I know this website is for step parents, however I am the step daughter and I am desperately needing advice. My parents divorced over 20 years ago, which is not the problem at all I have no unresolves issues concerning their relationship or divorce. However, following the divorce my father dated one woman from the time I was 4 to probably 11; I came for a normal holiday visit and instead of a familar face their was a new woman and her son living in his home. Of course big adjustments came, and being a teen/my father's daughter I tried to make the best of the situation. My step-mother and I were close for many years, I had her in my wedding as my maitron of honor and went out of my way to make her feel included appreciated always acknowledged; i considered her to be my other mother and my daughters grandmother not just a step parent. However, over the last five years I've noticed a change in her. She started making huge differences in how she treated his children versus hers, she had a 50th birthday party for my father and invited her family but none of his children, she starting looking down on his family. Finally, after many years of feeling as if my feeling were being discounted and stomped on. My father and I had it out, I told him exactly what I was feeling. Tired of sending mothers day cards, birthday/christmas gifts without even receiving an acknowledgement. Since then I've disengaged become more and more distant however always respectful and considerate of my father. Nonetheless, these last 6 months things have gotten even worst. She opted to not attend my daughters 10th birthday out of anger towards my father and issues they are having in their marriage. Its not the fact that she didnt attend its that she didnt care to even acknowledge the day. Then I find out she's been cheating on my father maybe not sexually but personally I think conversation is much more intimate. She's been rude to us, rude and emotionally abusive to him. After everything that's transpired I spoke to my father again, telling him this time I dont want anything to do with his wife. She's disrespectful, ingenuine, lying, cheating, GOLD DIGGER.. yes i say gold digger because she keeps her money for herself and always has. They do not support me financially and never have, I am 27 years old, married to my daughter's father for 6+ years. We work, pay our own bills, and for private school tuition.. I share all of this to give background. But i need help, I love my father with my whole heart but will not accept being mistreated based on his benefit when its toxic to my life.. ???? Any help would be appreciated.