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Feeling Extremely Blue

AVR1962's picture

I am so down. Try as I may to stay positive and upbeat, life catches up with me and tosses me back to the ground. I am so tired and I don't know how to make things change. Everything right now seems overwhelming. I try and try and all it seems to do is keep me continually burried in my own tracks. Why don't people listen? Why does everyone have to point blame? Why can't people take responsibility for their own actions? And what ever happened to trying to get along? I want to walk away and just keep walking!!!!!

alwaysanxious's picture

I don't have any advice. Just wanted to say I am with you. So depressed lately, over a lot of things.

Kes's picture

I have been through some horrendous times in the last 20 years, including homelessness, serious depression, end of marriage, step children issues etc. My favourite saying is from Winston Churchill - "When you're going through hell, keep going!"
I hope you get through your hell and come out the other end into the calm, peaceful sunlight.

Done WIth It's picture's a very fast paced overwhelming world. You've got to stop, take a breath, and make a list deleting a couple of things you're depended upon doing. You've got to step back and give a "NO" to somethings. You're on overload right now.

You're not alone. What you're feeling is normal. You've got to much happening. It's like a freakin' disease spreading, I feel it too as do most my friends.

I don't know if seeing a therapist is worth it. We've thousands of dollars and what a waste. The information in here is better than what was given.

I just know when I began to delete stuff in my life, it got easier. Go out to eat a dinner a couple of times a week (now...maybe 4 times a week) find you someone to clean your house, get out the clutter in your home, that can be very depressing looking at that stuff. Clean the closet and unload the old. Gtt your bossiest friend to help you...they're a sure way to unload...your feelings and possessions.

Hang in there. See a doc, you might need hormone therapy. But hang in there, it's happening to a majority.

babgyrl02's picture

Sounds like my thoughts over the past few weeks. I have had to stop say a prayer, take a deep breath and reflect. When was the last time I smiled, I laughed even just a little, when was the last time I exhale? When was the last time "I"... hummmm "I" it hit me I have been so absorbed in fixing the problem, finding the fault, keeping the peace, mending the broken what ever, smoothing it over, apologizing, that I have forgotten about me! What makes me smile (peaceful nature - to see a flower swaying gently in the wind) what makes me laugh (quiet reflection - the time my sister first learned to play the clarinet and dance)how do I relax (I scrapbook or read) The busy of everyday can sometimes become very overwhelming, but it helps for me to remember to be all of the wonderful things for myself that "I" am for others.

Shannon61's picture

When life catches you and throws you to the ground, remind yourself that there is no adversity that you can't overcome. We all have down and discouraging days, but if you can look up you can get up. Stay strong and encouraged and know that you will get through the tough times. Bad times don't last always. Tough times don't last, but tough people do. Smile