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Concert Tickets

ChainSmoker's picture

Hi all! This is my first post. Thanks for having me!  

This may seem petty but I want to go to a show with DH. He said sure but then when I suggested SD could stay here with our DD he said that SS SD and her boyfriend were going with us.  

 Now I don't even want to go.  I just wanted it to be us.  We never go out. DD is 14 too young for us to be 2 hours away.  He spends a lot of tome with his kids and I hoped it could be a date night...I am so hurt.  

Its a big venue and if we didn't ride together there is a chance we would not run into them.  Convince me to grow up

sandye21's picture

-What would his reaction be if you told him you wanted it to be just the two of you?  We always feel like we have to walk on egg shells as to not get anyone upset.  We do this for years.  Some of us, including me, did it for decades before we said, "enough!"  As hard as it is, and you may ruffle a few feathers, communicate to DH what you want.  If he still insists on taking the whole brood, then you have anther problem - him.

tog redux's picture

Tell him he now has a 4th ticket to give to another of SD's friends and stay home with your DD.  What is wrong with these men that they can't say, "Mind if I invite SD and her BF?" and then hear the word NO? I don't get it.