My Adolescent stepson
I have a 20 year old stepson who is living with me and my wife in my house. My stepson's biological father has been out of the picture for more than ten years. I have been in a relationship with my wife and stepson for 7 years. My wife currently works full-time and I recently got laid off from work, leaving me to care for the house. The problem with my stepson is that he sometimes never talks to me. When I make dinner, he's never hungry. I have provided him with a car as a gift and he comes and goes as he pleases. When I get up early after my wife leaves to work, he's still sleeps and he sometimes does not wake-up until 1-2 o'clock in the afternoon. he does not do chores in the the house, but when I ask him to do a simple task, he completes it half-way and returns back to his room to baracade himself on the computer and x-box. His behavior really annoys me. I have discussed this to his my wife (his mother)on numerous occasions only to be told that this is normal for him and that i have to accept his behavior and we usually end up arguing about this. He and his mother(my wife) are also spanish-speaking and sometimes when my wife and I are at the dinner table holding a conversation, he will come from his room to come sit at the table to hold a dialogue with my wife in spanish, interrupting our conversation (I do not speak spanish). I have been nice and have gone beyond the call-of-duty to care for my stepson, but sometimes he disrespect me and acts fridgid towards me. I cannot understand why he acts this way. He has been this way ever since the beginning of our relationship. Can someone relate to this or give me some advice on how to deal with this ???
Your wife needs to step up
Your wife needs to step up and parent her "child." Wait, it's too late, he's an adult. If she hasn't taught him any manners by now, she never will. Time for this kid to get out.
I'd not let him stay in my home unless he were going to school full-time, or working part-time and school part-time (plus paying rent). He'd only be allowed to speak English in the company of others, and he would have chores.
I agree with all the above,
I agree with all the above, we are dealing wth same issue of our adult children not wantng to grow up...its stressful and a complete headache, and since you cant live like this its time to start demanding some exspectations from him because obvously he feels you and mom dont have any of him,nor does he seem to have any for himself. Good luck