DH daughter strikes again
So SD accused me this morning of blocking Her, SS and her husbands texts and calls on phone for 3 days. She sent me a text saying it too. I called her she did not answer and I left a message for her to call me back . She has not and I doubt she will. DH has a code on his phone. There is no way I could have done this. I did not do this. DH believes her. How do you handle being accused of thing you didn’t do and your husband believing it?
"DH, you have
"DH, you have a code on your phone. I could not get into it if I wanted to. But check your blocks. I'll wait."
He did check and They were
He did check and They were not blocked. She still has him convinced that I blocked them.
Is he slow? Seriously, is he?
Is he slow? Seriously, is he? Does he think that you blocked him, and then quickly unblocked him before SD could tell him?
Why are you with this man? This interaction right here ALONE would be a deal breaker for me.
So she called me back. She
So she called me back. She called me a liar. She said I blocked them. She said she and her brother have had to unblock his phone before. So everything came out I have wanted to say to the b$$$$h.
For 15 years I have taken her
For 15 years I have taken her abuse. This is the first time I have stood up to her for myself. I can’t quite crying. Confronting your abuser is very traumatic.
And cathartic. Work through
And cathartic. Work through the relief. Embrace the emotional purge, set your feet firmly and make smacking the toxic SD your new hobby.
Your husband is a jerk.
Your husband is a jerk.
And, I'm dying to know what you said to her!
I told her that I did not
I told her that I did not block his texts. That I didn’t have his phone and he has a password on it. She immediately called me a liar. I told her she is a bully and not nice, and that I was done taking her bullying. She said that I was a bully and that I need help. I told her she is the one with the problem and she needs help. She told me I didn’t love her father. I told him I am his wife and I am permenant. That I am not going anywhere. That she has tried from day 1 to get rid of me and it was not working. I told her that our marriage is none of her business and to keep her nose out of it. She keep calling me a liar so I told her that her father had already had an unhappy marriage to her mother. She said I didnt know anything about their marriage. That I wasn’t there. I said yes I did that DH has told me everything. I told her then let’s talk about her marriage. She said I don’t know anything about her marriage and I said you don’t know anything about mine. She said she could care less about me and I told her I could also careless about her. I also added that she is just like her mother and she needs counseling. Then I hung up on her.
DH was in the car when I was talking to her. He just keep yelling hang up hang up. So I finally did I finally up on her.
I am done now with her as far as I am concerned she is dead. I told DH if he wants to leave Over it go. I told him if he stays we will go to counseling for us. We put the 2 of us back at the center and she is removed from between us and out of our marriage. It will not be about her. That we either build our trust and marriage back up or we move on. I told him that he has to back me on this. He cannot throw me under the bus anymore.
i told him her calling me a liar and saying things about our marriage is the final straw. There is no going back. There is no trying to work it out. It is dead. I told him if he is going to leave then leave.
I also told him I will not be quite about it if she breaks us up. I will make sure that everyone knows what I went thru all these years and what happen. I will nolonger hide the truth.
So he says he does not want this to break us up. He wants to go to counseling that we will find a counselor that works for both of us. He is freakishly calm about what happened. He says that he agrees that we have to concentrate on us. He says he will not throw me under the bus and he will be here for me.
Good for you!!!
I wrote my response below during the time you were telling SD off so disregard it. I am SOOOO glad you did this. This is what happened to my DH and I. I had enough of SD being totally obnoxious and making vague accusations for 20 years. When she had her final meltdown it was the straw that broke the camel's back. This has just happened to you.
You are just at the edge of a 'new world'. DH has promised to go to counseling with you. Don't back down from this. If he suddenly says he doesn't want to go to counseling like my DH did, go by yourself to keep the momentum going. When your DH realizes you are not backing down, and you continue to stick to your boundaries things will start progressing. And if he slides backward, offer him the door.
It has been 8 years since I gave DH the choice of making them marriage his top priority or leaving. I have never been sorry for doing it.
Another thing - I don't know how you feel about total disengagement from SD but after her nastiness, it might be a good thing. It was for me. DH can visit her just about whenever he chooses, but I don't want her in my life. After what your SD has tried to do to you she sounds like someone who is not worth your trouble.
Thank you for your support. I
Thank you for your support. I was trying to do total disengagement before all this happened. I have not seen her or spoke to her in 3 years. I told DH I will never be near her again and she will never step foot in our home. He agreeed. Another thing she said was that she and SS would be willing to sit down with us and a counselor. I am not open that. She is a pathological liar. She always has been. I will not subject myself to that. I will not be gang Raped so to speak. I have no desire to have any kind of relationship with her ever. As far as I am concerned she is dead. Total disengagement is the only thing that will be acceptable.
As traumatic as confronting
As traumatic as confronting toxicity is... it is never as bad as we build it up to be in our minds before we actually do it.
My bride has this issue as well. She tolerates toxic and tolerates it some more. I listen, give advise, comfort, and I do it over and over again until I finally have had enough. Then I say "If you are not going to address the issue I don't want to hear another word about it." And... she pulls up her very sexy super model panties and goes to war. It is a thing of beauty to see my battle maiden lay waste to toxic dipshits.
Congratulations for taking control and confronting the toxic SD. Now... keep engaging in your life and destroy her any time she crawls out from under her wart hog rock.
I am proud of you. And I am confident that so is your DH.
Document and record every
Document and record every thing, take pictures and record all conversations. You may need this information sooner than you expect, given the treatment by your husband. Take screenshots of all her texts to you...Prepare now....I would stop initiating any contact with a liar.
Quit playing the game
I am the vice president of a local no-profit art organization. A few weeks ago I was accused of calling another person an obscene name. I did not know the person's name or that the accuser was her teenage son, but he apparently, I said to him, "Your mother is a b*tch." No matter how hard I tried to convince the President of the organization that I didn't do it, he believed the teenager and wanted me to resign from the board.
When I told him I was going to hire a lawyer to go to court for defamation of character, and that I was going to call for an audit of the organization, the president started back-peddling. I added, "I would suggest you tell your buddies to knock it off." This past week at the board meeting, I found out that a lot of illegal stuff has been going on with the funds. There was another issue only I knew about, which would have effected the president's interaction with children. I had innocently mentioned to him that I investigated this for another organization.
What I discovered is you simply can not allow people to slander you. Period. There was no logical way I could have told a teenager I never met that his mother, whose name I didn't know, "Your mother is a b*tch." And there is no logical way you could have blocked SD from calling your DH. As with the president of the art organization, your DH will never be on your side as long as you continually try to convince him that you didn't do it. As hard as it may be, you are going to have to get tough and say, "Knock it off!". Let DH know you will not longer put up with SD's efforts to beak up your marriage and will take legal action if needed. This means possibly a restraining order or a cease and desist order. Let him know you mean business and let him handle it however he chooses. Then start saving for an exit plan so you can give him the choice of working on the marriage or leaving. It simply is not worth it to stay with a man who works so much against you.
I agree. OP, it's fine that
I agree. OP, it's fine that you went off on SD, but why does DH believe her? And if he's going to continue to think the worst of you every time his daughter makes some BS claim, then how can your marriage work?
If my SS accused me of something and I denied it, DH would laugh in his face - because he knows that SS is the liar, NOT ME. Your DH doesn't want to see who his daughter really is, so he takes it out on you.
That has to stop now. He either trusts you to tell the truth, or he goes. I would not stay married to someone who doubted my honesty.
Good for you for standing up
Good for you for standing up for yourself to the nasty SD. Sometimes it gets to the point where you just have to, especially if your DH won't. Sandye21 has some really good suggestions too.
I too have been accused by hateful adult steps from everything from goofing up their internet connection, to sending messages to them that DH wrote himself, to blocking their calls, the list goes on. Nothing gets me more annoyed than being accused of something I didn't do. For a very short time DH actually believed them and I had to stand up for myself and prove I didn't do whatever I was accused of. It was like being in the Twilight Zone. One day, DH and I were miles away from SD and she called DH screaming that I stopped their cable connection. He hung up the phone on her and found out later the connection was out temporarily because of some issue. The lengths these adult steps go to, ugh.
I am glad your DH says he won't throw you under the bus and seems to have your back.
Don't give that witch the time of day or anything she can use against you. Concentrate on your marriage and let her, SS and her husband bake in their misery together.
Not sure, but there may be a way through your phone service provider online to access your phone account and check to see what texts were received. That way DH could see if any came in. I am not sure though if someone has their phone off that incoming texts may not show up.
Hang in there. Maybe she will eventually give up once she realizes whatever she does won't break up your marriage or maybe she will grow up.
I was going to bring up the
I was going to bring up the same thing Tog mentioned, the point that your husband believed his daughter, that you somehow magically got into his phone and blocked his kids, even though he could see that they were not blocked. The fact that he did not believe you still remains.
Your DH needs to really
Your DH needs to really understand that you want the worthless skid OUT OF YOUR LIFE totally. That not only means that you do not see her, hear from her, etc. You also do not want to even hear him mention her name. She's not just dead to you she is non-existant in your world.
This is pretty much what I've done with SS34 and his trashy GF. But it also means that I bite my tongue a lot and don't ever mention SS's name. There are SO many times I could make a snarky remark about SS - but I don't.
What evidence does SD have of
What evidence does SD have of you blocking her calls? None, or is it just that her daddy who is wrapped around her finger did not IMMEDIATELY JUMP when she beckoned? What else could it be but YOU?
I have followed your story for some time, and your relationship with your SD and DH has been similar to mine. It built up in me for over a decade where I could not take it anymore. Seems like it is about the same with you. I was ready to end my marriage over it, and my DH knew it, and everything finally getting out in the open finally caused things to move in the right direction.
Your SD has likely gotten frustrated that she has not run you off and that she does not have 100% control over her father. After all, how can she get at you if she has not seen you in 3 years? Your SD could come up with nothing better than you being a liar. I haven't seen mine in over 3 years either, poor thing I think has given up because there is nothing she can do to get at me.
Your DH wanted you to hang up because he knew his life was about to get very complicated. After this display from his DD, how he is going to tell you this is all your imagination? DD has finally made it clear what she thinks of you. It's all in the open, and there is no going back to the land of denial for DH.
I think your DH is calm because he didn't have to be the bad guy, you were. This will help him save face with your SD, or he thinks. My DH would not address anything with his princess because he was afraid of her punishment and cutting him out of her and the grandkids lives. And by golly, that is what she did when everything blew up like yours is now.
If you stay married, your SD will punish her father for not siding with her. My OSD has told her dad she needed counseling because he defended me and so many other silly things. She also said I was emotionally abusing him, because he defended me and that was one of the signs. When he said she had done things to hurt me, she said "but I am your daughter" as if that gave her permission to hurt me and daddy would giggle about it the way they did about Crazy BM. The good thing was that it opened his eyes further to what she was really doing. He truly was clueless. And therapy showed he was truly clueless.
My DH also tended to believe what OSD said in those days. He later said it was hard to admit he raised someone who turned out to not be a good person, that this person he raised would lie to him and also not care about his happiness.
I also gave my DH the same ultimatum and said we could end it. Your DH needs to realize you did not sign up for abuse because you married SD's father. It ends now, if she contacts you again you will get a restraining order and have her arrested if need be. Don't back down; he needs to get clear the old days are over.
Even if you stay together, you have a hard road ahead. And I second the suggestions that you speak to an attorney to find out your rights. You need to protect yourself, and you also need to send a message to your DH that the old days are OVER.
Thank you for the support. I
Thank you for the support. I am not ready to give up my marriage. DH removed the password from his phone today to show that he trust me. He heard what his daughter was saying to me I put it on speaker phone. He heard her say that she does not care about me at all. He heard he call me a liar.
I really feel that it has woken him up some. He does want to go to counseling. He asked me to print a article out online about the 7comandments of marriage so we could read it every night. He knows she does not care about his happiness.
He took my ultimatum seriously. He knew I was ready to walk. I know she will try to manipulate him more but at least I feel he is starting to see and hear what is really going on.
I agree I think his calm is because I was the bad guy who stood up to her and he didn’t have to. I think he can finally stop thinking that it can be fixed.
He said he wanted me to hang up before something was said that would make in non repairable. I told hi m that was exactly what happened. It was said. She called me a liar. It is done. As someone said here she is not only dead to me she doesn’t exist.
There is nothing to fix. It is over it is done. He said she will never be in our home. That he will still go see his gkid. He said that she is so over protective of the kid that he knows she would never trust him with him by himself. With the help of counseling I think that we can build a strong marriage that she will not be in.
He does not want a divorce. He does not want to be a 3 time loser. I am very close to his sister and brother in law. They know who I really am. His brother has Alzheimer’s and I am the person that he still will listen to. Everyone around us sees and knows who I am. If he chooses not to focus on us he will have all these people who know the truth. They know who is daughter is. They are not close to her. They always ask about my children who they have a relationship with but they never ask about SD.
We will see what happens. I feel that he has made his choice.
He admitted that our #1
He admitted that our #1 problem is his kids. He knows if we break up it will because of them. It would be very hard for him to swallow telling everyone that he let his wife be abused by his kids.
I told him do not bring me up to her. She does not want me in her life and I don’t want her in mine. She has no right to know anything about our life and I don’t want to know about hers.
Look up Disengaging.
You must Disengage from SD. She will never give you the right time of day. So don’t talk, text, or write her. She does not exist anymore. No cooking, no taking, no buying anything for her. None of your money goes to SD. You might have to separate bank accounts and you put in 1/3 him 2/3 of monthly bills.
When ever SD name comes up, you ask “who”.? Let SD and DH fight it out because you will never win the fight
I have been married to hubby 4 years already, i do not have
any of his kids with exwifes number, nor do they have mine. Any contact they do is between themselves and dad. I can’t be accused of anything by them.
i know hubbys passcode because he told me it before when needing help on his phone but he always says he has nothing to hide and i’m free to read his phone.
Any crazy crap from his exwife, kids sk or his family he screenshots it to me or hands his phone over for me to read.
Noone can accuse me of deleting/blocking messages because hubby knows i don’t do that.
I always wondered other stepparents having phone numbers of their stepkids for emergencies but hubby left meout of that with the sk.
This is the first time I have
This is the first time I have ever spoken to her on the phone. I have never done that in 15 years. It was a one time event.
She texted me and accused me of blocking them on DH phone. I Did not block anyone. I know that and DH knows that now also. I am done proving my innocence to anyone. SD removed any doubt that she is a full blown narcissist. She has never or will never take accountability for her actions. Her god is money and herself. She said she and SS would be willing to sit down with a counselor with us.
I will not do that. I am an emapath, they are narcissist. My counselor said it would be a bad idea. They would never take accountability or own their behavior. It would only give them another chance to chew me up and spit me out.
There is no reason to go counseling with them. I do not desire any kind of relationship with them. They are toxic. They bring nothing good to my life. They only bring their narcissistic toxicity to my life. There is nothing to fix, there is no relationship to build. They are non existent to me. The fact that they are DH’s toxic narcissistic results of a sick marriage is not my problem.
I do not regret anything I said to her. I don’t care what her reaction was. It was about letting go of the toxicity that I have carried for 15 years. Putting where it should be and getting it out of mylife along with her. I knew what her reaction would be. She is a classic narcissist. Blame shift, gaslight, don’t own any responsibility.
I will go to counseling for myself and my marriage. I will try to rebuild my marriage, but DH has to be willing also. So far he is. Only time will really tell. I thing that he is also relieved that is over. That there is no pressure to make it work. She was on speaker phone he heard what she said and what I said. He heard who his princess really is.
DH will still appease her so he can see his grandson. I understand that. His choice. It is his circus to deal with. He knows that it will be a limited relationship at best he will ever have with her spawn. He accepts that. She will do the same thing to her spawn. She already is. He will be the next generation of narcissist. DH sees that. He calls It protectiveness. She already uses her kid. He is already a trust fund millionaire. From her billionaire FIL. He is already being told he is the center of the universe.
I love my normal non narcissistic, not anywhere perfect children that I raised to be kind and caring and self reliant who now live their own lives and don’t see me as their possession or spouse.
It's only going to get better.
Moose, you are at a magical point of no return. I was there 8 years ago after SD's meltdown when DH ran out the door to avoid doing what was his responsibility. Like you, I gave him the gift of solving his problem for him. But by doing so, it came with consequences. It meant he would be sharing the financial load equally - which I think your DH should do. It meant his life with SD would be completely separate of our marriage. It meant he alone would be dealing with SD's toxicity. And in the end, and probably unforeseen by him, he would take on the brunt of SD's anger because I was no longer handy to use for it.
At first I would rehash SD's meltdown over and over again because it was so fresh. Now the memory rarely surfaces. As time has passed, it becomes increasingly ridiculous and unjustified on SD's part. DH has learned to leave her out of our marriage - and it has worked. I think it will work for you too. You have to maintain boundaries but it gets easier each year that goes by.
One thing I am glad I did was to make our marriage financially equitable. I was also the 'bread-winner' of the family. DH was able to take advantage of certain comforts because of it. This might have been at least part of his motivation to work on the marriage but in the last 8 years he has kept up his part of the agreement. He seems more appreciative of something he pays 1/2 of, and our marriage seems to be stronger when we are making joint decisions.
Another thing I am glad about is that I have learned to not mention SD at all and not take part in any conversations about her. At first it was hard because the wound was so fresh. There have been a few times that I have slipped up out of curiosity but found it is not really worth it - SD is living the same boring life, the answer was the same as just after disengagement.
If your marriage does not survive this, you will know you went beyond what the average woman would to save it, and you can live life with a clear conscience. If you still want to be married to DH do so but with the approach of mutual respect and nothing less. In the future you will recall past events and it will sting a bit. But you will be able to return the memory to the past and resume life in your marriage. Good luck with this. Stay strong and look forward to a better life.
So SD is stepping up her campain.
I think that me telling her off. Put fire on a narcissist. She has stepped up her campain. She called DH this morning. We were in the car. She is trying to make me out as crazy and that she is there to protect DH from me. That she is worried about his safety. She talks so loud that you can hear every word she says. She kept saying she is here for him. That she is worried about him. DH just changes the subject with her and doesn’t acknowledge what she is saying. We talked about it afterwards and DH says that I am number 1. That we need to keep strengthening our marriage and not let her get to us. He won’t tell her off because she wouldn’t let him see his gkid. Things have been really good between us I don’t want to backslide.
How have you all gotten to the point where after so many years of abuse that you are ok knowing that there is this person working so hard to break up your marriage?
Yes, this is why I said
Yes, this is why I said before you have a hard road ahead of you. She is upping her game. My SD also called DH years ago and said I was emotionally abusing him, he should divorce me and move close to her. These girls try to portray themselves as their father's protectors from the evil family intruder SM.
This was about the time that my OSD started to dig herself into a hole. My DH knows the kind of person I am. OSD made it very obvious what her intent was. Yours likely will do the same.
At first I was not comfortable with OSD being so obvious about trying to break up our marriage. I thought the other shoe might drop. But over time as she dug herself into a bigger hole and I saw that she was not succeeding in driving a wedge in between DH and I, it no longer bothers me and some times it is almost funny.
Your marriage is with your DH. Focus on that and forget her.
I am so sorry to hear about
I am so sorry to hear about your brother.
It is excellent that DH says he is not going to let her get to him.
After years of adult step abuse - in that they would love nothing better than to break up our marriage; make them and the gskids the center of their universe; have daddy do whatever they want and spend all his retirement with them and Gskids while always ignoring and leaving his wife behind, the list goes on.
What helps me is that I trust my DH to uphold his marriage vows and not forsake me for others. I have witnessed their toxic behavior over and over again and see that it no longer affects our relationship to an extent where it would end. DH has told me our marriage is his priority and he realizes they aren't the angels they pretend to be. I have seen and heard DH tell each and everyone of them off when they have said hateful things about me. I will never ever let my guard down and never trust them. They still try and invite DH on long trips to other parts of the country, to gskid events sans me, and DH keeps declining, as he knows what they will try. (To break us up), as they did before.
I wish your DH would tell her off if not already, as I feel that would back her off a bit and let her know that she cannot manipulate daddy anymore. Whenever my DH ignored hateful skid comments while on the phone with them, they assumed I was there and would ask. My DH did not make the gskids the center of his world.
please think about your future. Do you want to be left behind when DH goes on long trips with them or family events? As gskids get older, they will want to spend more time with DH most likely and will gskids be brainwashed to hate you like mine are? What are you going to do when DH is gone all the time and if affect your plans?
Maybe I have Knight in Shining armor complex, but I believe that good spouses do not wish to spend time with people who cannot respect their marriage and hate the other spouse.
best of luck to you. Sounds like you are on the right track.
moose, my bigger concern here is that your husband avoids responding to his daughter when she makes absurd claims. instead of changing the subject, why not tell her "i disagree", or "you are incorrect", or "love you but my marriage is none of your business". i understand him wanting to keep the peace for his grandkids to an extent, but given his all out avoidance, he's paving the road for her to continue on her tirades rather than make it clear he won't tolerate her behavior.
When equity life partners are
When equity life partners are a close team it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, feels or does. That is how we, my bride and I, have navigated the blended family adventure for the past 24+ years while raising our son (my former SS-26 that I have adopted at his request). The SpermClan can FO and die for all we care. Sadly that is pretty much the position that our son has taken with that part of his family as well. Their toxic toothless moron manipulative crap eventually motivated him to write them off for the most part.
If you and DH stay focused on your equity life partnership the narcissistic SD will be a decreasing issue in your lives.
Stay the course, smack her when she steps out of line, be cognizant of your DH's grief over his toxic spawn's crap and focus on your lives together.
Good luck.
Thank you that really does
Thank you that really does help me. I have always believed that SD was trying to come between us. But like every other abuse victim we always doubt ourselves. She left no doubt now. You are right I do have a hard road ahead. 15 years is a long time to suffer abuse. You don’t get over it over night. It takes time to build up again. SD is good she has been minupulating DH for many years before I came along. It is amazing what someone can do to another person and never have any remorse.
I am not perfect not by a long shot. I really do love my DH. I just want the happiness that we have when she is not effecting our lives and marriage. I just want her to leave us alone. DH dedicated his life to her when she was growing up. Now it is our turn.
I love my children but they have their own lives now. They are not the center of my attention and I am not the center of theirs. That is how it is suppose to be. The circle of life. It would not be healthy any other way.
DH’s daughter wants her own life but she also wants to be the center of her fathers life as well. She also wants this from her mother and her mother obliges her. Her husbands mother left her husband to live in this state to be close to them when the kid was born. Now she is by herself. They expect her to jump when she is told but if they don’t want her around she is suppose to go away. Her husband moved on. They obviously expect the same from DH.
I know life is not fair. I know that there are evil toxic people. I have dug deep to see if it was me. I can see my faults. I can see my weaknesses. I do still have a long road to travel to be whole or somewhere close.
I love StepTalk because even Over a lot of counselors you all have lived it and know it is real. Even good counselor’s who have not experienced emotional and physiological abuse don’t really know what it is like to live it. Friends and family also don’t understand it. They have no idea.
My mother died of alzheimers. My brother and I took care of her til she died. My DH was very helpful also. The things that my Brother and I went through emotional and physically I will probably never share with anyone else. They would not understand. It took such a toll on my brother that he died 10 months after our Mom.
This kind of abuse from Skids with an agenda of breaking up a marriage is like that. People who have not lived it minimizes it. They have no idea.
Thank you for listening and responding. It really does make a difference. I am very great full for you all.
You are doing great- it
You are doing great- it should be possible for DH's to deal with their own kids in a grown-up way. You hit the nail when you said kids should be raised to have lives of their own and not be caught up in circle of dependence. TheX couldn't break out of the circle and I couldn't stay in it- so I admire you so much for sticking with it and beginning to square that circle a little. Well done.
Way To Go!
You have defended yourself. My SD57 wrote a two page hate email of lies about me, our marriage, and she even professed to bring up my dead bio sons future.
I never responded to her; it was almost 5 years ago. I printed it out and handed it to DH. He did nothing, refused to apologize, have her apologize, and later said everything she wrote was true. It all came to me kicking DH out to her house, thus going down hill for them both. I never said a word, i was so shocked; i still have never responded to SD57.
Believe me the entire family regrets that email and the lies. DH now knows that SD57 lied and was out of line. I detest the entire situation and my SD , but also know that words would never, or ever fix it now, only action.
In my case "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". I discovered a side of myself I never knew was there. They did as well.
I am sorry you are experiencing this treatment. It is totally unfair. ((Hugs))). I will never forget, I still have the email, my Attorney has it, and I am not a forgiving person. Oh...no apology has ever come my way; it is still phony in my book.
You are forgiving when it is
You are forgiving when it is healthy to forgive Sammi lady. In most of our cases forgiveness is our own death sentences, so we have no alternative. Our only choice is self preservation...:-), called being socially intelligent!