Venting session
Just popping on here to vent feel free to vent with me. SD annoys the hell out of me. Her new thing is crawling into our bed in the middle of the night. This morning she took off her pull up at some point during the night and peed herself, she can't be alone for 5 seconds and it's 8:00 in the morning and she's already starting the play with me crap, I don't want to occupy her 24/7. I hate to say it but I seriously wish she'd just stay with her mom and dad should only get her when he has a day off. His job is demanding and he's gone 12 hours a day and probably is only home to see her for 4 hours before bed. Her whining when he gets home irritates the hell out of me. Yesterday she said something about skating and he's like do you think she's old enough to skate and he told her well we will just have to buy you skates. How about no that child is so spoiled and gets whatever she wants. By the time she's 5 there won't be anything left to get her. Sorry I'm all over the place haha.
If he has all this money to
If he has all this money to throw away on his daughter, why not encourage him to spend it on child care so that she gets some social life, learns to play with others, and you get to bond with your baby and be distinctly happier than you currently are? He is completely out of touch with his daughter's world.
PS - also insist that he stick to the CO. His ex doesn't get to drop the child off whenever she feels like it. You are not her unpaid babysitter. Do not open the door to the witch when she tries to drop her off. Not your child, not your responsibility. Does he realize that if there is an accident, you cannot take her to the ER?
The bed thing annoys me too.
The bed thing annoys me too. My SD 7 gets into our bed at 6am when they stay. And my partner just soda off and leaves me with a whining wriggling child in the bed! While he goes down stairs and sleeps on the sofa ffs