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Seriously... my sister is annoying.

oneoffour's picture

My uncle passed away in NZ last night. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer only 24 hrs ago and zip, gone. My sister posts the most meaningless drivel.. "Life is full of true uncertainties..." What does THAT mean? If you value family so much why are you hold me accountable for not flying the Vegas last year for your belated birthday when we were up to our neck in hail/storm damage? You had all your friends there, people I have never met. And a weekend in Vegas is a lot more expensive than a Tues/Thurs in Vegas. Not to mention I had blown all my good will at work for at least 6 months in a 2.5 week trip to NZ only 4 months prior. Yeah I COULD have flown to Vegas but I would not likely have a job on my return. Not to mention dropping $1000 I didn't have. but then I suppose life's 'true uncertainties' means you get a couple of days away from your teaching job to go to a funeral 10 hrs away when you haven't seen this uncle in about 15 yrs.

And her daughter/ my niece is turning into one of THOSE mothers. Photos and video posted daily on FB. Yeah, it is nice to catch up on my great niece and nephew. But now ... I am seeing before me on the screen THOSE AWFUL words... you are a great mum. AAARRRGGGHHH!She SHOULD be a great mum. She isn't working outside the house. She is home with her little ones every day. What else can you be but 'great'?

I am heading for my Happy Place aka quilting room......


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Ugh. Sisters :/ Although my oldest sister (half-sister) is way more amazing than my slightly older sister (full-sister).

But, quilting?? That's fun! I've made a quilt before and I must say I'm a little jealous that you have a quilting room!

oneoffour's picture

The 'quilting room' was in a previous lifetime my YSS's bedroom. It is the smallest bedroom out of the 3 but perfect for me. Shut the door, turn Netflix on my tablet, place my tablet on a stand and ... fa la la la la... I'm gone....

step off already's picture

Sometimes people are insensitive to other's feelings.

My father past last year and one of my best friends was planning on attending the memorial. She sent me a text the morning of, "will they be serving food after the memorial?" I responded with a simple, "yes". then she texted me back stating that I should let everyone know that.

um, no. I don't really care if people know there will be food to eat ...
