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What do you do when it your biological kid thats the trouble?

pickle's picture

My son is 23(Rob). He has been a problem since about 15 and he was a real handful. Stealing skipping school would not listen to authority threats of violence towards me, caught by police driving a stolen vehicle at 15 etc.
He dropped out of school at 17 and I told him to get a job or you are out and he did...he got himself a car, a job that paid reasonably well and it seemed like he was getting on track. He has always been difficult though lying, laziness, unco operative.

He had a girlfriend for a long time and they bought a dog together without consultation with me. The dog was supposed to live with her parents but when they broke up Lily the boxer came to our home. As much as I never wanted an animal again after the death of my last pet I love and spoil her and could never see her being put down to be rid of her..

So fast forward and about 2 years ago my partner and I moved in together. He has always got on well with my son and I dont rememebr there ever being issues between them.

Rob my son has grown lazier and lazier each day since the partner moved in and I have blown my top at him on several occasions which has got no result. The main issues are the mess he creates (to the point of his room being nauseatingly filthy with mouldy dishes everywhere) The fact that he refuses to pay the $25.00 a week 'rent' to live here (He has all food, heating, cooling, internet, phone, own bathroom use of 2 bedrooms to himself) and cleaning up after the dog who I have found on many occassion with not even any water??? :jawdrop: in a garden full of dog shit that never gets picked up. She has had health problems with her skin and he refuses to even take her to the vet.

In February an argument broke out because he had been home all day on the PC again and my partner and I came home to a house full of dirty dishes again. So this time I passworded the computer- the only thing he seems to really ever want. He has not been able to access the internet from this house since.

3 months down the track and he still refuses to speak to us. His room is diabolical the dog is still not being looked after except a can of dog food thrown in her bowl whatever time he comes home at night and the tension is just horrible. It was his birthday on Wednesday we left a card with a $100.00 visa card gift voucher on his bed and he put it back in the kitchen unopened. I dont really care about that I dont think we should have given him anything considering his attitude but I find myself scared of the confrontation with him. We all just pass each other in the hallway without a word being said. My partner tried to tell him that I would be operated on for cervical cancer a couple of months ago (given all clear just yesterday so no further issue) and he just ignored him and walked out?
In reality I think I want him to go. Get out, make your own life. I cant stand all of this. My partner wants to have it out with him but Ive said it wont change things. Ive had years of this type of behaviour. He just stares at us when we have said things in the past and has gone on to make no improvement.

Another worry is if he leaves - which I doubt he ever will willingly, Im scared he will take the dog and just leave her in a garden without caring for her properly, where as we make sure she is walked, bathed, stimulated and played with. Plus we actually both love her.

We love nothing better than when Rob has disappeared for a weekend and its just us at home. Peaceful, clean and calm.

I feel so stressed and miserable, I know my partner is sick of it all can feel the tension building just as we are about to arrive home.

Im so ashamed that this is my kid.

Yme's picture

Your gonna have to pack his bags and change the locks...move the dog for a few days.....leave him a note saying the reasons that you feel he has abused your help and love....He is grown....GET ON WITH IT SON.....
IF you dont fear violence can YOU have a sit down with him? tell him how you feel and ask him to step up or find his own place with out your granddog? Volunteer to care for your granddog until he can get on his feet...make it a joint decision between you and your son...just an idea....some kids need a push or a shove from the nest....
Good Luck!

vera3's picture

I see both side of the coin... that you are enabling him and it's hurting all parties (him, you and your partner) but on the other hand, how do you kick out the man who used to be your precious little boy? I hope I never face this dilemma. Sad
I feel so much sympathy for you!

Seems like most people would advise to kick him out for his own good and his own growth, and for your own sanity and health... and it sounds logical, but I'm trying to imagine doing it myself and I'm having trouble...

Roseybird's picture

First of all, I am sorry to hear you going through this battle with your son and with cervical cancer. However, I think your HEALTH is more important. Don't let it stress you out right before you are about to face one of the biggest battles in your life. I agree with the previous persons comments. You are enabling him to do this to you.

My suggestion would be to (1) Kick him out the house. (2) Change your locks. (3) Find a really good home for the dog, somewhere that will be close enough for you to visit when you need to. (4) Start focusing on beating your cancer (5) Enjoy your life.

I do believe tough love is the best thing for your son. I have 2 sons and I don't know what I would do in this case, but stand firm in your decision and take care of yourself first.

alwaysanxious's picture

I agree with others. If you want the dog, put her in a kennel for a weekend, do all of the above (pack stuff, change locks, etc) and move him out. Bring your pet back home. Your son is too old to be living off you. This is causing your DH to resent you and the situation.

Whateva's picture

First of all sorry to hear that you are going through such drama and 2nd it is encouraging to see that you can obviously see fault with your OWN child and not see him as the perfect child like so many parents do. Now he is grown and there has to come to point where you exercise TOUGH love (for lack of a better term) . Everyone is entitled to be happy and we all have choices, your son unfortunatley has chosen a less desirable path. Make him leave your home! I am sure you are worried about the dog but I think having peace in your household is more important.

Considering he is living in your home and not speaking AND the fact that he is grown would pose no problem for me putting him out!

Good luck

sassafrassey's picture

Good luck to you, I am very impressed that you can admit that it is your child is the problem, usually on this forum the parents never see that their children's attitudes/behaviors are causing problems in the marriage.

I would say a little bit of tough love. Maybe he will withhold his affections from you, but he is doing that very thing in your house. He will never become a contributing member of society unless you make him take the first step. Letting him live in your home is not helping him any, in fact it is deterring his growth into adulthood.