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Worried about SD hurting my BD

MySunshine23's picture

This is super Jerry Springer. My BH has an 8 year old daughter from a previous relationship. Long and the short...BM was molested by her father but was allowing well dumping SD at the same house where he lived so she could run around and get high. It was a really bad situation when I came into SD life she was 3. Courts finally took SD away giving custody to BH mother one year after she got custody she died from a major heart attack. So now SD lives with BH step sister. We were getting her all the time while BM was in she is out. I feel she should not be allowed to take SD her visitation are to be supervised. However BH sister iS letting her just take off with her. After she has been with BM she has a major attitude. She lies steals doesn't have good personal hygiene. It's awful. Now I have my own daughter and SD is extremely jealous. She has tried to hurt my BD. Now she has come up with some more BS. All provide by her psychotic mother. To try and manipulate and destroy our relationship. I am at my wits end. I go above and beyond for SD an am undermined in an instant. BM keeps putting trash in SD head. I don't feel I should waste my time any more with SD as long as BM is getting open visitation. I'm worried about what the effects of having such a crazy lieing manipulative SD AND BM mite have on my BD.

MySunshine23's picture

SD is 8 now....BD is 7 months.....she is at our house every other weekend.

MySunshine23's picture

His mom was worried that BM would try to get one of her family members to take custody away....his lawyer told him to do it since he is a man. When his mother first passed SD didn't want to live in that house anymore. It wasn't supposed to be permanent.

Anon2009's picture

I get a sick feeling BM's dad molested SD too. I hope I'm wrong. I have to add my voice to those that ask why your DH didn't get custody of SD when she was removed from BM? I can't fault SD for being jealous, hurt and angry. Your BD has a full-time dad and mom, and SD might feel (even if it's not true) that DH is a better dad to BD than he is to SD. Plus she probably sees what a good mom you are to BD. Has DH done anything to fight for SD?

It sounds like SD could use the help of a good counselor who specializes in dealing with children, especially one who helps sexually abused children if that's what happened. Look up "signs of molestation in girls" on Google. See if SD matches any of the symptoms.

MySunshine23's picture

I have suggested SD see or talk to someone. I get the feeling that n9 one wants to face the possibility. She does show signs still. DH fought to get her away from the BM.