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Hi Honey ! I'm home !!

Sweetnothings's picture

Hi guys!!

Happy to be back with my DH now all my redtape problems have been sorted.

Been back a few days and it seems there have been no problems with SD21 while I've been away....

Anyone, else with older Skids still in further fulltime eduction ( College ) bracing themselves ready for the money games to start up, anytime soon ??
DH assures me he is not just handing over anymore cash ( he's been stung before in the past )
SD21 has not found a job, Summer or regular work, so for 6 months of the year when not in fulltime eduction she doesn't do anything. DH has told her to get a job, of any kind, for the last 5 years, but she takes no notice.....
She has loans, and assistance, as a Student, so has felt " rich" not realising that money has to last for a year, not 4 months!! BM does not help, DH still supporting younger Skid too, that finishes next year ( hopefully!)

I am waiting for the memail, for money for "books" or for her accomodation, she moved in with the sap bf and 5 others!!

So, here we go, the waiting game.....I'm hoping DH will hold fast with his new ways and promises, I hate this feeling of impending doom ..........

purpledaisies's picture

I would help her at all, nothing from me or my dh and I'd make it very clear as she refuses to get a job!

I am there as my dd just went to college however she got a full ride and I am very proud of her. I have been helping for she deserves it after working her butt off. however I did tell her she had to get a job b/c she has to help herself before she can get help.

I see bm expecting us to hand over money just because she thinks she should. I can her it now 'being a student is a job'! Please! Dh and I agreed that if they don;t have a job we will not help. He better stick to it b/c I will remind him every time he sends money but at the same time I make WAY more then he does. he even told me just the other day that he had no room to say anything as I make 3x what he makes and that is a slow week.

Just like my dd's roommates mom said that she told her dd not to get a job till after her second semester. Yep you guessed it she is a COD! Then her step dad said yep born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Too funny LMAO }:)

Sweetnothings's picture

I know, why can they not even find some barwork/babysitting work....any work is beyond me.
Sd21 was in ( cheapish) Campus accomodation last year, paid for DH, of course, plus extra handouts for allsorts, until she started lying again, and using it for things for the bf, etc, weekends away, etc. She decided to move in with the sap( bf) and his equally freaky flatmates !!! She is in for a shock when she has to pay all the bills too, AND food !!! Even shared bills, are still bills.......

She has still not told DH where she is living( been there over 4 mths now...) I think it's part of her little power game she plays with him, you know..... She likes memails only if a) she needs money (obviously) b) DH has not heard from her for weeks and is emailing her, to see if she is 'alright' ????!!! She will then reply, adding the usual sh** to keep him happy, you know, working hard, looking for work....books are SO expensive, blah,blah,

The town she is living in, has like numerous pubs, stores, and supermarkets, etc....and she is an A+ student etc, and she cannot get even a part time job cleaning tables??? Purlease !!!!!!

giveitago's picture

Well, ours hit college age and it can be a lot of red tape to handle and it can overwhelm a kid. DH is doing all he can to help them out because it's hard to get started out. First semseter went reasonably well, except for DH did NOT take back the monies we loaned SS17. This semester DH said he WILL take it back, since SS squandered his money and did not follow his father's instructions to keep some back for the enrollment fees and any extra for books etc.
I disengaged about a year ago, they had the choice of 'listen to me or learn the hard way' and I am not without food, clothing or shelter and I have some luxuries in life so they really can deal with it themselves.

We are on a countdown clock now until the little monsters leave home!