Horrible adult stepdaughters and Disney dad
Long time lurker, first time posting. Glad to have found this place so I can finally see that I'm not nuts, and sometimes you just need some validation. Met my DH almost 3 years ago. He has 2 daughters 27 and 29 now. I have 3 daughters and 1 son 33,25,22 and 20. My kids do not live with us, cause us any problems mentally or finacially. They all have jobs and are responsible adults. His 2 on the other hand are over the top. To begin with I moved in with him, his 25 y/o daughter also lives there and was/is a mini wife from hell. When we met she had just quit a job making $15 a hr. She felt they were taking advantage of her, I asked who is paying her bills? he answers, Oh she has a rich aunt. Ok I don"t question him about it. Everytime we would go out to eat he had to make sure and text her what she wanted him to bring home to her for dinner. Anytime she wanted to talk to him it had to be in her bedroom with the door closed. She even called him in there one day and was yelling and screaming at him about stuff. he came out with a sick look on his face. he just said she needed to get some stuff out. well i found her cliff notes in the garbage can the next day it was all about what he is doing for me and not her and how he is ingnoring her and how she tried to commit sucide last week and he didnt even notice that she put a purple streak in her hair. OK? someone has problems! Things go on, she totally ingnores me no Hi, Bye, kiss my ass nothing EVER. She ends up finding a boyfriend and moves him in without asking or anything....3 months go by and she tells my DH oh sorry how he moved in, it just happened. (He said he's just happy this bf can put up with her crap. she already cheated on him once but Whatever...he's ok with it cause it takes the pressure off him. Doesn't matter what I think at all. Well, we end up buying a retirement home in TN. Must have all bank info for mortgage. Well low and behold DH has been paying all her bills and giving her spending money the entire year she didn't feel like working, I mean it was so easy because he has her on his retirement account and she has her own card. He lied because he knew it wasn't right....hell. she would go to Ulta and spend $200. She spent $1600. in 2 months. Paid for her to go to school twice, books tuition, scrubs everything. well after she passed both classes she decided she didn't want to do that kind of work..more money wasted. Well, she gets a job....they are susposed to be saving money to get their own place. They both have jobs now....well....we can't save money and go to Disney twice a month and stay at resorts for the weekend and blow money like it is going out of style, eating out everyday, amazon packages every day. beyond redicilious...i complain and complain to DH about it oh he says they are saving money and he wants them to be out also so we can finally live alone for once. The 29 y/o daughter lives with BIO mom and SF. Bio mom has custody of her (29 y/o son)8 y/o son who is being raised like the 2 manulative,entitled daughters they have already done such a great job with. My DH has to buy the kid a toy every time he sees him, not cheap stuff either xbox games. Everytime we go anywhere DH has to pay for everything. I asked him about it and he says he knows he has to pay to see them but he doesn't care he will do whatever it takes. They treat him like crap! The 27 y/o said she needed a new car when we were buying the house...DH couldnt give her any money towards the car so she pissed of course....gets other family members to put $$ in on her new car. Now she wants money for a down payment on a place. saying she's not entitled to it or anything but she cannot help that she doesn't get a retirement check or make $20 a hour but he promised her $ for her car and didnt get that. He said he will try to get 2000. for her. ok our finances are separate but still really??? And all this is behind my back. I am to know nothing about it. He lies to me constantly about how much money he gives them and tells me we need to stop eating out so much. He told them last Christmas to lie to me about how much they got because we agreed on $100. a piece for the kids.....well that was good enough for my kids but not mine...they even told Bio mom his EW they were lying to me about it. I know all this by snooping at text messages because I am not privy to any information everything is one the down low. Now 25 y/o and bf have land but no trailer guess they are working on that. And now to my newest delima. They have both told my DH that they don't like me and don't want to be around me. So now he has changed his tune...attacking me verbally..threatening divorce...selling the TN house. Ok. well we were set to go up there last month for our wedding anniversary. changed my work schedule everything. so 2 days before we are to leave he comes home and verbally attacked me saying they were going to the house in TN and there was nothing I would do about it....I was like wait a minute..we are going and she doesn't want to be around me. he's screaming at me...she is my daughter and she will be there and you to be nice to her. so we went, they went it was all about them, what they wantd to do nothing i wanted to do...once again i was just along for the ride and kept in the dark about all plans. All the while my DH acts like everything is normal and fine. They were leaving saturday afternoon and we stayed till sunday morning. He wanted us to go ahead and go to town and let them lock up the house...I said no we will wait. He was pissed but didn't say anything to me. I'm not leaving her there by herself....I already caught her snooping in our bedroom at home and i put a lock on the bedroom door which caused a big stink but too bad..I caught her red handed..(video) my husband doesnt belive me he believes her...he wanted proof. I didn't tell him what I did because he would be mad again. He conviently forgets to lock the door sometimes and always throws it up in my face about the lock. So no I was not going to leave her at the TN home alone. Well they left then we leave for town. I guess I had a slight breakdown on the way there. Tears just rolled down my face uncontrollably...he looks at me and doesnt say anything...we go into verizion my phone was broken...well in the store im trying to keep it together but can't i go out of the store boo hoo crying and i mean down on your knees uncontrollable boo hoo crying and i couldn't stop. he comes out about 15 minutes later..still crying and says..is it because you think I dont love you? OMG!!!! I just said yes...he told me he loved me and i just needed to be nice to his daughters, no joking, no scarams...just be present and smile?? alright....now a month later..I am working on plan B. How in the hell did I get into this big mess....by not paying attention to all those red flafs that will never go unnoticed ever again. Meanwhile we are just one big happy family...he thinks. He knows how bad they are and they manulipate hime and are very entitled. He knows they won't let him see GS if he doesn't do what they want. since the trip...to SD 29 hey I have $250 if you need it?? OMG Im loosing my mind. I know this is all over the place. Any suggestions??? please
Get out. As soon as you can.
Get out. As soon as you can. This man will not change. You have full grown adults living in your home that he's enabling and he will not stop! He lies to you! You've got to lock your bedroom and get cameras to catch full grown adults living in your home going through your crap! I think it's nonsense when kids do it, but these are adults who know better. You've got to leave. You cannot fix this. You cannot change this. Love cannot bleach out those red flags. I'm glad your finances are already separated but get therapy for support and at the very least visit a lawyer to find out your rights.
I dont know what to say. You have the all-time Disney Dad from hell. I really feel for you.
No offense, but there were a
No offense, but there were a ton of red flags from day one that you ignored, and married him anyway - time to cut your losses and move on. This man already had a wife - and it's not you.
I'm glad you're working on
I'm glad you're working on plan b because if you don't get out soon, you'll be financing his retirement as all his savings and retirement money will have been thrown at his kids, who will, of course, be long gone once they've bled him dry.
Thank you everyone for
Thank you everyone for responding and giving me some validation and telling me what I have known for awhile now. I am working on plan B now. I'm sure it will come as a surprise to him that I am not going to let his grown daughters run my life. All the above is just a tip of the iceberg, there has been so much more, I just can't put it all on here. I hope he just lets me go with no problems and gives me what I want once the time comes. If not he is going to see the biggest bitch he has ever seen. I have information that will make him loose that $20 a hour job and i'm not afraid to use it!! I truly apprectate the advise.
I hope he just lets me go
He will likely be shocked. He probably thinks you are so kind you don't have that other side to you. I wish you would have showed him that other side prior to marrying him. I think these men really do know better.
When a couple pulls up to functions or attends events, the kids, no matter the age, go in the back seat. When step situations arise it is ridiculous that some of these men think their partner is supposed to take a back seat to their kids/adult kids in any way, shape, or form. My ex tried that bs with me despite me telling him from the start that I wasn't taking a backseat to anyone in his life. An issue came up with his adult kids being financially dependent and I told him to fix it or I would be gone.
He pretended to fix the situation, but his youngest daughter had a tantrum and demanded money from him, verbally abused him, and disrespected him and our relationship but all he did was placate her. I dumped him that day and cut him off for months. He hounded me for another chance. I heard him out. However after realizing nothing had changed I cut him off again. That was 1+ years ago and he still has not stopped contacting me. Smh
After the way your DH treated you, especially in Tennessee, there is no way I would respect him EVER.
I would never allow a dusty, old ass man to treat me like that, nor would I put up with his worthless ass daughters. Put a lock on your bedroom door because of his adult daughter??? Hell No!!! She has a lot of nerves not only going through your things but living there period and bringing her pathetic ass boyfriend to stay there too. No way in hell would she be "playing house in MY house." I personally would have had a much needed conversation with DH, and it wouldn't have been nice. So I would have said something like this "DH, you are full of shit to think a woman like me is going to tolerate this mess of a situation YOU created with your sorry ass daughters. These bitches are beyond being adults and I didn't sign up for this bs when I married you. You obviously don't know how to parent, so let me help you. Your adult daughters have men in their lives that they need to build their lives with, hell one even has a kid. I refuse to coddle any other bitch. So you have x amount of time to straighten things out, ie the gravy train stops altogether and all adults besides the two of us need to be out. If you can't figure out whose tits you like to suck more (mine or your daughters), then I will make the decision for you by filing for divorce and moving on. This situation is intolerable and I refuse to live like this."
I love the tits sucking
I love the tits sucking comment. I said something very similar to my H. I told him to remember which one of us he was fucking and to chase the appropriate pussy or else.
Worsens lol. It's a crying
Wowsers lol. It's a crying shame some of these men act like they don't know how to be men. Smh. It truly is sick.
♡ EVERYTHING that MovingOnIsBest wrote!
This is sad a partner who
This is sad
a partner who lies to you continuously is not a partner, he's a manipulator.
love means respect- if he loves you he should respect you.
Find a shark Lawyer, but first...
Document everything, all his emotional abuse, SD stealing & snooping. Open a bank account that your husband is not aware of, have you pay check go directly into that account. Gather any and all documents about his income. Keep all the paperwork you gathered in a safe place, out of the house. Start planning your exit, slowly move all of your stuff out of the house and into a storage, for safe keeping. I hope your name is on the vacation house in TN, so you can force him to have to sell and give you half the proceeds.
If you have a joint bank account for household bills or grocery shopping, only put what you need into that account. If you do all the grocery shopping, when checking out get an extra $35 -$50 cash back each time and put that into your new account. Any time you use the joint account get cash back, in small amount to where your husband doesn't notice. Personally I would be only willing to pay 25% of the household costs, since your husband is allowing the daughter and boyfriend live there for free.
The day you move out have your husband served with the divorce papers. Let your work know that you have filed for divorce and your soon to be ex is not to have your new address or any contact information.
Make an exit strategy.
My FIL enabled his daughters and granddaughters until the day he died. Despite having two pensions, Social Security, and free healthcare, he had no savings and was underwater in the home he'd owned for over thirty years because he spent every dime on "his girls".
These people are all sick together. Your H has crippled his daughters in order to keep them close to him, and you're just the side piece. He's not going to change, but even if he did you'd still have to contend with his hardbroke daughters hating you for causing the gravy train to stop.
Gather all the financial records you can find, and store them outside the home. Plan carefully, be strategic, and hand his a$$ to him in divorce court.
White space please.
Giant blocks of text kill your readership.
Now, wire everthing with fully monitored security systems and when any of his spawn invade our property, have the security service call the police. And press charges.
As he is reeling from his criminal abuse spawn getting arrest records, get your lawyer to lock up every asset and keep it locked up until you get through the divorce.
This asshole is abusive and you know it. So, end him and end him now. For good.
Get on with your new life adventure and leave this POS failed father, failed husband, failed man and his shallow and polluted gene pool in your past. Start highlighting his idiot spawn and his own failures as a husband, father, and man. Leave him broke and sniveling.
He has earned it.
Good luck.
Agree with everything Rags wrote!