Question about child support payments..
BM recently - as in just a few days ago - lost custody of her second child, and so now she has two separate child support payments. I am wondering if this has any effect on the support amount she is required to pay us? She is only ordered to pay $250 a month to us, which is as low as they were able to get it so i'm not sure how much lower it could get. My second question is that if BM continues to refuse to pay will consequences be higher since she will now have two separate states going after her? BM has made a grand total of TWO child support payments since DH was awarded primary, and one was only for $50. Talking to child support enforcement is useless because she somehow always seems to get out of it - they were supposed to garnish her wages but after she called they put a stop to it, and she was also supposed to get her license suspended but she got out of that somehow too. Sorry this is a bit long but any help is appreciated.
I don't believe it would
I don't believe it would affect the first CS order.
As far as her consequences, women seem to get a pass when it comes to CS so.....
Keep filing complaints with
Keep filing complaints with the CSE office and if necessary file a motion of contempt against her in court. Let the judge light the fire under the CSE office.
I would.