What say you?
So after finding that my brand new DH spent his last 5 minutes texting it up with his ex wife only five minutes before saying I Do to me, and then discovering that him and her like to chat it up sometimes in the mornings on his drive to work, lunch hour, and drive home, with countless texting inbetween. I had a little talk with my DH. He offered to give me his phone and let me handle her constant need for communication. Awesome right!?!?!?!
Just from his mobile info, going back an 8 week period, their averages are as follows:
- 49 texts per week
- 14.8 calls per week (and I removed 2 calls each weekend assuming that some of that was talking to his kids, so I am being real linient here)
- 67 minutes of talk time per week (again - removed 20 minutes on weekends)I'm ussualy around when he talks to the kids and it's rarely ever over ten minutes.
So he gives me his phone: And by some mirale -this past week it went down to:
- 4 texts
- 2 missed calls
- 0 minutes of talk time.
Hmm....I am thinking he gave her a heads up.
What say you?
I know what it is. I have
I know what it is. I have always known. He has great guilt for the way he left her, she knows it, and plays on his every heart string. Playing the game of helpless, needy little ol' me, meanwhile jabbing our relationship and me!
In answer to your questions: She was the aggressor each and every time. She would text 3 to 4 times to his one. She would call and he would answer.
She is a fat, nasty slob who lives 9 hours away from us so I have no fears of infidelity. It is the principal of the whole thing! The whole idea makes me shutter. For all of the hateful, bitter, spiteful things she has said and done to me, to him, and to us, and for him to give her the satisfaction of being at her beckon call any time of day or night. It is sending her the wrong signal that he values her above any respect he may have for me.
A very careful, long, and detailed discussion with him opened his eyes to the hurt it was causing me. At least I think it did. He gave me his phone and said "Have at it!" and I was thrilled!
But for the communication to come to a screeching halt the way it has this week makes me wonder if he gave her some kind of heads up.
Lord help him if he did is all I can say.
Pack up your bags and leave
Pack up your bags and leave or kick him out until he learns how to set boundaries.
Trust me. I've lived this for 7 misery filled years. I wish I would have set boundaries when it first started to happen with my H's exW.
Do not let them get away with it. She is trying to make him show his loyalty to HER over you.
Since you're willing to give
Since you're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt lets continue to do so. Assume that of course he gave her a 'heads up'. But why not - wouldn't it be the perfect way to get out of the situation? Like a little kid who got his phone taken away by the teacher he calls his pal from home and says "There is no use texting me Teach has my phone".
Furthermore lets assume he now does not want to re-establish or continue his old ways which did didn't like anyway. Many people are addicted to their electronic devices. My point being it wasn't that he wanted to text her but that he just can't ignore the ring. My wife has two phones at her side constantly and I swear if she were dieing and the phone rang she would answer with her death rattle. I routinely ignore callers and call them back when its more convenient for me and don't mind if they do the same.
So lets give it time and like you said Lord help him - not if he warned her but if he re-establishes.
But what is he doing for a cell phone now?
Sometimes brand new DH's have
Sometimes brand new DH's have trouble establishing new processes and boundaries after they re-marry. They are often racked with a new level of guilt especially if they did the leaving and will then let themselves be manipulated by the BM's who know what buttons to push to get the guilt flowing. They'll also allow themselves to be cajoled thinking it's best for the kids or best to just be nice by all accords to avoid angering the ex's who can then start a whole court thing and make a big to do about every little thing so they 'go along to get along' so to speak. But this is not good because it usually causes issues in their new relationships which should be their priority and a partnership. I know this all too well as the BM used to carry-on in beginning as if I was just a blip on the radar and that my DH was still at her disposal for all kinds of things. Took a minute to reign that in but in time we did. This was before marriage. Wish I'd done more setting things right.
Anyway, yeah he probably gave her a heads up and that can be a good thing because now she knows that he's not willing to keep talking to her without your knowledge. So she can see where his head is about where they stand and where YOU stand as his new wife. Let's hope your issue is resolved now! That'll be one victory for us poor old SM's. Lol
Same here! ^^^^^^ I'm so
Same here! ^^^^^^ I'm so glad DH doesn't associate with BM unless absolutely necessary. And now that SD14 is staying with her full time, he doesn't hear from either of them and I'm perfectly fine with that!
But yes, if my DH and his ex were talking/texting/communicating that much, I'd walk!
UPDATE: The emails have
UPDATE: The emails have started.
I have access to his email and have had for quite some time. I just checked his account and BAM! There they are! She has avoided emailing him since a year ago when she found out that he shares his email account openly with me. And now all of a sudden, she is emailing him like crazy!
Not that I mind so much, I can see every email they send back and forth, but it just re-enforces that he DID let her know that I have his phone! I am so PISSED!!!! He has no idea what a stab in the back that is for me!
This is why it is such a betrayal....(from a previous post)- The "talk" that I had with him about what damage his excessive communication with her was doing to me....
1- Women play games. Learn it and don't ever forget it! They ARE and WILL BE sly as a fox, sleek as an eel, slimy as a snake and dirty as a dog when push comes to shove. No woman is exempt - that shit is BUILT IN! Learn it!!!!
2- No woman plays the game better than a jaded, rejected woman!
3- She is in NO WAY Clueless, Helpless, or Needy!!! This is her way of staying in control!!!! She has your attentions by keeping you in constant contact and she knows it! She is testing your loyalty to me and while you may think you are simply "keeping the peace", she is translating your open communication as victories that she still has the attentions of MY MAN! How am I supposed to hold my head up high as his proud wife, when she is doing the same?
4- This is not a game to mess with you, for her; this is a game to mess with ME! She is a WOMAN! She knows that no woman including herself would want their man chatting it up all day every day with any other woman! She is using her care of the children to keep you on your toes at her whim. By going along with her game, you are actually helping her win the game in her eyes. This is humiliation for me. This is a slap in the face and she knows it even if you don’t.
5- She knows exactly what she is doing! She knows that you have no clue and that you have no feelings toward her, don't need her, and could really care less. But she knows (or hopes) that I will have a clue, that I will have feelings about it, and that I care...a lot! She wants for nothing more than to be able to rub it in my face and brag to all her friends that while I may have HER MAN, she still has all of his attention! These are all victories for her leaving her feel like she is in complete control. It is time for that connection to be broken and for her to be put in her place. I am your wife now, and the sooner she accepts that the better!
7- He is the most non-confrontational person I have ever met. She knows that (she was married to the man for 22 years!) and she knows that she can do or say whatever she wants about me with no re-butte or consequence. It is time that the person she thinks she knows so well (another attachment issue) blow her mind and do something completely out of character! If you can’t manage to do it yourself, then I will!
That is when he handed his cell phone over to me and said “have at it”. !!!!!!
I thought for sure he had finally "got it", he finally understood!
That night we agreed that if he couldn't stand up for me, if he couldn't ignore her "non-parental focused" chatting, if he couldn't put a stop to her thinking that it is perfectly okay to chat it up with him all day long every day, then I would do it for him!
It was also agreed that under no circumstances whatsoever was she to know about this!
Why is this such a betrayal? By him letting her know (tipping her off) what we are doing proves to me that he is still devoted to their communication, which in my book translates to "STILL DEVOTED TO HER!!!!" It kinda feels like "the 2 of them" verses me!!! And that's bullshit!
^^^^I agree. There's really
^^^^I agree. There's really NO reason they should be communicating at all unless it has something to do with their divorce, co-owned property or the kids. Other than that, they aren't friends, best buddies, whatever. They are exes and should treat each other that way. I'm lucky in that my DH and his ex don't talk at all anymore. SD14 stays with her, he just mails a CS check once a month. Period. Done...
My ex and I only communicate via email since the bastard never responds to phone calls. And it's only regarding my daughter's schedule or school. Period. Done...
I would consider this mildly
I would consider this mildly cheating. Sorry but gotta be honest.
^^^^^ THIS.
If this woman is such a fat slob and there is nothing going on between them why did he "tip her off" and why is he continuing to have communication with her???
It seems to me that he is not so willing to give this up!
If you want to know what is REALLY being emailed/communicated between them don't say anything to your DH and download a stealth keylogger and you will find out the REAL story! How do you know he isn't deleting some emails?
Then you will know if he is really trying to break off communication with her or not.
LOL, Echo. Funny!
LOL, Echo. Funny!
^^^^^^^^True AND hilarious at
^^^^^^^^True AND hilarious at the same time
"When people show you who
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."~ Maya Angelou
wise words
wise words
Ah "changed his ways"... Not
Ah "changed his ways"... Not a chance... no one speaks to the ex THAT much and doesn't know it isn't healthy for their new marriage... and then just turns around and changes. Something is fishy here... I say RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN. PERIOD. Lairs are liars are liars... they never change... once they are past age 10, if they still lie, they will always lie.... RUN.
He's having an emotional
He's having an emotional affair. It IS cheating.
I would leave.
You are newly weds and he is already treating you second class. What an asshole.
SHE is also trying to keep her spot in his heart because there is something emotional there.
Bad news OP. Nothing but bad news.
Emotional Affair
Emotional Affair definition
"An "emotional affair" is an affair which excludes physical intimacy but includes emotional intimacy. It may begin innocently as a friendship. It may also be called an affair of the heart. Where one partner is in a committed monogamous relationship, an emotional affair can be a type of chaste nonmonogamy without consummation. When the affair breaches an agreement in the monogamous relationship of one of the partners to the affair, the term infidelity may be more apt."
"An emotional affair can be defined as follows'
"A relationship between a person and someone other than (their) spouse (or lover) that has an impact on the level of intimacy, emotional distance and overall dynamic balance in the marriage. The role of an affair is to create emotional distance in the marriage."[1]
In this view, neither sexual intercourse nor physical affection is necessary to impact the committed relationship(s) of those involved in the affair. It is held that an emotional affair can injure a committed relationship more than a one night stand or other casual sexual encounters.[citation needed]
Incidence and prevalence"
Oh, dear... OP, I'm so sorry
Oh, dear... OP, I'm so sorry you're in this place. I cannot imagine. Well, I kinda can. But I'll save that for another day...and that's the XH.
Take a look at what you know.
1. They communicate very frequently.
2. They were joking about him marrying you.
3. You called him out on it, he gave you free and full access (knowing otherwise would cause a problem.)
4. He hasn't stopped the contact with BM. He just chose another avenue hoping that you won't notice.
5. He let BM know you're pissed about the contact.
So, you could tell him you read the emails, he could tell you he'll stop, and then he'll get one you don't know about.
You cannot set boundaries for him. He has shown you that he will have daily contact with BM regardless of how you feel about it. The only thing left for him is to get sneaky about it...
You need to accept that HE will not change. He has shown you what is important to him.
What you need to do is decide whether YOU will accept this...or not. That is your choice.
This was my
This was my experience:
Before we got married I noticed that DH was getting A LOT of calls from BM and he would answer EVERY time she called even if we were on a date. I talked to DH the week of the wedding and let him know that I would not tolerate this behaviour. I said "I know me and this is not going to work if this continues". He agreed to end it except for things concerning SS. But that was easier said than done.
BM got very upset and even called and cussed DH out several times calling him a bad father, etc whenever he refused to answer her calls. We argued over this REPEATEDLY because he thought I was being ridiculous because they were not sleeping together. I explained to him about emotional affairs and that I would not tolerate it. He either ended this charade or I left!!! His choice.
He finally did MAN UP and told BM to call our house phone of the evening if she needed to talk to him and DO NOT call his cell phone unless SS was hospitilized.
He agreed to let me hear any messages that she leaves on his cell.
He agreed to not see her even to drop off SS unless I was with him.
I told him if I found out he was hiding things from me IT IS OVER!!! I will not tolerate a cheater! (of any kind)
I am not sharing my man with another woman NOT even the mother of his GOLDEN CHILD!
If he did not want me to contact my EX-lover (a hot Italian,
) do not go behind my back and have communication with your EX-lover.
He finally got the picture! LOL.
BM still calls and whines and cries to him about SS and this and that but sometimes he will try to change the subject if she starts rattling.
She calls at least once a month now instead of at least once a day! She does call our home phone to talk to him but she has left messages on his cell but he lets me listen to them.
Is this a perfect arrangement, NO not to me but we have came a long way!
SS will be 18 soon and then I am planning on helping DH make the final break from BM. Yes, it is a process but it definitely should be taking place.
IMHO, if your DH is not willing to give this emotional affair up than you might as well let him go. It will not get any better!
Might I add, that BM fought
Might I add, that BM fought this process every step of the way. She made DH feel like crap and would call him all kinds of names for (in her words)"not communicating with her".
She brought up every reason in the book for calling him and even got DH's family involved in her cause for "communication".
I repeatedly would ask them "do you want your husbands/wives EX-LOVER calling them constantly? I didn't think so, so stay out of MY marriage and my business!!!