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pickle's picture

To all you men (you know which ones I'm referring to) not the ones who are decent and caring and supportive, to all you men who use us, belittle, humiliate and lie to us. Who tell us we are crazy or stupid and mean. How dare you do this to the women in your lives who chose to be with you,love you, to support you, to look after you. You repay us with lies, dishonesty, manipulation, disregard.Our needs and wants are not recognized. You refuse to support us. You refuse to grow up and act like a real man and choose to act a child. How dare you!!

What did we do to deserve this? You tell us we are crazy or stupid. Let me tell you, we are crazy and stupid, and do you know why? It's because we still live with you, we still put up with your BS, your snotty kids, we still go out to work to pay YOUR bills, we cook and clean and look after everyone when they are sick. we have sex with you and tell you how wonderful you are. We hold you in high esteem, we do all the worrying in the household, the organizing. We put in a lot of hard work for you poor examples of men who go on to take, take, take and then some more. And the best bit comes when you look up in shock when we pack out bags to leave...You never see it coming, do you?


This post is not aimed at the good men out there but in my experience there are very few to be found!!

I had to rant Sad

leftfield's picture

Amen Sistah!!!!

I can't tell you how many times I've been shit on by trying to do a good deed. The latest is when he asked me to be over his place at 5 pm and requested my secret-ingredient pizza for dinner. He also went into detail about what his kids like/dont like as far as pizza toppings. I show up at 5 as planned, with the 30.00 worth of FRESH ingredients and he told me "oh, well, the kids ate a couple hours ago." That's fine, so why didn't u call me a couple hours ago before I bought everything??

no consideration for me at ALL. fuck him.

Bubbly1's picture

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!! Let's form a lynch mob, a "step-mob" if you will. String them up by their "manhood" and watch them squirm!

Who's with me???