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Should I Take Photos Down Of SK's

ffwife908's picture

SS and SD are now adults and have no part in our lives. When they became of age to speak to their mother we became pieces of crap. Remind you we raised them and had custody of them, their BM was not permitted contact she lost them to CYF. When CYF closed the case and gave us full custody she did nothing in family court to try to change the order or contact them. SS leaves us alone but SD is always trying to cause problems. I do not want their pictures hanging on the wall any longer. DH adopted my daughter and they have a great relationship, he often says she is his only child. I hate looking at the pictures everyday. DH does not care if they are up or not, but I feel like I am taking something away from him. Do I leave them or take them down?

Kes's picture

If you've asked him and he says he doesn't care - and they are causing you distress - then take them down. I suspect that he might care, just a little bit - if you think this is the case, maybe then you could hang them in a less conspicuous place, where your eyes don't rest all the time. And only one set of pictures - you do not have to have them all over the house.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Take them down, put them into an album or something, or in a study drawer, a box in the wardrobe, somewhere dh can access them if he wants. I had to take them down. Dusting the face of a woman who wanted to see dh and I dead everyday was too much for me.

hereiam's picture

I don't like to decorate with photos anyway, so it has never been an issue but I would go ahead and take them down.

jennaspace's picture

I used to be stressed in my own home having pictures of some of DH's family's faces (the one's that hated me) staring at me while I sat on the couch. After I took them down, I was much more relaxed. Never regretted it. Do it, do it, do it!

Mindygirl1's picture

I put the Step Kids photos in beautiful frames....All you notice is the frames...LOL I agree if your husband truly does not mind, take them down. But put them in a respectful place, cuz it is the right thing to do. Put them in an album in a cabinet in case there ever comes a time to pull them out....

sandye21's picture

It got to the point where I couldn't stand to see SD's ugly face on my wall. She had given us an 8" x 10" of she and her husband(we had to supply he frame). At first I put it up on a wall where it was noticable. As things got nastier I moved it farther and farther from where I had to see it on a regular basis. Then it was behind a door we never closed. Then, I took it down to put up Christmas decorations and it just "got lost". When we moved it was placed in the bottom of a box in a storage closet. I think DH knows by now that I don't want it up in the house. He never brings it up anymore. On the other hand, have you ever seen your picture up in your SD's house? I never did - not once in the 20 years before I fully disengaged.