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Frustrating Filth

hallowed1031's picture

I've been a stepmom for just short of three months.

My stepdaughter is four and fortunately for me, she and I are slowly getting to an okay place in our relationship.

My problem is with her mother.

I try to keep my interaction with the BM to a minimum, but I'm finding it harder and harder to do.

I have to deal with issues like getting b**ched out over washing her daughter's filthy clothes and panties because BM sends her to us in clothing that's stained, covered in dried food, and panties with poop stains because there's some kind of wiping issue going on. I show all of this to my husband and set to the immediate handwashing (I don't own a washer or dryer, I'm not going to have so few items washed at the laundromat and I honestly don't mind). I keep telling him to bring this up to her BM because my SD doesn't deserve to live like that.

He tells me that he can't because she'll take it as us calling her a bad mother. She'll take it as a personal attack and start a fight, which he doesn't want to do in front of his daughter. Especially, because she thinks that she's a great mom.

Well, in my opinion, she isn't. She doesn't work, so it's not like she doesn't have the time and my husband pays CS, so she should be able to afford soap. She got the car in the divorce, so she can drive to a laundromat, or go to her parents and get it done there for free. There is literally no excuse for my SD to arrive at our house, a whole 3 blocks away wearing filth.

Don't get me wrong, it's flattering when my SD brings me filthy stuffed animals from her house so that I'll clean them and make them 'feel better,' but I'm not Doc McStuffins and it's just gross.

I'm getting to the point where I'm about to say something to BM myself.

hallowed1031's picture

The first thing that DH and I, when we get her is take her to the bathroom to assess her clothes. We then, clean SD up and put her in all clean clothes. I wash the clothes because I refuse to send her home wearing dirty clothes. We don't send her home in clothes we buy her because BM never returns anything, as we survive on less income than BM does, we can't afford to keep replacing the clothes we never get back.

I should clarify what I think the wiping issue is: DH and I go with her to the potty and clean her afterwards, but I don't think the same is being done when she's with BM. When SD's with us, she never scratches, she never gets poop stains because we're on top of it. However, since I'm not there when SD goes potty at BM's house, I don't want to assume she's not wiping SD.

SD is with us EOW from Thur-Sun and spends 3 hrs with us Tues and Thur weekly. I worry about SD learning proper hygiene.

Still, thank you for the advice on how to handle the questions. SD has asked me why and I've always just changed the subject.

It just makes me so angry because it's just not right. I guess I'll just have to learn to deal.

HarleyQuinn's picture

Thats so sad : ( . Unfortunatly, your DH has a point that if he makes a big deal out of it then it will cause a fight, and sometimes you have to pick your fights.
In regaards to the clothes and general filth. Now this is talking from experience, still on going, skids arrive looking like they have been dragged through a hedge backwards, filthy hair, filthy long nails and dried on food from the past week, smetimes a lovely little odour to go with it.DH has told their mum to dress them in clean clothes, cut their nails etc but she won't and takes it as a personal attack and then choses to pick on something that he's done to 'get even'. Everyone on our side of the family knows what a disgusting house BM lives in and we (DH, myself and MIL)have always washed their clothes when they come in, jackets, hats, scarves, buggy blankets, everything plus sew up the giant holes. everyttime they come to visit.Do we get a thank you, no, I got snarled at- WTF?!but we do it for skids.
So we have a seperate wardrobe for the skids at ours, coats, scarves, blankets shoes clothing, underwear. A- this helps them feel like its their home and B.- so the kids dont have to walk around for one weekend looking how they do with BM. It makes things alot easier. We bathe, wash, cut nails, brush hair, clean ears etc, its like a EOW spa day lol!!
In regards to the wiping thing, use them flushable baby wipes when finishing off with your SD and maybe pack a few when dropping her to BM with a nice note saying I found this make work ereally well and SD likes them after going potty. then see if she uses them for her. If not, then there's nothing much else you can do to be honest other than teach your SD everytime she comes over how to wipe properly.

hallowed1031's picture

You're right, of course I was just really upset with the situation. It started when, she asked us to take SD for a few hours, when it was her scheduled time because she wanted some down time with her boyfriend. So, somehow there were fresh poo stains on. SD's panties, so DH put her in new clothes and panties. I washed the panties and decided the rest of her clothes weren't that bad off, for once. I hung the panties over the heater thinking maybe they'd dry in time.

They didn't so I sent them back and DH explained to BM's BF that they needed to be hung up. DH gets back and less than T minutes later, BM calls and bitches us out for washing and changing her panties. DH tries to tell her that we didn't mean anything by it, we just didn't want to leave her in dirty panties and we didn't want the still damp clean panties to mold.

An hour later, BM calls back and asks us to take SD again and take her for the rest of the night because she and her BF want to go out. Of course, we take SD. When BM drops her off, SD doesn't have on a winter coat, in 20 degree weather and it's snowing. The shirt she has on has this HUGE brown stain down the front of it and we're not talking about the kind kids get after just eating, the damn thing is dried on HARD onto the shirt and her pants have dries on old bits of candy stuck on, that I had to Pry off because it's fleece. So, I was just angry that after all the arguing with my DH over how she's a terrific mom and that SD is well taken care of and how dare we imply that she doesn't clean her clothes.

I just needed to vent it out.

stormabruin's picture

"He tells me that he can't because she'll take it as us calling her a bad mother. "
If it walks like a duck & talks like a duck...

She's not taking care of her child. She won't like hearing it, but that doesn't make it any less true, & filth (especially if she's not cleaning "down there") is a health issue.

It certainly isn't uncommon for kids to get poop stains in their underwear, but if she's simply not cleaning her...bathing (with soap) it's a health issue.

Sometimes toys get dirty, but they need to be cleaned.

Do you feel like she's being neglected or is it more just something where she isn't as clean as you would like her to be?

If she's not being taken care of, it certainly is your DH's parental obligation to speak up in the best interest of his child. NOT keep quiet in the best interest of keeping BM calm.

That said, it is your DH's obligation to discuss this with BM. He can do it without being a jerk. She may still take offense, but he has to speak up.

It is NOT your place to correct BM's parenting (lack of).

hallowed1031's picture

I've begun taking before and after pictures because I feel like SD's being neglected.

BM got the custody arrangement as such because we lived in a remote area and we all felt it was best that she start preschool. DH and I made the decision to move back to the same city as SD so he could be closer and get better custody. We couldn't find an apartment, so we're actually living in a motel until we can find something with enough room for SD. As soon as our living situation has become stable we plan on pursuing at least a 50/50 split if not full custody because we're worried about SD's development, which has been severly stunted due to the dysfunctional home and then the divorce.

SD is 4 and speaks like she's 2. She still drinks from a bottle when she's at BM's (DH has to constantly send back the bottles because BM will drop SD off with one in her mouth). She didn't begin potty training until last October and by BM's own admition, it was DH and I who got it to stick by taking the diapers away. And it's not that SD is unintelligent, because she learns and picks things up from us at such a fast pace.

At the same time, I understand DH's reluctance to say anything to her because I've seen how she is, first hand. During the divorce, DH asked her to go to mediation to work out custody, because she refused to let him see SD without a custody arrangement in place. She told him flat out no because she wanted the judge to decide. She then got her neice the next door neighbor's daughter to accuse DH of molesting them. There was an investigation, which came up with nothing because DH was innocent, but this is the kind of drama we have to deal with. BM doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants and SD is caught in the middle.

Which is why, at first, I interacted very little with SD. I make sure she knows that I'm not her mama and I honestly don't want to be. I'm just not a monster either. When I married DH, I knew it was a packaged deal, I understood that I wasn't just marrying the man, I take my vows very seriously. It just frustrates me and I needed to vent out to get rid of the overflow of anger that accumilates, when I can't do anything for either of them, except be supportive and

Lalena75's picture

Don't engage with BM let her bitch and ignore it why should you care what she thinks when your doing something to keep a child clean. She should have no opportunity to bitch you out if you don't engage with her.
Best line ever that I taught my SO: "what I do as a parent and the choices I make in my home is none of your business."
every time she has a complaint (that's usually irrational and a controling attempt at manipulation) he does this we don't usually hear about it again be cause she's not getting, and not gonna get what she wants.
your SD is 4 time for her to learn to wipe no ones going to follow her to kindergarten to do it for her. So supervise, explain to her how, and how much and she'll get it. We do the same was the kids clothes when we get them and we set them aside clean for the next Friday and they go to school in what we got them in. It may be crappy ugly clothes but their clean, she won't return what we used to send (these are kids that used to come in no underwear or socks) when SO sent them back that way she was ticked and swore she didn't know why they hadn't had them on (her brother and his pos gf were taking care of the kids) after that they always have socks and underwear.
Ignore her bitching she has no say and no presence in your home.

AtMyWitsEndNY's picture

My boyfriend has two daugthers (ages 5 and 7)... Lot's of stained underwear due to wiping issues. Lot's of cases of pink eye (maybe they wipe with her hands?)... I don't know... My advice to you is, take the high road...don't engage BM. Continue to work on your relationshp with your SD and strengthen it. Teach her how to wipe herself correctly. Instill some of your values in her. And as for the dirty clothes,,, bag them up and send them home with SD. If she's sent to you in dirty clothes, I'm sure you have extra clothing for her at your house. Don't let BM get the best of you.

hallowed1031's picture

You are so right. While I don't mind the washing of the clothes or the cooking. I'm not yet a mother and I don't want to be SD's mom. When I first met SD, her BM was at the bar so much that when she was around me and I'd tie her shoe or help her with her coat, for a little while, she tried calling me mommy. I nipped that crap right in the bud and told her "SD, I'm not your mommy, honey. I care about you this big (imagine hand sign), but you need to call me 'Hallowed.'

I come from a divorced family (I was 4, too). My parents made every mistake you can make with me, but it's made me more careful of how I interact with SD. Which is also why I'd like to throttle BM and scream, "Wake-up you selfish git and be the mom this little girl needs you to be!"

Then again, if DH gets his way at the next custody hearing, visitation might change and I'm not sure how everything will work out.

I was just really upset and feeling resentful about it. SD isn't the problem, aand as much as I'd like to tell BMoff I do realize my place. It was just nice to vent it all out. Thanks to all for being. Theere. This forum has really helped.

hallowed1031's picture

Wow, I definitely don't have that bad of a situation going on. I met my SD after our second date because DH and I knew eachother from highschool some 14 years ago and we'd kept in touch. DH was in an abusive relationship withBM, where she spent most of her nights drinking at the local bar, sometimes going home with another man, while DH stayed home and took care of SD.

I was living in a nearby state and his mother called me and urged me to visit. BM had almost completely cut DH off from his family and friends. He suffers from anxiety and depression and is on Disability for it. So, a year ago, I went to visit him. I'm not OCD by any means, but I spent that night scrubbing mold off the dishes, taking out bags upon bags of garbage that had been stacked in the corners. Scrubbing his bathroom from top to bottom all while scolding him because I blamed him and BM for the conditions and went as far as to tell him that he was lucky CPS hadn't found out about this because there was no excuse when both of SD's parents were stay at home.

At that point, I told him, If he really wanted out, I would help him. Domestic abuse doesn't just happen to women, people, men can be victims, too. We kept cleaning, whenever BM was away, and moving his stuff out little by little. We were trying to figure out how to get DH out with SD, but the laws are geared toward the mother and we couldn't think of a way that wouldn't be devastating to SD. DH summoned up the courage and left BM. To avoid BM calling the authorities, DH agreed to leave SD with BM.

For 7 months DH wasn't allowed to visit SD unless he stayed in BM's house. There's a play area less than 30 feet away from BM's doorstep and DH wasn't allowed to play with her there. When he would schedule a visit, BM would make sure she had other kids there that she was supposed to be babysitting or she would have a list of errand that he had to complete in order to be allowed to see SD. We tried going to the authorities and were told the only way he'd be able to get visitation rights was to filed r divorce and seek custody. So, I gave him the money to file

hallowed1031's picture

Our relationship didn't become physical until after he left BM, but I considered the cleaning and packing to be dates because we'd make fun out a horrible situation. We'd turn cleaning the house into a game and SD would help pick up her toys and she's try ti help me put up dishes.

The divorce was pretty ugly, but ended up in mediation because when BM's plan to try take all parental rights away by accusing him of being a child mollester backfired (no proof andd the girls involved couldn't keep their stories straight because of their snowballing lies). We countered with bank records of how often she was at the bar or casino, not taking care of SD. We also brought before the judge the divorce records of BM's sister beecause her sister also accused her ex-husband to get full custody of their two children. BM has an upaid DUI and had been before the judge several times in the past year because she said she didn't have money to pay it. Yet, she spent upwards of $300 at the bar.

So, the custody arrangement was made with the stipulation that it change once wwe were in the same city as SD because even with all that evidence, the legal system wants to side with the mother, no matter how unfit she is. The system loves a repenting sinner, even if it's all an act.

But, with all the crap that BM throws at us, we keep SD as far away from it as possible. We never say anything bad about BM in her presence and we make sure that she has set boundaries. DH helps me with the cleaning and food preparation. Housekeeping does the deep cleaning once a week, which is nice, but even when we weere in an apartment, he helped clean because he knows that I dislike filth. I can handle, lived in clutter, SD's toys being about, but there's a definite difference between stacked magazine in a pile vs. dropped food rotting in the carpet. SD has even taken to puting away the toys that we keep for her away nicely before she goes to bed. SD seems to be adjusting well and I was expecting her to hate me and fight me, but we seem to be able to share the same space and her daddy without any major issues. So, I've been really lucky in that respect.

Orange County Ca's picture

By all means video tape and otherwise document this if you want to take on the responsibility of the kid full time because that's the obvious outcome of proving the mother irresponsible.

Don't have any kids with this fellow. As you can see from brousing around this site step-parenting can be a horrible thankless undertaking and can be unbearable. You don't want to bring children into what could likely end being another broken home.

A couple of years from now if you're still together you can rethink this advise but please give it a long trial run.

Better yet find a childless fellow and have your own family, you'll obviously make a loving and caring mother.

hallowed1031's picture

We're on the waiting list for HUD. We're in the motel until.a place opens up. At the same time, we all live in a small town and BM already lives in the HUD complex, so while we wait, we're looking for alternatives as we don't really want to live next door to BM and her BF.

To clarify, I'm already married. We downgraded to be closer to SD and to make sure we could pay her CS. It is important to us to make sure we're keeping up with all of our obligations, we don't mind the temporary downgrade because of this.

DH and I have discussed it a lot and SD is the most important thing. I stay out of the communications between DH and BM, but I get frustrated because even though we're in a motel, we keep things clean for her because cleanliness is part of safety, in my book. We designated a play area for SD and we all get along with eachother. We're taking someone's earlier advice and from now on we're going to document everything so that when we get out of the motel and into a living environment that's condusive to SD, we'll be able to get primary care of SD.

Please, no one get the wrong idea, I back my husband on every decision he makes. He wants primary custody of his daughter, I'm not pushing him to do it. I'm not SD's mommy, nor will I ever be, nor do I want to be. However, she is a part of my husband and my husband is happiest, when he has SD and me together. SD is happiest, when she's with daddy and she gets along just fine with me, so I'm going to back up his wishes 100%.

silver ring's picture

Right here..."The Golden Uterus" complex:

"Are you frustrated with your wife or ex-wife’s attitude of “I AM THE MOTHER; YOU ARE IRRELEVANT” when it comes to raising your shared children? Does she have an over-inflated sense of self because she’s a mother? Does she believe the mere act of giving birth entitles her to special privileges and gives her absolute, unilateral power over you and the children? If so, your wife/ex-wife/mother of your children may be a golden uterus (GU) and suffer from golden uterus complex (GUC).
Golden uterus may seem like a snide term. It is. In some ways, the term is a backlash against a certain kind of woman/mother who believes she is the end-all-be-all just because she procreated, or rather, just because she procreated with you before anyone else had children with you.
You see, GUs only revere their own uteruses and motherhood. They’re dismissive of other mothers and their children; especially if they’re second or third wives. They take pride in the fact that they were the first wives; while ignoring the reality that they were such bad wives that their husbands divorced them."

Unfortunately, some women suffer from this complex.

silver ring's picture

Every time my stepson visits with his biological mother is comes back filthy, clothes, socks very dirty. We normally don't pack the clothes and shoes that we bought, but the small numbers of clothes that her family gave my stepson. We know that if we send the good stuff, it will come back extremely dirty. Her house is dirty because the child tells us. She even put soiled underwear in the bag when he returned home. We found underwear soaked in urine and could not remove the odor after we washed them. My husband constantly has to tell her not to do that anymore. The child needs help with washing himself and while visiting with her, he goes sometimes 2 days in a row without any bath. His hair is not combed, teeth not brushed...
When he is back home, we wash him thoroughly and wash all his clothes as well. She has ruined couple of underwear and socks by putting them full of urine and poop in the bag. Just nasty!
My husband told her and she did not like it. She said, "What are you trying to say? That I am a bad mother?" My husband replied, "You are what you say you are!"
She keeps doing it though.

Go ahead and wash her when she gets to your house. Your husband does not have any reason to be afraid of her. What is she going to do if he tells her to keep the child clean?

hallowed1031's picture

You know something, I think you're right. The wonderful thing I'm finding out about this forum is the commfort I'm getting, the reassurance, and the advice because I would have never thought to teach her to wipe herself be it's something that me and DH do for SD automatically. SD has picked up so much from us already. I think that's why SD brings me her filthy stuffed animals, now. She was playing with a stuffed penguin that I've owned for years and got dirt on it. So, I gently took it from her and told her that it has an 'owie.' I got out a rag, cleaned it, then took a towel and patted it dry. I handed it back and said 'All better!' So, she wants me to heal all of her toys 'owies.' SD also used to freak out when we washed her dirty clothes because she didn't know what I was doing to them. So, I'd clean them and show them to her, when they were clean and dry and say, "See SD? It's all better now." After we take the dirty clothes off of her now, she'll go to the sink, where I wash her clothes and go "All better?" I'll tell her yes or no, but I always show her the items after and it makes her happy. In turn, my husband is happy because his daughter and wife are having a moment.

I guess in the end, that's all that really matters. SD is happy when she's with us. I've finally gotten the past day of crap out of my system. Who cares what BM says. She can't make me or my husband live in filth anymore. I may not be able to control SD's living conditions at BM's, but she can't tell me how to keep my living situation.

qcplauren's picture

I used to deal with this every weekend with my SDs BM. Sometimes you just have to back off and let her complain. My DH and I are well aware that she loves to complain about things when she is mad about something. It's gotten to the point where we always expect a nasty phone call or email when the kids say something positive about their time with us. You just have to ignore it because the BM is "acting out". The BM we have ti deal with never sends the kids down clean, she only makes them wash their hair once a week, she never cuts their nails (we have had to cut toe nails that have almost grown into their skin before). She doesn't clean their house, there are flies and roaches everywhere from the food she leaves out. However, if we send the kids back with dirty boots from playing in the snow, the gates of Hell open. Take my advice, keep a set of clothes at your house for them and only send what she sends them down in back. Don't giver her the chance to pick a fight.

TJH100911's picture

You can't control what happens in BM's home. Do you want her dispensing her advice about what happens in your home? I would suck it up and clean the clothes if you want to, if you don't, leave it to her Dad.