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The only thing keeping me sane

Janey1970's picture

I don't know about you guys, but I have to say I think if it were not for this web site I would be in a locked ward.

Here, I can let it all out and know that there will always be others who really understand and sympathise. I write a lot of things here I could never say to others without them thinking ill of me.

It's therapeutic and never fails to help me calm down when something has been said or done to upset me. I just wish I could get this level of support from my dh.

stepoff's picture

I just found this website yesterday and I think it's wonderful. Yeah, we could read the Dear Abby articles out there and get the "touchy-feely" version of step-relationships, but sometimes that version is just not realistic. I thought I was a bad person for feeling some of the things that I felt, but reading thru some of the postings made me feel much better. Granted, my issues seem minor compared with some other postings on here, but we are all still all in the same boat.