that supports us. I don't know, it really makes me wonder if I want to stay with him.

hatesteplife's picture

I can relate. I hate the double standards that these spouses have. My DH is completely intolerant of behavior from other people that he completely accepts from his own kids. Laziness, lying, thievery, whatever.

Ruby55's picture

He can fiirgive them all he wants but funny how he cares not one bit the impact it had on me. I've lost so much respect for him.

Overit1960's picture

I've read that parents are always forgiving of their children... etc..

I'm 16 going on 17 years here on this marriage, and its only recently, like the last 2 years, that I feel DH finally "gets it" that darling SD36 doesn't give a fig about him. Her rude disrespectful behavior a few months ago to him, to me, and to other members or his family - his siblings and sweet lil SD36's cousins, has finally shown the light to him.

Totally understand about losing respect. More power to you if you can stay and continue on in that scenario. I know myself pretty well by now, and if I don't respect you, we're done.

Rags's picture

So you file criminal charges and sue the criminal POS Skid. Not your spawn, so take everything he will ever earn and leave he and his family living in a cardboard box under the local over pass.

I would. Just to protect my spouse, my finances, to prove a point and teach that POS a lesson.

Ruby55's picture

Exactly. He refuses to even bring up the money. I gad forgiven the POS too, when he said he was sorry and agreed to a repayment plan. But once he stopped and basically said f-off to us, I cut him out of my life completely. Not DH, he just pretends it never happened. Makes bell the more angry since I'm the one handling our bills and my DH very expensive med bills.

Ruby55's picture

That's a great idea. I've been thinking about it. It's the principle of it that eats away at me. I'm gonna look I to that, great advice! Thank you

sandye21's picture

DH and I kept separate accounts with equal amounts into a joint account which take care of household expenses. The problem is, he kept giving SD money that he could not afford to. Now he has next to nothing in reserve for emergencies.

Ruby55's picture

Our $$ has always been seperate,thank goodness!! But due to his illness, I pay all bills. The money the POS stole was from the last job my husband did before becoming so ill. The creep pretty much stole the whole profit! That $$ would've been given to me by DH to go toward bills. Instead it went right into POS SS hands.

Dunwiththem's picture

It's surprising and sometimes incomprehensible how we can gloss over what we know to be wrong for the sake of love for our other half.
In the end it destroys us. Don't leave it too long...