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Update... she's not showing to court but we have to?

The Triangle's picture

The short of it is that bm and dh have 50/50 for ss9. Dh went for full custody in 11/11. Court didn't go for the switch. Too traumatizing for the child. So in 1/12 (right after appeal time ran out) BM moves 3 hours away and leaves ss with us. She was supposed to return in march. She told us in Sept that she was not coming back. She is hardly around for weekend visits. She tries to brainwash him. Her parents (who she lives with) are insane! GP is a retired lawyer who feels that he can have his hand in everything. Even wrote up the proposal and forged her name! OMG, now court is tomorrow for CS (which she is still taking btw) and they are not coming! We had to rearrange our lives and they're not coming?! and that is okay? I am about to blow!!! }:)

StickAFork's picture

So who has custody on paper now?

Of course GP is handling this... free legal services. I'd take it, wouldn't you?