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Dealing with manipulative SD's picture

I need advice on dealing with SD for 17 years. She is manipulative and uses people especially her dad. She learned from the best - her mom. She is fake nice to her father and to me but I can see right through her. I feel like she is punishing her dad for not marrying her mom, doesn't live on her state so to make him suffer she makes him buy her everything she wants. This has been happening since she was 4. She will be 20 this year and I don't think it will ever stop. My hubby is too nice and accommodating and she knows that and takes advantage of him. She's fake nice to me and acts like my friend but I can tell since day one she is jealous of me and the life I have with her dad. I also have a son (her half brother) she totally ignores. It's a competition when she comes to town she wants my hubby's full attention and expects everyone to cater to her because she's visiting and is only here for a short time. I'm at the point I can't stand being around her and watch her manipulate and use her dad. I've talked to him before and all he does is gets defensive about the situation. He doesn't realize he is ruining his daughter my giving her everything she wants. To her it's an expectation not appreciation. How do I to talk to him without us getting onto a fight?

furkidsforme's picture

This isn't about your SD at all, it's about your DH. BM didn't teach her this, HE did. He has played Disney Dad and parented out of guilt, and SD is the person that type of parenting and dynamic created. Don't be mad at her, be mad at him. His actions have developed and encouraged her behavior, and shaped the relationship dynamic they share. It also pits you squarely in the corner of "outsider", so DH never has to take responsibility for any of her unhappiness, he has you as the perfect scapegoat!

Honestly, you are placing blame on the wrong party. That's like the spouse who got cheated on blaming their partners infidelity on the "other woman".

AllySkoo's picture

"How do I to talk to him without us getting onto a fight?"

I don't think you can, unfortunately. You said you've talked to him before, it does no good and he just gets upset. The thing is, you can't control anyone else's actions or reactions - not your SD, not your DH. The ONLY person you can control is yourself. So what do YOU need to do? Tell DH not to tell you what he bought her. Don't be around when she's visiting, go find something else to do with friends. You can't make her stop taking Daddy's money, and you can't force him to stop giving it to her. All you can do is stop how it's affecting you. (If it's affecting you financially, then keep a separate bank account, one he can't take money out of for her.) Sorry, but I really think that's all you can do unless you want to fight with him - and as you've discovered, fighting with him about it doesn't actually change anything anyway.

peacemaker's picture

I have the same problem with my eldest in her 40's...The problem is, when the bio parents overcompensate out of guilt and teach their children that love is defined by how much materialism they give their child.. (they both got caught up in competing for her loyalty by buying her things and trying to outdo each other)...
Unfortunately.the child grows up thinking...if you love me then you will give me something...My SD cannot invest any time into our relationship without expecting to be given something in return...She seems like she is dissatisfied with just being able to spend time together...she acts as though we have to prove our love by giving her things...The other part of the problem is, when a parent goes 150% of the way in the relationship for whatever reason...all the sends a message that the parent is always the one doing the pursuing...The parent owns the entire relationship...rather than have a relationship between two people based on what they each contribute to the the culture is one that creates a one sided relationship...If your DH wants to groom his daughter to be sold to the highest bidder...then tell him he is doing a great job...because when she pick out a spouse..the same unrealistic, unsustainable, expectation will be put upon him to fulfill a never ending appetite that is never satisfied...because self is never satisfied...and is doomed for failure...I have watched my SD go through 3 marriages now and it is so sad to see her teach her children the same belief system...

If your DH really loves his daughter...he better get some counseling on this before it is too late...He has taught her the wrong definition of what real love looks like...He has also taught her to have unrealistic expectations of what a healthy relationship looks like...If he doesn't change...She will pay the price and end up one unhappy miserable human being for it...

sickofitall's picture

THIS!! I have lived it for 18 years. SD is 21 and she no longer speaks to either of us. DH and BM did the competing for buying her love crap all along and when we couldnt keep up anymore because we had 2 children and and our money was split among 3 instead of 1 you can guess what happened.CS was always paid- SD didnt like if my kids got a dollar toy without her-seriously.

The last fight with BM-yes even after 18 years she starts in- DH said if SD doesnt want me in her life because I wont pay for extra stuff while still paying CS because I dont have it then thats on her. He said I have 2 children that love me for me not what I can buy them. And BM said thats because they dont have to beg! We live paycheck to paycheck and my kids have less than SD! Beg for what exactly? SD doesnt work has free college all she has to pay for is books and they wanted us to do it while still supporting SD until 22!

It was so bad that wgen SD graduated high school she wanted a class ring but it had to be 14K gold. My DH paid over 400 for it. We sold some of our old jewelry to get it for Princess. My DD just got her ring. The fake titanium crap. My DD understood and entitled princess is the one complaining that she doesnt get as much as DD!

So to OP it has to be nipped in the bud. My DH was a Disney Dad and did anything he could to keep SD happy and it still bit him in the ass. SD hates him because he cant keep up the things he used to and SD judges everybody on what they can do for her.It wont get better as his kid gets older. It gets worse.

DH will have a very miserable, vindictive entitled adult on his hands that will never be satisfied.

peacemaker's picture

All it does is teaches SD to love things and use people to get them...and when the crowds tire of serving her...she just goes out and gets a new audience....It should be Love people and use things....also the world is not here to serve her...She is here to serve the world...

peacemaker's picture

I think a lot of times divorced parents are so busy trying to win the short battles against each other...that neither of them step back, look at what is best for the long term for their children...they don't relate to delayed gratification...they are too busy trying to win the right the long run it costs them their children, and they don't see it until it is too late....