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Deeply hurt by SD

phillygirl's picture

I am so deeply hurt my 2 adult sd's...neither of bought us a wedding git(not importat) nor a card. Tehy post ever event in their lives on Facebook, but not a word about or wedding, of which we paid for their gowns, airfare, hotels, etc...................OMG!!!

What's even more hurtfulm we attended another family member's wedding 2 week's after ours and they gave them a gift................ We were tod our gift was at home; then it was being made; please.

Heaven forbid we didn't give them a gift for the holidays or their birthdays..........

Is it ever going to be ok?

NewBeginning's picture

Sorry about this..if you read up on my blog, I know how it feels to be a stepparent and have a wedding involved.

It hurts..and like I said in one of my blogs, we may think we are tough but there are still things that hurt.

I'm sorry your SDs are such me - I know first hand what a shit a SD can be.

Most Evil's picture

They sound like b*tches that you don't need in your life - screw em!! sorry so blunt but really - they are being *ssholes IMO! HUGS honey, hope you feel better soon, you really don't need that crap though

ddakan's picture

Girls can be jealous of anyone who takes daddy's attention away from them. My 2 skid sss refused to go to our wedding or accept it. My sd went and was part of it.

I think its an indication on how the relationship is going to go....all give and no take. Typical. Sad. True.

Be a happy newlywed, consider them not fighting you about it as a gift. Don't try to make a big happy family and include them because they don't want it.

Skids are selfish. Its ALL about them!

phillygirl's picture

Thank you so very much for all of your kind words and insights...............

Need-less-to say, the older SD just celebrated her birthday and my husband & I contacted her several times to get together, but she refuses to reply to our/ my e-mails or FB private messages. Of curse she was available and able to meet for her mother and friends, but not for us...........

His other daughter will be visiting from Europe (she lives there)and has already started her drama for this week(she always has something) as we we're planing on having a small celebration for our friends/colleagues in our hometown, as our wedding was held out of state, but due to my husband losing his job, finances are very tight. Can you beleive she's mad at us for postponing our party. Oh did I fail to mention that she did beyond my comprehension, she allowed her visa to expire and was unable to attend our wedding, even though we paid for her gown, airfare, etc. We we actually on the phone or weeks withthe US Embassy and othr government offices to try and recticy her crisis, sadly to no avail.

**Again I thank you all and must sincerely apologize for my spelling erros/typos in my initial posting (OMG- :0)

Happy Holidays!!

AVR1962's picture

Not giving a gift does say something very loud and clear, that's why I try and at least send a card to family even thru tense times, I don't want them to feel snubbed.

FaceBook.....oh boy, been down this raod with not only family but other people. I recently was just going to close my acct but realized I had a few people I really enjoyed the connection with. However, family can look at something and read between lines even if there is nothing to be read. I had to ask myself how important it was for me to have this sort of connection to the poeple on my "friends" list. I took every single one of my inlaws and my own family members off except my grown children and I disconnected from some old schoolmates I probably would not care to reconnect with even if I saw them and had the opportunity.....this was about a month ago, I cut my list in half. I was contacted by 2 of my inlaws. I explained that FaceBook wasn't the way I wanted to stay in touch with them, they seemed to be happy with that. FaceBook has become a means of connection and can be alot of fun but it is really sad for families when this becomes the connect. I feel if my family wants to hear from me, we just need to pick up the phone and talk. I explained this all to my daughters so they would know why I disconnected from everyone and I told them that with email and these other forums like FaceBook everyone really is losing touch. I told them that picking up the phone is really the best way to stay connected and they too understood.

thegoodwife's picture

New Beginning: I can totally relate to your hurt feelings. You have every right to be hurt. These kids are either ignorant or were raised by gorillas---come to think of it, gorillas raise their young better. You should point your anger at your husband because obviously he has not raised his kids to be caring and loving to all people regardless of who they are. New step mom or not, whatever their feelings are about their parents divorce, rudeness is not an excuse.

I have been down this road for 7 years, actually 11 if you count the years I dated my husband. His kids were young when we started dating. I did everything to make his D and S feel accepted. They did everything to act up and be rude to me. Fast forward to last night, another Christmas eve another night of ME buying all their gifts, wrapping them and making sure they get as much as my own kids. Guess what they gave their father? A collage of photos of them including their mother?? No pic of me...oh and it was entitled "Our Family". I hate these kids. I said last year I was not ever going to buy them gifts for anything. I should have kept that plan. Their dad could give a shit about whether they get any gifts...I alway want to avoid drama of them showing up for Christmas and having nothing so I buy for them...but like Scarlett said "As God is my witness" NEVER again will I care if these two spoiled adult children of my husband get coal for christmas!!