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what do you do when the are no real opportunities to get to know your skids?

newmommy05's picture

Just as the title says...DH and I currently live 8 hours away from his son and he goes every 2-3 months to see him. I go with him sometimes, but most of the time I can't take time off work to do so. In the last year I have seen SS once. Before we got married I never really got to know him that well either because of the distance and his ex was not really letting DH see his son. Some of you might think this situation is a godsend, and it is totally. But on the other hand, I would actually like to get to know him a little more even though he annoys the shit out of me.

Ali_cat's picture

Does it bother you when your DH goes to see his kid without you and has to deal with his ex-wife? That's an issue I'm having and I don't know what to do about it...any suggestions would be appreciated Smile

newmommy05's picture

It used to bother me when BM was single but now she's married it bothers me less. I also care less about it now that I have my hands full with DD4months. What about the ex-wife bothers you?

Ali_cat's picture

Well...she's very manipulative, lazy, and very entitled, even though she doesn't work (her family is rich). And she's single. She wants to cause trouble, and I can see her trying something to worm her way back into my future DHs life/pants. I know I need to trust him, and I hope he's not stupid enough to fall for her act, but it's hard sometimes. His ex cheated on him and moved in with another guy before the divorce was even final...telling the kid that she had brothers, pets, etc...then she rips the kid out of that situation and moves her to another city....she just seems unstable and unfit....and will do anything to get more money.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

I know this isn't what you are looking for, but maybe just be thankful and leave it at that.

newmommy05's picture

I thought he was a cute kid, slightly annoying in that he was just 4 years old and had a need to be always talking about anything and everything. Whenever he would say something a little disrespectful, my DH would step in and say that's not how you talk to _______. I have to say though he has never really challenged my authority or anything like that. Our relationship is basically that I do not get involved in parenting him. DH actually said I can parent him if I want, but I'd rather not. I would want our relationship to be more as an aunt/nephew kind of one. Not sure if this is right. But like I said I haven't really spent enough time with him to actually "know" him. The longest I've spent with him was probably 2.5 days consecutively.