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What do you do when SS17 constantly challenges your authority?

strader's picture

I think I've jsut about had it.

I'm a step-dad to ss17 who I've raised full time since he was 7. His BD is close to being a deadbeat but stays in SS17 life over phone and ocasional visits. SS17 and I never really connected but I've raised and provided for him his whole life.

We've been supporting his high school football even though he's been riding the bench for 4 years, he still wants to do it. On senior night they finally let him play and he got hit real hard and we found out later the trainer believe he may have got a concussion. so they wouldn't let him drive home that night.

The next day he got up and went to work when he came home he was looking a little confused and dizzy, but was planning to go drive to his girlfriends house, he kept telling his mom he's fine. I told his mom, you need to tell him to stay home and rest, he's obviously not fine. He always talks to his mom like a jerk and kept saying to her "I'm fine." So...that's where I have to step in.

I calmly say to him "who's responsible for you?" He turns and looks at me with this evil face and says "Why are you talking to me like this?" I explain to him that he can't just go make the decision to go do anythign he wants when he's our responsibility. Well he starts a fight with me now saying "y'all can't just yell at me like this" and then eventually said the one thing that blows me over the top: "I'm going to call my dad and he'll fix this."

Now this is a kid that has a cushion situation at home, he comes and goes as he wants, doesn't have many choses, has a cell phone, wifi, cable tv in his room all provided by me, not his mom or his dad. This is not the first time he's challenged me, so it's not the concussion, he is just that spoiled and thinks so highly of himself that he knows everything. He actually said to us it's against the law to yell at kids if they didn't do anything wrong! Then started telling me I'm a terrible parent and I'm acting like a kid. I'm the most responsible parent in his life, his dad is his buddy, his dad goes against any our or decision if his wins points with his son.

How do you keep decipline in a house when you have the other side covering for him like this. His BM is afraid of him I think. She's so naive and timid that she avoids confrontation, thats why during his trantrum of telling me off, my wife would not stand up and defend me and say "You have no right to talk to the man that has provided for us for 10 years."

I want to slam dunk this kid now with punishments by dropping all the extra things I'm providing for him. BUut my wife doesn't want to do that, that would totally kill him.....he would proabably run away because he feel he does nothing wrong. But, He will be out the house soon to go to college he thinks, I could just wait this out, but I feel like a chump in my own home.

I've given 10 years of my life to raise someone else's kid, and this is what I get at the end.

WalkOnBy's picture

I live with a kid like this - we call him ASS around here and at home he is known by both me AND DH as "Jackass Jones."

I stopped doing anything for this kid - DH has scaled waaaaaaay back in an effort to teach a "reap what you sow" lesson.

Read my blogs. Stop doing for him. You are not his parent and you are NOR responsible for him just because his dad has checked out.

Stop. Just stop.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Not your kid, not your problem. As said above, this kid has 2 parents. THEY are the ones legally responsible for him. YOU need to stop providing him what his parents do not. If your wife wants her son to have a cell phone, wifi, and cable tv then she and the bio dad can pay for them.

What do you do? DISENGAGE. Do nothing for this kid. You don't buy him anything. You don't drive him anywhere nor do you let him drive your vehicle. You don't cook for him. He is 17 and perfectly capable of fixing his own meals.

Notmymonkeys's picture

I agree with the others, you need to stop giving him things he doesn't deserve. I did this with SD when she came to live with us at 16 when she didn't want to abide by our rules. And I am doing is now with SS16 who also just came to live with us this summer for the same reasons as SD. Just stop doing the extras, disconnect the phone, take the cable out of his room and the car away. simple.

Rags's picture

He is a minor. Take his car, sell it, make his life a living hell until he graduates. Then good riddance.

Give him a choice. Tow the line or GTFO. His call. Get forced emancipation papers ready, show them to him, take him on a tour of the local homeless camp and inform him that he can move in with his new neighbors any time he wants.

Make the high point of the conversation by getting in his face, push him. If he swings.... show him what being an adult who makes poor decisions feels like.

I would.

If he moves to daddy's..... good riddance and congrats on the early graduation present to yourself.

We had some similar crap with my Skid when he was 17. He responded well to the constant misery treatment, pulled his head out, graduated on time and with honors, and pretty much figured it all out.

jennifereco's picture

How did he get his car? who pays the insurance? you cant tell him what to do but you do not have to provide things that he doesnt need

ohiodad's picture

Sounds like SS17 is a spoiled brat. Take away everything you pay for, no wifi, no TV no cell phone. Heck you can even get rid of his bed if you bought it. He wants to be a tough guy, well then let him tough it out.