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I was convinced SD would bring covid into our house...

Other Dad's picture


It's happened. Depressed, made of glass SD19 now confined to her room with Covid. 

It's wreaked havoc with lots of things. 

I have become the "cruel jailer" as far as my partner( SDBM) is concerned.

My kids have all been sent to their BM 

It's a real s**t sandwich.

And when she emerges from her cocoon there will be no joy 

For she will still be the depressed tumbleweed

Happy days!






JRI's picture

That sounds icky.  Confined with sick SD and oblivious SDBM.  Hopefully, it wont last long.  I feel for you.

CLove's picture

Whom I call Feral Forger - she constantly uses her "depression" as a way to get out of doing anything, including getting a job. Fortunately she doesnt live with us, and I will never live with her again. She will scream and cry and yell to get out of everything and anything possible. Thankfully I only hear about it at this point.

So she got COVID. Any idea where/how?

Rags's picture


Covid will do wonders for eliminating some doomed threads from the human gene pool. Hopefully before they breed.


step-out's picture

Of course Tumbles didn't get her vaccine... tick, tick...

Rags's picture

If I had visiting skids, they would not enter my home until they had been vaccinated and reached peak immunity two weeks after their second round. Or first round if they took the one shot version.

No judgement, no emotion, no drama, just facts.  No vaccine, no interface with my home and family. If my spouse saw them face to face... my spouse would not enter my home until they had waited two weeks and passed the most rigorous covid test.

What is this kid doing in your home?

Unreasonable's picture

I admit I should have been the bigger person.

Here's the backstory: SD(31) and SD(28) have no education. BM so-called homeschooled, but never actually did anything academic for them. They are both good readers and writers but have approx 6th grade Math Science, Hist/Geo so a very limited world view. Clever enough - totally able to learn but to go to school now at 31 and 28 they feel would be blaming BM.

SD31 blames that for her huge self esteem issues. She got trained as a PSW in long term care homes, so that's good but sometimes a small amount of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. 
She's constantly posting garbage on Social Media around antivax beliefs etc and refuses to think critically, read real research or even discuss other viewpoints. Talks about conspiracy theories and 5G dangers. 
Last week it came to a head. She posted a wondering "why do vaccinated people still get sick?", and my BD, who holds a Masters in Epidemiology sent her a gentle "yes, that's a great question that people are looking at" response, with a few suggestions of where she might do more reading. 
SD responsed with an attack on BD's career choice, on vaccinations, scientists in general, etc. 

BD was not happy. In the 10y we have known SD, my kids have said NOTHING about SKids' education or careers, so that was uncalled for, not to mention laughable. I sat with it for a day. I should've spoken to my DH, but I didn't. I thought I could manage it on my own. I called SD 31 and told her that I had heard from BD. 
I told her I was disappointed in her disrespect of BD's job career and education. And I focused on the behavior (disrespect) rather than on her beliefs.

Predictably, she was not happy. She called her dad in a wild tizzy. Told him I didn't let her speak (sorta true) and that I treated her like her like a child (untrue; I actually approached her as an adult).

I feel sick about it. Nothing I can do I know, but it still leaves me feeling foolish for letting out my general exasperation with her in that way. 

Thanks for listening. Not sure where it will go, but I feel better sharing with people who get the SP thing. 

SacrificialLamb's picture

Something I learned is that my SD's don't appreciate it when I do something nice for them or their families, so they sure would not appreciate any constructive criticism I would give.  

I would ignore any comments your SDs say as they stem from ignorance. They likely have compared their "accomplishments" to that of your BD and know they fall short.

Unreasonable's picture

Thanks - I know that's where their insecurities show. My issue is really with myself. I knew better and typically am a very kind a patient person. I'm struggling with the guilt that hubby's relationship with SD will be impacted because of my lack of self control... 

Trying to remember that I'm human and fallible, but I have worked so long and hard to be a great SM... and now I've blown it. 

Rags's picture

You should not feel guilty that DH's relationship house of cards is collapsing because it is based on parental failure and avoidance of facts and truth.

Not your problem, not your fault, not your circus, not your monkeys.

Stop blaming yourself that your DH and the BM created their uneducated failed family progeny.

I applaud your DD for making an effort to improve the edification of her StepSister, providing SD with the benefits and knowledge of your DD's notable education, and I applaud you for baring that voluntary idiot's ass.

Well played.

