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adult stepdaughter is just plain mean

not the bradybunch's picture

My Sd is possibly the worst person I've ever met. She is single mom with a three year old, last summer had an abortion and is pregnant again. She has no job, smokes pot, and has tried to break my dh and I up for three years...she is 24 and is addicted to shopping. When she doesn't get her way she tells us we can't see our grandson. She borrows money from my dh, and I don't agree how he enables her...he is very defensive and calls her behavior normal. Howdo I get him to actually discuss her manipulative behavior?

not the bradybunch's picture

i think sd would love it if I didn't consider him my grandson...but he call me grandma...and she is now starting this whole thing that maybe I can spend some time with her son...but she wont be around. Now...her guy's ex...hates me because at one time his kids liked me and not her new husband. Well she hacked into my facebook and defriended her kids from my facebook...she is really a treat. SHe is addicted to pain killers and alcohol and I guess my SD just is a lot like her. I feel I am the only normal person in this relationship

not the bradybunch's picture

It's just beyond my causes so much unnecessary stress. I guess I was Nieve to think since his children are adults that I wouldn't have step kid issues

not the bradybunch's picture

I know right...hats to call her white trash...but DH gets upset because he knows his I feel. I will work on trying to not be so vocal

not the bradybunch's picture

Thank u all so much. I am going to work on disengaging because I will never change my SD....she is just a loser.