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Am I being overly sensitive?

Mardi's picture

Hi, my adult step-son (who lives with us) recently posted several family/friends pictures online to acknowledge his birthday. I was absent from his selected pics which I confronted him about. He said he didn't have any pics of me. I sent him some nice family pics but he didn't update his online selection. When his parents separated he remained living with his father (my husband). I've been a part of the family for over 10 years so feel I've been instrumental in his raising from a boy to a man. His mother, in comparison, has been largely in the background (her choice) and he typically sees her once every couple of months. Despite this, a pic of him and his mother was one of those chosen for his online account. My level of hurt and rejection is really bothering me. I spoke to him about how it made me feel - not that he'd uploaded a pic of his mum but that I was absent from his selection. He didn't apologise, just said he didn't have any pics of me and that he does appreciate all I've done for him. Am I being overly sensitive? He's a very intelligent and articulate young man. We've always got on quite well, especially since he's become an adult (he's now 25). His dad thinks I should just accept it wasn't malicious and move on. Although I don't want to make this a competition between his mum and me, I feel humiliated that she will see the pics and feel smug that she was included and I wasn't. I don't want to sulk and I do feel that I'm being slightly immature but this seemingy harmless act has just reinforced that no matter what I've done and continue to do for him and his siblings, I'll always be second best. I have no biological kids of my own. Any advice will be welcomed. Thanks.

Jay_Dead's picture

If your SS25 is as you say, I think it would be better to move on.  It's very possible he didn't mean it as an intentional slight.  He may very well didn't have a photo of you of the time of his posting.  Also, and I'm sorry, but your ego (not in a bad way) is creating a scenario in your mind that may or may not be happening with the BM, which you are looking to your SS25 to resolve by adding a photo of you.  You already know what you've done in his life and your relationship with him bears evidence to that.  He didn't reject you  He just posted about his mom because she's "in the background" and he was probably really happy that she showed up.  Try to think of it from his perspective, as the COD.  I understand how you feel, but you are actually the one creating these feelings by playing out scenarios in your head.  Who cares if the BM is smug?  She's the one who is ultimately missing out.  

Mardi's picture

I agree that it probably wasn't intentional and I'm reading too much into it. I know I'm being overly sensitive but being in an all male household rarely gives me the opportunity to unleash my emotions without looking like a crazy person! I can't help but feel resentful towards his BM as I feel I've done the hard slog with her teenage children and she's now reaping the rewards. But yes, I agree, there are lots of little moments that she never gets to be a part of. I just keep wondering and waiting when all this is going to get easier!

piegirl's picture

I know you said are waiting for things to get easier, but you have a relationship with your SS that is on the whole very good. Let the social media thing go - after all that's all it is - social media. It is no where near as important as real life. Also, why do you care what BM thinks? You've raised her son, you know the truth. There will always be a maternal bond between BM and her child, it is nothing against the wonderful job you have done in raising him.

Mardi's picture

My SS is never demonstrative (off or online) so it's very rare for him to post several personal pics. I know our relationship goes deeper than this and I need to let it go. My reaction probably surprised him! Beee

2Tired4Drama's picture

Especially when you've done a lot of the heavy lifting during SS's difficult years.  And you've contributed financially towards his upbringing as well as his down payment for his own home.  

My only suggestion is to try and temper your definition of how close you are.  As you have learned, biological mother-love almost always trumps all other loves.  Despite you taking a mother-like role in SS's life, he fundamentally will never see you as a mother figure.   It's hard to accept, I know.  

But keeping your emotional bank protected will help you now, and in the future.  SS will probably marry one day and have children of his own.  And make no mistake - BM will be THE grandmother.  Maintain a friendly and cordial relationship with this young man but expect nothing else.  


Mardi's picture

Thanks for the advice and I agree with you. I allowed myself to think of them as my own which was easy because their BM was so detached and I couldn't have my own bio kids. Valuable life lesson learned!

2Tired4Drama's picture

I don't have bio kids either.  When I met my SO I had hoped that at least one day I'd have some sort of friendly relationship with SD.  It won't happen and never will.  I know that now and behave accordingly. 

Disillusioned's picture

Feel very bad for you and yes this is the life of so many SM's....put in twice the effort and receive half the acknowledgemen if any at all

Not that most of us do what we do for acknowledgement, but to constantly be sent the message that you don't matter when you've put your heart and soul into bonding with your steps, is so hard

I think evil3 has offered some great insight and advice...made me stop and rethink some of my own dilema's 

Best advice I think is to have zero expectations of your skids, and there is far less chance of being hurt 

Abitextra's picture

I have disengaged in this last week after hurtful message from stepson and I think zero expectations is a perfect idea!

Abitextra's picture

I have 3 adult stepchildren with children of their own and have been with this family for seven years. In that whole time there is only one family photo that I have been invited into and only because the ex wasn't there.

There have been multiple other ways this family has excluded me. Which does hurt as my biological family is not like this and has welcomed my partner as "one of us" into our family and my biological sons lives. So I find it very hard to understand and accept.

My partners ex ignores me for the most part and looks at me like I'm a bad taste. She may have said 10 or 20 sentences at me in that whole time. I think the adult stepchildren do post old photos of their parents together in happier times on social media on purpose as once I had an old photo of stepson and his girlfriend on our wall at home which his sister promptly removed when he got a new girlfriend so it didnt offend. So they know alright.

So dont feel in the wrong for feeling what you're feeling. All these little things add up and yes it does hurt. xx

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I dont expect a child will ever feel about a SM the way they feel about BM. My brother never knew his mother and my mother raised him from the time he was 3. He never considered my mother, his mother even though she was all he knew.  I think we look too much at labels. I raised my neice but because I know I am not her mother, I never feel offended when it comes to her mother. Who I dislike immensely, because she is a bad person. But I find I am understanding of her feelings for her mother being different than they are for me. I take the same approach with being a SM. It is normal to feel some type of way, when you do something and someone else gets the glory. But, we have to respect children will always have a loyalty to thier BPs no matter what and try not to take it personally. 

ldvilen's picture

Too many people look at a SM as competing with mom and wanting mom’s “glory.”  That is not true.  Most SMs, first and foremost, want to be accepted for what they are, for what their role is, and that is the role of dad’s wife (or SO). 

If I’m going to be cooking and cleaning, and so on for someone else’s children and they do pretty much nothing other than look the other way, for a woman to expect appreciation for providing vs. an eye roll, it is not her wanting or expecting the loyalty or “glory” of a mother.  It is simply her wanting to be treated like a human being.  This is the year 2020.

Most children never will feel the same about SM as they do BM.  But most children should know or have been taught to show appreciation for what they receive.  After all, that is what separates us the most from other mammals.  We can actually say, “Thank you.”  However, I admit nowadays personally I feel like my fur baby is giving me way more appreciation than anyone else.

bertieb's picture

He probably either didn't have a picture or didn't want BM to see one posted and most likely a mix of both. Which is understandable. After 9 years with adult step kids I've figured out I and my kids don't mean much to them. They are nice to us like neighbors or maybe cousins you see a couple times a year but that is it. They ignored my son's wedding, didn't RSVP,  never even asked to see pictures. After that I gave up on expectations of us feeling like a family. I just go with the flow now. We are all friendly but no expectations leaves no future hurt.