Welfare check
So here goes. I need to know if a welfare check can be done without the address to where the child is being held at the moment. I know what apartments she is at but not the number. My sad called tonight to talk to her first daughter whom I have guardianship of. While talking mom is getting high off camera, the one year old is running around in the house with someone else that drinks all the time. I'm very worried about the child . I have filed for guardianship of this second child but sharing for court to get her. At least that is the hope. I don't know what to do so I'm looking for some advice/help.
If it's your children then
If it's your children then simply collect them, but you having guardianship indicates it's not your children.
Stay out of it, it's got nothing to do with you, if it's your partners children he needs to resolve this
Yes you can call the police
Yes you can call the police and request a welfare check. They most likely will like to know the reason. It's done all the time. I deal with stuff like that all the time with my job.