Bullied by Skids
It's difficult to know where to begin, so I shall start with some background information. My DH and I have been married for two years and have been together for five. I was a widow and my DH was single. This is a second marriage for us both and we have seven adult children between us who are all living their own lives. My DH has six grandchildren. We are both over sixty years of age - I am retired and my husband is due to retire at the end of this year. We are very happily married and, up until recently, we have had good relationships with our respective stepkids.
Things changed a little last Christmas. We had all of DH's family over for the day and went out for dinner at our local restaurant. At the end of the meal (which consisted of four courses and quite a few bottles of wine) my DH went up to the bar to sort out payment of the bill. My two SD's husbands followed him and then returned very quickly to the table. They were laughing and joking and I overheard one say to the other, "That's £10 you owe me! I told you he'd pay for it all." They then realised I'd overheard and looked embarrassed. I could not believe they'd allowed my DH to pay for everythig - the total cost was hundreds and we are not made of money. I felt sick when I realised they were taking advantage of his generous nature. I did not say anything to DH at the time, but later we discussed it and he admitted that he was furious with their behaviour and attitude that day (I even overheard them making sarcastic remarks about our new home). My DH had also bought all of them (including the six grandchildren) very extravagant Christmas presents. We are still paying off our credit cards for last year's over expenditure.
As my DH is retiring at the end of this year, we came to a joint decision that we would not be buying anyone presents this Christmas - we simply cannot afford to - with his imminent retirement. So I sent a group WhatsApp to all of DHs kids and mine saying:
Hello all - I know that some of you start Christmas shopping early, so just wanted you to know that we've decided we won't be buying presents this year, so please don't buy us anything. Don't worry, we haven't turned into a couple of "bah humbugs", it's just that now your Dad is retiring at the end of the year, we'll need to watch the pennies a bit more closely! We usually have to buy around 50 presents each year. We thought about doing a Secret Santa, but logistically that wouldn't work as we don't see all of you over the Christmas period. It'll also save you the hassle of buying stuff and then trying to arrange times to come over to see us for the present exchange - which last year went on until Easter! It's much easier this way. Love you all and see you soon xxx
DH's daughter replied almost instantly with the following sarcastic remark:
So long as it makes life easier for you, (My Name)!
I replied with: "Thanks, but it's more to do with the expense - we just won't be able to afford it.xx
She said: "Neither can we!"
And that was it. Nothing more.
Since that day, we haven't heard anything from her. She is giving us the silent treatment and the others have become quite distant - which is very upsetting for both of us. Even my own daughter seems to have 'sided' with DH's daughter over this. What should I do, now? We just wanted to make sure we'd be financially secure in the early days of our retirement. I feel that we are being bullied by our own children.
"The only people who get
"The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries were the ones who benefitted from you having none."
That's one of my favorite quotes. And it certainly applies here.
It is normal and expected that when you retire you have less money to spend. Unfortunately it looks like both some of his children and your children have become entitled into expecting certain things are going to be given to them.
As far as what should you do now? Absolutely nothing. Stick to your guns about no presents, and make sure you don't get set up to pay an entire dinner bill again. You will see the people who truly value for you and your company versus the ones who just want a handout.
I love Sacrificial Lamb's
Welcome to the site!
I love Sacrificial Lamb's quote, and agree with her whole post. I remember once suggesting to my MIL that we only do presents for children, at Xmas, and getting a very sour reception to that idea. We are currently estranged from MIL because she doesn't value us as people - only as part of the matriarchal family that she likes to think, is a warm and loving entity - ha bloody ha.
If people only value you for what material things you give them, that to me is not a relationship that is worth much at all. As Lamby said, stick to your guns.
Thanks for the support!
Thanks for the support!
We are in an age of "social media" (which should be called "Anti-social media" because where else can you block/unfriend/unfollow a person you are "FRIENDS" with?) and everyone LOVES SHOWING THE WORLD what they're doing, trips they're taking, stuff they're buying etc. I feel that is the downfall to our society, largely because it's used to weaponize people against each other so often. I know you didn't mention social media, however, the younger generation lives by it. It's a constant brag fest. Also, the weddings/childrens' birthdays and any other event have been so sensationalized because of it.
Getting to your incident, I would simply let them know you all carried the meal last year, and nobody even offered to assist with the bill. If you think about it, with interest, it may be almost twice the initial cost for the meal (if paid with a credit card) and for all of those gifts. What part of "We can't afford it" do they not get? In all truthfulness, we all have more than we need or will ever use, and we are all adults. The SD's snarky remark says everything you need to know about her. Did you tell DH? If so, what was his response?
Despite your well worded, kind message, it does sound like you're being bullied, and a word to the wise, you MUST NIP IT IN THE BUD NOW! There are women on here who put up with this kind of garbage for years, and even decades! You simply cannot afford THAT. Your marriage will fall apart if you do not stand with DH, and he with you on this by addressing it and setting clear, concise boundaries with their behaviors.
Thanks for your support. Yes
Thanks for your support. Yes DH did see her sarcastic remark and was NOT happy at all about it! He phoned her but did not get very far. No apology, yet!
My sibilings and I have done
My sibilings and I have done no presents for the last 4-5 years. It has been great to take off that pressure! We would much rather grab a bottle of champange and OJ and do a Chirstmas morning toast that deal with gifts!
There is no need for crazy Christmas gifts. There is no need for you to stress about retirement and going above your means for adults. Just let them pout over it.
The only other option would be to do a gift limit. $20 (or whatever you are comfortable with) as a token gift. Fuzzy slippers, Box of candy, etc.
Dime store salad spinners for
Dime store salad spinners for all!
I replied on your blog, so
I replied on your blog, so the condensed version of my thoughts are:
- Don't pay for something you can't afford and then hold it over the kids' heads when they don't know any different. If my parents pay for my dinner, I assume that they can afford it, and yes, we as siblings would make jokes amongst ourselves about the fact that we knew they would pay. Not because we are ungrateful, but because we are uncomfortable being treated to something extravagant.
- The kids are used to big, drawn-out Christmases. You saying no gifts was fine, but you also said that getting together is a "hassle" so not to worry about it. It sounds like you are going from big events to none at all, equating those events to "hassles". That hurts.
- And you did this all via one big text, which is cold and impersonal. If my parents were to cancel Christmas, I would hope for a phone call explaining why, not a group text. It then makes me think my parents are mad at me, or that drama is about to start. I have enough drama in my life, and if I got that definitive of a text, I'd just check out of that relationship for a while.
- You made a decision about family Christmas without talking to the family. That doesn't go over well in most families.
Listen, you're not wrong about not wanting to go into debt. You're not wrong that the kids shouldn't have made what sounded like bratty comments. You're not wrong for letting everyone know the same thing.
It's the delivery that was the major problem. You and your DH had other issues that needed to be discussed with some of the kids, like the bratty comments. Instead of discussing the issues and chatting about possible solutions, or allowing the kids to apologize and make it up to you, you cancelled family Christmas. Or, that's what you seemingly did. Your kids are delivering the same cols treatment they likely feel like they just received.
Please see my reply on the
Please see my reply on the Blog page
Brats got a taste of their
Brats got a taste of their own medicine and didn't like it. Too bad. And, of course they assumed that a text that was meant to come from both you and DH just came from you. In the future, let DH handle such with his own, or at least make sure it is made to clear to them that it came from both you and DH. Since you and your DH are in charge of your own household and your own monies, you don't need to discuss with anyone outside your home how to chose to run it. My mom and dad used to buy us more expensive gifts too, and then one year, they just got each family one box of chocolates. Grandkids they got more, but for anyone older, that was it. They didn't need to say anything, we got it--their expensive gift giving days were over.
Sometimes with kids, and especially SKs, saying and doing less is more. Just stop doing what you don't want to do for them any more, and let them figure it out. You don't need permission from them to stop or have to have a family meeting and get all to agree that you're not going to blow money on them any more. It is your money and your life, regardless if they are bio-kids or SKs.
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Just ignore the rude ones. Some people never grow up and just stay selfish jerks forever. You have to watch out for you. If they can't be supportive and act like adults who understand, then so be it.
Historically we have
Historically we have purchased what we want to give to others. We don't consider what they want or need. We get what we want them to have.
If.... we are going to be together with them over the holidays. With my family we don't do gifts if we are not together. We send a card, we call on the day, and most other days for that matter. When we are together it is game on. Usually a few gag gifts, stocking stuffers and a significant gift. We have a great time.
We do send gifts to my IL clan each year. The per person budget is far less since we pretty much don't set a budget for each other or with my family. Due to the tight financial situation within each of my IL clan families they usually want gift cards. We do that if we don't have something specific we want to get for someone.
For quite some time there have been no specific complaints about our gift giving. My MIL complained during one of the early Christmases after we married. My bride bought her a high end coffee maker, a selection of gourmet coffees, and a custom mug. When we called that evening my MIL went on a bitch fest about why would she get that when she knows MIL drinks Folgers instant. My bride was crushed. She then started second guessing herself on every gift. It took me years to get her to adopt the "F-em they will get what I want them to have." model and quit reacting to their toothless redneck toxic crap.
On an interesting historical note.... every time she visits her parents (now her mom since FIL passed in June) she grumbles about the cheap coffee maker in the kitchen after she bought them the high end one. My bride will launch a dig at her mom "So what happened to Folgers instant?". It goes right over my MIL's head. She responds with "Oh, I drink real coffee now." A few years ago my wife asked where the Krupp coffee maker she bought MIL for Christmas was. MIL had a deer in the headlights look and just shrugged.
So, don't give a crap about what ungrateful people think. Do what works for you.
I also responded on you other
I also responded on you other blog.
I really see nothing wrong with your message. Maybe should have come from DH but you clearly state it is because you guys can’t afford it and you clearly state you would love to see them soon. They all sound like spoilt little turds. Your DD included.
What I would suggest is your DH send out a message to his kids and you send a message to your kids. His should start off as “I am sorry if you guys got offended at the message that biteback AND I sent out about Christmas. We just cannot afford large Christmas’s anymore. We are not happy about it at all but it is what it is. I had hoped that everyone would understand that our finances have changed and it would put us in a greater bind to buy so many presents at one time. Apparently that is not what happened and I am disgusted about it. Hopefully we can move past this and still have a Christmas celebration that will include food, family and fun.” Or something along those lines.
They should be ashamed of themselves. I can’t imagine my reaction if my parents told me that they were cutting back due to finances. I would be offering anything I have to them, not getting pissed that they can’t spoil me any longer. And I am pretty surprised at the ones here that said they would get mad in the same situation. Just wow at the entitlement of people these days.
I replied on the Blog page.
I replied on the Blog page. Thanks.
It’s the fact that the family
It’s the fact that the family wasn’t given the chance to work together to reach a happy compromise.
See…I just don’t see why there has to be a compromise about the OP and her DHs money and the skids. It is not the skids money. It is OPs. They can’t afford it.
It sounds like the only tradition that was thwarted was the gift giving. They don’t all sound very close. Some of them did not even get together for Christmas until April.
See the Blog page for further
See the Blog page for further family info.
I think if you invite people out to dinner
and did not asked before about if they could afford to chip in. You pay for dinner. If you could not afford it then. Cheaper place to eat, or don’t go out. Christmas present for GK only, nothing wrong with that. and you don’t have to spend hundreds on each kid. Maybe a $50 gift card to a restaurant for adult couples. Only do what you can afford
Exactly Harry!!!!
Exactly Harry!!!!
Though I am not usually one
Though I am not usually one to extrapolate either forward of historically on posts, the OP very likely has history with these Skids and their POS husbands that builds up to the current situations. As past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior this current behavior was likely predicated and predicted by the historical behavior of the Step Spawn and their characterless husbands.
Regardless of who invites who to go out to dinner my parents always attempt to pay and we never let them pick up the entire check. Usually we split it equally between the number of families present. That usually lets dad pay for more than what he and mom spend but lets us (my brother and or I) keep them from paying it all. They feel good because they are helping.
This is what people of character do. These toxic StepSpawnHusbands are POS people. As proven by their usual behavior as it came out of their own mouths. They are both a POS and they should both have their noses rubbed in their stench.
If they were my daughers' DH's I would be grabbing them by the scruff of their POS necks and rubbing their noses in their characterless shit each and every opportunity I had. Figuratively of course. The only way my daughters would have married such POS assholes would be if they eloped because not one penny of my resources would have gone to a wedding.
But maybe that is just me.
Maybe there is a generational
Maybe there is a generational theme here, where the millenials all think that the poor adult children were taken advantage of and coerced, while dad and SM were the ones really being rude for not fawning/ spending all over 'em. Wouldn't doubt it. Or, at the very least, the poor whittle adult children should have been invited to a family meeting so dad could have broken it to them more slowly that the bigs bucks weren't going to be coming any more. That way, the adult children at least would have more time to deal with the agonizing shock of not getting such handouts any any longer.
Next time: Have a meeting and bring a box of tissues and break reality to them more slowly.
So glad you and your DH changed the game.
Because this confirms what is really important to those greedy adults and it’s not the love of you and your husband.
Other people’s traditions can
Other people’s traditions can go to hell when it involves MY money.
I’d hosted Christmas for 20 years and had helped my mother host it for 25 years previously. I decided I’d had enough and left town. I gave everyone two months notice that I would not be hosting. Too bad if they didn’t like it.
Gifts and everything else,
Gifts and everything else, their rules, their procedures, and only their expectations ever honored; regardless of whomever else in the family they chose to hurt.
If that sounds like your situation, take my limited advice and stay away from every bit of it in the future, regardless of DH's desires; stay with people who respect you and genuinely care for your feelings too.