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Worried about upcoming mediation

mesteinway's picture

My boyfriend and his now ex-wife had their final hearing in September, but at that time he contested the children's schedule because we no longer felt it was in the best interest of the children to be in a 50-50 split.

The BM has borderline personality disorder, was committed last December when my bf broke things off with her. She just lost her job but does have a new one, albiet an hour and a half away. She was evicted and is now living in my boyfriend's house that is awaiting a short sale with her sister-in-law and two other children, who also was evicted. She is planning on moving an hour away from us (my boyfriend lives with me) and the children's school because that is the only place that would take 5 people and 5 dogs with two evicted people. I might add that the new house will be in the exact opposite direction of her job, putting her 2.5 hours away from her new job, although she intends to find a new one closer to her new residence.

The judge in the final hearing granted the divorce and set up a mediation for the schedule for November 5th, and said that if you can't come to a decision then, that the court would make a decision. However, in the mean while the BM has been running around accusing us of taking the children away from her, and when we comment on things like making sure she has given us school information or taking care of the older child's homework, she freaks out and sends barraids of texts our way.

She is trying to bully us into talking with her before hand, "the mediation won't be enough time", and she also has said she refuses to settle for anything but 50-50. But at this point that means the poor kids will be in the car for almost 3 hours a day when going to school, not to mention the instability surrounding her entire life.

I am at my witts end, and i'm trying to do all the preparation I can for my boyfriend for the mediation to ensure that if she cannot comprimise that the courts will favor on our side.

Any resources or advice would be appreciated!

Orange County Ca's picture

Stop worrying about what she is running around saying. Anyone who knows her knows she's crazy and those that know you know the same.

Its what happens in mediation that counts and if she says anything she can't prove call her on it.

If you can't come to terms with a insane person then have the court rule.

Take it easy and concentrate on your preparation. From what I just read you'll do just fine.