what is an unfit mother
:jawdrop: so on what grounds do mothers loose custody? Is it OK to impede visitation by in front of the police refusing to send your child for visitation? How about if the mom does the 12 yr olds home work causing her to fail school? No food in the house? Permissive parenting? Mom sends child to spy on dad and his family take pictures of inside their home and then post on Facebook. How about the older pot smoking brother who is constantly getting high. And can't forget the older sister who is a stripper and pole dancer with lots of Facebook pictures and the 12 yr old is Facebook friends and lives with her. Shall I go on
I don't understand why you're
I don't understand why you're acting like I don't live there what you're saying only daddy should worry about it we're a family this is happening to me too and my other two children not just daddy and stepdaughter / daughter we have hired an attorney and just found out this information I saw it the step parent forum would be able to give me some good sound advice of what they thought an unfit mother look like all of this is my business I'm very puzzled why you think its not
I think most at mothers would
I think most at mothers would say wow awesome she's going to go live with her mother full time except we are family daddys daughter and mommy's daughter our new family and we care about all of her children the same it's not his kids and my kids it's our kids now perhaps I'm unique by the way your talking it sure sounds like it