We broke up over family vacation.
My SO and I broke up over a family vacation. The vacation consisted of me, the 2 skids and his mother(MIL). From the day we got there I felt I could do nothing right. He was in a bad mood from the get go and blaming everything on me. Granted I probably wasn't in the best mood due to lack of sleep I was a little cranky myself. From the beginning his family were late to the aiport and I was left sitting around wondering where everyone was. No answered phone calls or texts. No one offered to give me a ride. I made my own way. Yet he took it out on me that they were late because I didn't "help him" enough and he was also mad I didn't pay the extra 80 dollars to get a seat on the plane next to them even though I had to buy my own ticket. Long story short everything on the trip revolved around his kids which I understand completely, but there were things I also wanted to do (and I invited everyone to do them with me) but no one wanted to. He guilted me about it big time and got very anrgy with me. I didn't undertsand why we could not split up for a couple hours here and there. I paid for my own ticket, meals and transportation. It's not like he was paying for me. His kids were also rude to me and acted entitled and always wanted to eat at the same places and do the same things. He also did nothing about their behavior towards me yet turned it around on me then turned his kids against me saying I didn't want to hang out with them and be a family. He was angry with me for not wanting to spend the entire trip with his family yet he never acted happy that I was even there and got angry with me the second I wanted to go to the beach or try some new food. MIL also lectured me about being a family and what that meant which really rubbed me the wrong way. They acted like I wanted to go out drinking or to the bars when all I wanted to do was go to the beach and try some new restaurants that the skids won't eat at and see some sights they found boring. We got into a huge blow up immeditately about me not wanting to do everything as a family but he wasn't exactly warm and fuzzy when I was around plus MIL cannot walk for more than 10 minutes at a time because she is overweight and has back and knee problems. I shelled out over 60 bucks for uber the first day because where they wanted to eat was a busy place with no where to park so we could not bring the car. It was another average breakfast place. Paid for mysself as usual but was guilted for not taking turns paying for everyone's meals because I was told we are a family (I'm sorry but I can't afford to pay for 5 people but will gladly pay for myself every time) I like to get out and walk and see things. His kids were behaving rudely. After my SO blew up at me he told me we were done. This was only after him and skids were rude and ignoring towards me for voicing my opinion about not wanting to do everything they wanted to do even though I ended up doing it anyways. My SO then tells me I owe him for the cost of the condo even though he never paid for it, his mother did. He demanded cash from me for the costs which I did not have on me. This is after years of paying for so many of skids things and offered no reimbursement whatsoever. I told him to tell his mother to text me and I would write her a check. She has not. The condo was 300 a night for 7 nights divided by 3 (rooms) I got 2100/3 equals 700 plus a little more due to taxes. He said I owed him 1500 cash (not sure where he came up with that amount). I paid for my own flight, transportation and food. I was in their rental car for one day only but also paid for everyone's (5 people) uber twice that same day which was not cheap. I never ate their groceries. I felt very sad because I feel like he just discarded me because I spoke up for myself about wanting a little independence to sightsee and try some new restaurants on the trip. I also invited everyone along but no on wanted to go with me. He made me feel so guilty about it. No one would even speak to me after that. So much for being a family. He acted like I cheated on him, was a partier going out to the bars or abused his kids or something. I am very hurt by all of this because I took time off and spent money on what I thought would be a nice vacation only to be discarded immediately for speaking up for myself. I also heard him talking negatively about me to his mother saying I was cranky, selfish, etc. This really hurt me. What should I do about the money? I have not heard from his mother. I'm done with this relationship so thats non issues. I am very hurt right now and heart broken.
I am sorry
I am sorry that your relationship ended like that but at least you have a definite ending and there is no "what if" back and forth. You have been given the gift of a loud and clear break-up from what sounds like a nightmare situation. Lick your wounds for a bit and then count your blessings.
As far as the money goes, it sounds like you already blew quite a bit and got nothing in return. Don't throw good money after bad. You never agreed to pay even what you were pressured into paying while you were there, let alone "pay him back" for these surprise charges now that you have broken up You owe him nothing. Should you ever hear from his mother I would simply not reply and block the number. Block him too while you are at it and move on with your life.
Thank you. I am not a cheap
Thank you. I am not a cheap person, maybe I had been too generous at times with his kids and he got used to it. I have paid for many meals (while babysitting them for free), driven them places, taken them trampolining, to movies, ice cream, etc. bought them groceries and was never offered any reimbursement. Recenty I became more conservative with my money because work has not been as busy for me. Now I just pay for myself but will occasionally take them to lunch. I also took "our" dog to the vet and paid for that many times even though now we are broken up she is now their dog, not mine that I will never see. Not to mention I was the only one who seemed to walk the dog when I was over there. I guess I am really hurt, not about the money, but because how crappy he was to me on this trip. I felt like the human dog of the family. Literally. I was completely ignored the rest of the trip then told I owed him money just for speaking up. I just felt undervalued, or not valued at all.
If your name is in the vet bills...
Go claim the dog. F them. They won’t take care of it properly it seems. You have a paper trail to show it’s yours.
I thought about it. I was the
I thought about it. I was the one who walked the dog mainly and gave her the most attention. The problem is I don’t want anymore drama. I also work long shifts and don’t have anyone to help me with her as I live alone. I agree I am better with the dog but it wouldn’t be fair to the dog leaving her in during my long work days. Plus the less drama the better in my view.
You dodged a nuclear missile,
You dodged a nuclear missile, darling. That "vacation" would have been the tip of Nightmare Iceberg had you wasted more years of your life with this unappealing bunch.
You don't owe any of them a damn penny.
After that fiasco, I would
After that fiasco, I would block him and his mother and surely wouldn't give them a dime. He sounds like a controlling nutjob - lucky you got out when you did!
Tell him to send you receipts for anything for you he paid for and you will happily cover it. No receipts, no money.
He's an uber ass! Be grateful you got away early.
What would they have paid had
What would they have paid had you not gone? They would have had to cover the Uber and the rental themselves. I would just ghost this guy and his mother. Or if you’re still living there give him lip service, promise to pay to keep the peace, get all your stuff out then ghost him.
No we are not living together
No we are not living together. He wanted me to move in with him but I didn't think it was a good idea because anytime I wanted to discuss anything he gets very angry or shuts me out. But yes to answer your question they would’ve needed a condo that size regardless if it were there or not.
In your intro, you mentioned your partner was a woman and now a man? Not that it makes a bit of difference, I just like to get the full understanding.
Whichever it is, that doesnt make it hurt any less! Im sorry this happened to you, it sounds like you gave it your all and were rewarded with all the blame and expenses.
Please do not go back to this person, after they realize what an amaxizng partner you were to them - they will try to entice you back with all kinds of promises - dont give in!!!!! You deserve better than being treated like poo on the shoe.
Yeah, OP - I'm having trouble
Yeah, OP - I'm having trouble believing this since your partner just changed genders without an explanation.
newwtostepguy, I mean,
newwtostepguy, I mean, tarynewtostep, this is the best thing that could have happened to you.
This is not the relationship for you.
Hahaha. As I read the first
Hahaha. As I read the first paragraph I was having dejavu.
You've dodged a massive bullet. I'll say for the 10000000th time, she sounds horrific. Walk away and never look back. Forget the money, if her mother pesters you for it I would just pay it if I were you.... a small price to pay to get this woman gone!!
I would not pay them a penny.
I would not pay them a penny.
And if you feel obligated then a 1/3 is too much, consider including rooming for children is expensive!
I would be livid
I would type up a bill, with the car, the uber, the food (in excess of yours), subtract the condo, and tell them you expect to be paid. I mgiht add babysitting fees.
But I would have left the first day
Right on! I never once asked
Exactly!I never once asked for any reimbursement ever for babysitting his kids or taking them places but he never considers to even offer. I'm just not that type of person because I figure if you are with someone you enjoy doing it. I've also taken them to lunches, multiple activites, etc. and never gotten offered any reimbursement. The only time I asked for reimbursement (yes I had to ask) was when I took the dog to the vet (it wasn't cheap). And he told me she was my dog too and he didn't have the money so I never got any. Well if she's my dog then why do I never see her anymore now that we are broken up? It seems she's only my dog and they are only my kids when he needs something (money). I just think asking for the condo money was petty since I have paid for so much stuff over the years and he never appreciated any of it. It also hurts that he badmouths me to his mother and runs to his mother anytime we have conflict. It hurts my feelings immensely.
Good riddance to that "family
Good riddance to that "family." You dodged a bullet.
Look up Narcissistic
Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
You dodged a bullet.
Hon, you dodged the
Hon, you dodged the proverbial bullet.
NO family does every activity together 100% of the time. Sounds like your EX Significant Orifice was having a mantrum because things were not absolulely perfect for his pwecious poopsies and your no-longer-future-Monster-In-Law. Call the waaaaaaah-mbulance because STUFF HAPPENED.
Chalk it up as a life lesson. You know what is NOT acceptable behavior. {{hugs}}
This is true. I know a guy
This is true. I know a guy who did EVERYTHING with his wife and kids, I mean even just running to the store and stuff like that. Everyone thought they just liked being together. Turns out, he was very abusive and she wasn't "allowed" to go anywhere without him. OP, you definitely dodged a bullet!
I was married to that.
I was married to that.
Please don’t rush back to him
Please don’t rush back to him if you have a miss me moment. Take some time out. You have been treated in an appalling manner.
I would like to add, though many people would disagree with me as ‘times have changed’... but when I was growing up holidays were an absolute luxury, we had to be grateful if we got to go one one, be polite, and the kids (us) had no influence on daily plans. My mum and stepfather managed to find a nice balance for keeping everyone happy, but one thing is for sure- if I had even attempted to back chat anyone or be ungrateful I never would have been invited on another holiday again.
I think it’s terribly sad these days that kids expect all this, and then not only from their dads, they go with their mums, and then grandparents feel bad because parents aren’t together. And everything gets so complicated.....
I agree. My upbringing was
I agree. My upbringing was very similar. We did family things on vacation most of the time but not always but we (as kids) did not get to call the shots and neither did our grandparents. In fact I don’t ever remember our grandparents being on a vacation with us. I remember doing things on vacation that my dad liked (air show, military ship tours, car shows etc) and my mom liked (shopping, beach, eating at restaurants her and my dad picked). As kids we still got to go to amusement parks, zoos, water parks, etc but if we acted up no more. I wouldn’t dare back talk my parents as I respected them too much. His kids are so entitled and expect everything without even behaving properly plus they get rewards and toys constantly and get to pick where we eat. He was even telling his kids how good they were behaving and so was grandma. News flash. They were not behaving well, at all. They would talk back if they wouldn’t get their way and there is always an underlying whining, complaining going on about everything. They don’t appreciate much. That should be parenting a red flag.
You got lucky
getting out of this sick relashionship and not not marring him or having kids with him.
this forum is full of stories of how bad it can with SK you are free!! Enjoy it and don’t come back even if he cries and begs!!
These people are Sh^t Birds.
Block them all, chalk it up to poor jugement on your behalf. This was a vacation for idiots kids that MIL paid for. Why would you have to pay for anything? A decent partner wouldn't even ask., especially putting up with that circus. So much wrong it's not worth going into. Many on this site are here because they did the same thing. And are in similar, or worse circumstances. You don't have any kids, which is a big plus. Don't date people with kids, so much easier....or ones that are trying to get into your purse constantly.. Plus now is a good time to self evaluate yourself and make improvements, or lifestyle changes. I guess I would look at it as a good opportunity, so you don't end up in another crazy relationship. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself, it's not YOU - it's them. That's when you immediately put them in the recycle bin.
What do you think is wrong
What do you think is wrong with this man? I was thinking narcissistic,selfish, immature and possibly mental health issues.
Narcissist for sure.
Narcissist for sure.
The irony is he accused me of
The irony is he accused me of being a narcissist when he lectured me after he broke up with me. I'm a narcissist because I disengaged after everyone was rude to me or ignored me for wanting to express a differing view of plans (and I was sick of paying for ubers for that many people when there were things I wanted to do that were being completely ignored). I overheard his mother saying she thought I was narcissistic. More irony here when we first got together his mother told me she thought his ex was a narcissist. I guess everyone is a narcissist to them. Would a narcissist really pay for her own plane ticket to go on vacation with them and pay for her own meals and transportation and use her little time off work to do so? Would a narcissist spend that much time bonding with someone else's kids and putting up with that amount or stuff for that long? They need to self evaluate.
You are well shot of this
You are well shot of this controlling, mercenary, selfish man. I would say he treats you like a servant, but then a servant doesn't have to pay for all their excruciatingly boring and tedious holiday experiences in company of SKIDs and inlaws.
Agree one hundred percent. He
Agree one hundred percent. He treated me like a free nanny mainly yet I had to pay for my flight and pay for his skids things several times. And still he wasn’t happy. Everything that went wrong was always my fault and if it wasn’t I took the brunt of his moods because of it. No more. He can hire a nanny or find another woman to be his free nanny who has no voice or opinions about anything and to deal with his moods.
When did your lesbian
When did your lesbian girlfriend become a man? Just curious.
My guess is she considers her
My guess is she considers her lover to be the man or a man now or possibly transitioning. Gender is fluid and complicated now so we should be sensitive to that. Not that it matters anyways. Getting treated like poop is not ok regardless. We should all be supportive of one another and unbiased here instead or calling each other out. My thoughts are he/she is a petulant child and narcissist and who has never grown up. He/she is now passing that into their kids as that is why they act like spoiled brats. Mil enables this and that is why he/she is the way they are.
a couple of observations
1) It seems like your SO doesn't actually like vacationing with his family and was directing some of his displeasure at you.
2) For the money, I think you should tell them that you'll repay them once they provide receipts and assumptions around what you owe.
I was thinking the same thing
I was thinking the same thing. He doesn’t sound happy nor does it sound like he enjoys being a parent most of the time and his gf is his emotional punching bag clearly.
Your SO sounds like an
Your SO sounds like an entitled brat and so do his kids. No one should be expected to raise someone else’s kids, and be treated with such disrespect. On top of that your financial expenses aren’t even covered. You deserve better. Being alone would be better. Don’t be afraid of that!
Tary, I'm confused. Aren't
Tary, I'm confused. Aren't you in a same sex relationship?
Not that it matters, because your ex treated you very badly. Congratulations on your freedom!!!
Yes I say congrats one way or
Yes I say congrats one way or another!!!! Someone else can play free nanny to the brats and punching bag to the crazy moody SO.
When the reality
of the fact that he lost his wallet/verbal punching bag dawns on him, he will try to hoover you back. Don't do it.
I don't think he is going to
I don't think he is going to hoover me back. He thinks I am the wrong one and he did nothing wrong. At the end of the trip when he lectured me and he told me I made everything worse for shutting him out and seperating myself/doing my own thing away from him and his family. What he doesnt realize is no one was talking to me and I was already seperated by him. What he does not realize is when he gets angry with me his kids will not speak to me. It's as if everyone turns against me yet he expects me to try to get in the good graces of his kids and appoligize to them for him going off on me? It does not make sense and it does not work that way. I could not do anything right. I do not remember him appologizing or trying to come talk to me. He said I ruined his trip yet the trip was fabulous without me and that I owe him money for the condo. I dont even know what that means.
What a great investment this
What a great investment this trip has been for you. Airfare, a couple of Ubers and you learned that this guy is no man, no father, is a mama's boy, and an asshole of monumental proportions. That is a cheap lesson at twice the price.
Why be upset about this epiphany and hearing with your own ears how shallow and polluted that entire gene pool is? XBF and his bovine mother did you the greatest possible service by having their whine fest in a place that you could hear them spout their toxic verbal sputum.
Since this guy played the you owe him money card, go with his logic, build a spreadsheet of every penny you have expended related to he and his toxic crotch ejecta. Then bill him with penalties and interest. Tell him he has 30 days to settle his account with you or you will take him to court to collect. Hopefully he will stroke out over that. Keep burying him in piled on epiphanies of his toxic lack of character and don't stop until he disappears from your life completely. Collecting on what he owes is not the point. Burrying him with clarity on how much of a POS he is, is the point.
You do not own he or even his mother a penny. Remember, he is the one that sold this as a family trip. As a family trip.... you owe nothing. Now that you are broken up, thankfully, there will be no more "family" trips. However, during the trip you were not broken up. So he is shit out of luck on collecting on that. It is another highlight of his lack of character that he was trying to pawn the cost of this "family trip" onto you. If he could not afford to take his spawn on the trip, he had no business taking the trip at all. His attempt to pawn the costs of it onto you tells me yet more about how big of a POS this guy is.
IMHO of course.
Good luck and celebrate your new found freedom from that tragically flawed shallow and polluted gene pool. Mama, her baby boy, and his toxic spawn all included.
What a bunch of jerks. People
What a bunch of jerks. People who don't get out to experience the unique sights and flavors of a vacation locale are morons wasting their money, if you ask me. Congratulations on being out of that mess.
Wow. He sounds awful.
Good riddance! He did you a favor. If you already paid fornte condo, dont pay more. I would however charge him for the number rides and meals you paid for. Since you had to pay 2 of 3 for a condo (which it should be 1 of 5) he needs to pay 4 of 5 for what you did... meaning he needs to pay fornhim, 2 Kodak and his mom. He sounds terrible.
Did you sign an agreement to
Did you sign an agreement to help pay for the vacation?
If so, you owe them nothing, and if they harass you, call the police.
What a horrible family, of
What a horrible family, of truly disgusting people. They sound so vile, that they're almost like something from a Roald Dahl novel. Yuck!!!
In a few months to come, you'll be wondering why you stayed as long as you did.
You don't owe them a cent. Even if they took you on Judge Judy, she would rule in your favour, and tell them that they have no legal leg to stand on.
Turn the situation around and tell your ex that HE owes YOU money, for all the treats and outings you shouted his kids over the years.