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Can you change child support..

Katie8's picture

We are in Canada. My dh pays support for his son and his step son. The problem is he has zero relationship with his step son who is 16. We haven`t seen him in over 2 years. Is there a way to fight paying support for him. he has come over maybe two times since their divorce 3-4 years ago. He doesn`t call him on Fathers day or see him, doesn't call on bdays...nothing. He used to show up on Christmas to get gifts and have his mom pick him up right after. (he would text her to come..we didn`t even know). But the last 2 years he hasn`t even done that. He doesn`t come on family vacations either. There is no relationship. We don't want to be stuck paying for university too. Can we stop this....

Evil stepmonster's picture

Why is it in a court order that he pays CS for a child that is not his? Did he adopt his stepson?

Katie8's picture

the Mom does not know who the father the bio cannot pay. The original court order shows support through until 18 or until the end of college/university. But they had a relationship then. I don't understand having to pay for his post secondary for a kid that is not his and had zero to do with him anymore.