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Yeah!! Has Daddy finally had enough of Princesses SH**?????

hbell0428's picture

This morning Dad flipped his lid on SD13 - finally - he has been angry but not like this; I think he may just see what I have been bit** about for the past seven/eight months since SD has moved in with us.

SD visits her mom one whole evening a week; while she was gone dad went in and straightened up her room(not sure why; snooping or doing it just to be nice?)

First we get a call from BM about what a bad mouth SD is (like we don't know)
I mean she has her for one night; and we get a call.

This morning dad goes in to princesses room and just LOST it; in the matter of two hours - one last night when she got home and one this morning; she TRASHED her room......

He let it go....."you are a pig, you are disrepectful, it is to the point that everything you say or do annoyes me, I am taking everything out of your room and putting it back the way I want and throwing all this away." Of course she was sobbing during this.....
And the only thing he said was........I don't even care that you cry anymore; I have just had it with all your SH**!!

OMG - I felt a little bad (not really) but for once it was nice to hear!!

Jsmom's picture

Yeah - Maybe she will have a wake-up. Doesn't sound like BM wants her, so she is running out of options. I am amazed at how difficult these kids make their own life. I asked SS12 isn't easier to just do what you are asked, rather than ignore it and get in trouble later. He said not really. Ugh!!!

hbell0428's picture

LOL Sounds like me - I say "If you don't want to hear my voice then just do what I ask!!" (I don't even ask that much)