
bennymi's picture

I just don't know what to do and am at the end of my rope. My DW and I have been married for 16 years. I have a 32 year old SS who is out of control. He had moved back in against my better judgment 2 years ago with his 7 year old son. I really enjoy the 7 year old, but his dad is just a disrespectful weak willed turd and has been since we got married (too many things to list: drugs, girls, money problems, legal fees... you know the type). The only reason I allowed this emotional/life vampire to return was because of his son.

The SS doesn't pay his bills, is unable to run is own life, is always looking for money, not focused on school and does nothing around our house including watch his own child. I finally reached my limit when he dropped out of school just before thanksgiving because he was spending too much time with his new GF and not doing/going to school. He works maybe two days a week and spends the rest of the time lying around the house watching TV or going to his girl friends place for days on end (I am petrified the dummy will get another girl pregnant). So dropping out of school was the last straw for me. SS is not happy with me as I have locked down the TV (except for Nickelodeon and kids channels for the 7 year old), locked out his internet access, and shutting down his cellphone ect. My DW says he needs some of these things... my answer was he can buy them if he really needs them. Of course I know this is tough as his credit is totally blown. But this happens when you are stupid.

I really feel like a stupid sap and an emotional wreck for letting this go on. I finally told my DW that I can't take it anymore and he needs to leave soon or I am leaving (IE: Jan). She is worried "it will look like we are throwing him out" and is trying to convince me to wait until he gets his taxes back (spring). I was thinking "but we are throwing him out"? I told her I don't care how it looks anymore.

Plus I suspect his taxes will be garnished as he is running from so many creditors and even the State financially. My DW is concerned about his child custody situation with his dead-beat mother. My wife and I talked to a counselor some time ago who kept repeating I really need to be concerned with the SS's feelings. I feel everyone is worry about how a lazy 32 old "feels" when what he really needs is feel a boot in the butt.

This SS has been running our lives for most of our marriage, our savings and retirement funds are being drained and the SS is a disrespectful useless turd. I love my wife.... but I don't know I can do this anymore. Obliviously this SS is not willing or wanting to succeed.

Any advice? Am I handling this right? My friends say I am stupid for putting up with this... I guess they are right.

bennymi's picture

Thanks coconut...

Standing my ground has been a challenge... as I have tried to distance myself from the SS as he does his best to try to push my buttons to make me the bad guy or get me angry. I suspect that is the plan to make me the villain as he has never accepted our marriage, even though his mother divorced before she even met me. I say very little anymore as it accomplishes nothing. My DW found a counselor I walked out on that loved talked about feelings but ignored responsibilities. Do I like paying my bills? Who does... but this is part of life and being responsible. SS refuses to take on the responsibility for his life and is caught in a do-loop of failure.

Hope I don't get burned Smile

oldone's picture

Thirty two fucking years old!!!!!

Kick his ass out the door. Who cares if he lives on the streets?

I have a SS29 who has been homeless. I don't give a shit.

As for the kid you can let him stay if you want.

bennymi's picture

yes 32 amazing... I had a career and a master degree at 32.

Here is the kicker... I would be happy to raise the grandchild as he is a gentle respectful boy considering both his parents are useless selfish turds. However, SS knows my DW attachment to the grandchild and uses the grandchild as a pawn. I guess the smart thing is to let go.. it hurts to watch him leave with a useless father. But I have no power here. This just really sucks in so many ways. I feel any way this plays out I lose. Is it wrong to wish for a bus?

bennymi's picture

Yes our legal system makes we want to puke. You'll love this... the "step-shit" (I am going to start using this I love it!) I come to find out is now legal "Guardian" for his useless dead-beat bio-father. Mind you the same father that avoided paying child support, drinking himself into stupidity, and ingesting anything that resembled as drug in his own strange home medical experiment. A letter from the court showed up a few weeks ago confirming the judgement making SS guardian for his BF... WTF? He can't take care of himself and his child... pay his bills... graduate from school... buy a car... lives with mama and his credit is in the toilet and the courts grant him guardianship of another adult? OMG... How does that happen? Why would anyone want responsibility for that anyways as he is even more broke than the SS? I am convinced the "step-shit" is mentally ill.

Orange County Ca's picture

Does your wife realize that the 'boy' will never grow up until he has to?

Start packing up your storage stuff to prove that you mean business. If hes not out by your deadline then off you go. You don't have to divorce until its obvious that she cannot make herself toss him out.

Of course the hope is she will see him long gone. Have your wife tell him he can leave the boy until 'he gets back on his feet'.

If the SS won't agree then bribe him. Whatever dollar amount it takes will probably be less than hiring a lawyer. But you didn't mention the lads mother so unless she is deceased she could show up and claim him at any time. You may have to bribe her also.

Orange County Ca's picture

Go to and search the book section for books on "Boomarang Kids" and buy your wife an appropriate one. She needs to understand that her son will never grow up until he has to.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree with coconut completely.

You are right to feel this way. You are very generous to give him till January. Your wife has crippled her son. You should not have to pay for that emotionally physically or financially.

He needs to go. If you wish tell him you will keep the child till ss is on his feet. He is probably irresponsible enough to leave his son with you it'd be too much trouble for this lazy sod to take him. But you may finish up with the child full time. So if you are uncertain about raising this child think twice about offering to keep him till dad gets on his feet.

You are absolutely doing the right thing.

darkhorse's picture

Since you are attempting to "help" him he needs rules or he must leave. Work, helping, cleaning up, handling his debt and credit, and acting appropriately, and not leaving his kid in your care for days at a time. He treats you badly because he has been allowed to get away with it. Explain to him that you cannot take it and will no take it and ask him to prepare to move out. What a looser!