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Update and Thank You

Quinn2's picture

Hi all,

I posted a week or so ago about a situation involving my SO and his BM. I felt they were too close and I got some great advice from this forum. I just wanted to update (possibly vent a little!) on what has transpired. Last night my BD had a chat with me asking why I don't cuddle my ex (her dad) anymore. I told her that we are divorced and when people divorce they no longer cuddle. I have a straight forward amicable relationship with my ex, but we don't hug or have a lot of contact. BD wanted to know why then does SO cuddle his BM. Apparently when he took her to BM's house (that I didn't know about) she saw them hug and kiss on the cheek on arrival. Given the past history of my feeling they are inappropriately close I was pretty upset. It may be irrational but that's how I felt.

I had it out with SO last night about the whole thing. He had previously told me that it was "all for the kids" and he just wanted to keep the peace with her and would modify the contact as I was concerned about them having keys to each others houses and being way too familiar among other things. Well apparently he just said it to placate me because we had a huge argument about it. He really blew his top and did all the usual accusations, I'm jealous and insecure etc. All I asked was for there to be clear boundaries and respect of our (and his BM and her partners) relationship, like I do for him.

As it turned out he was not willing to try to see my point of view AT ALL or compromise on anything. He now says they are friends and like family. He thinks it's perfectly reasonable to hug and kiss BM as a "greeting" (everyday). Am I the only one who is a little weirded out by that? It got really out of control, with him yelling but I was not. He ended up telling me to leave his house. So, I guess I have my answer and that is that. I am in shock at the moment as apart from this issue we had a fantastic relationship and were talking marriage etc. I know it will hit soon and I will be very upset for myself and my kids who love him. I really can't fathom how he can be such a prick over a woman who cheated on him and constantly tries to manipulate him and turn the kids against him. But he obviously isn't the man that I thought he was, or that he portrayed himself as, and I will be better off without him. I was so stunned at his level of anger. He was really screaming at me, which seemed way over the top for what should have been a simple compromise discussion and compromise with the one you are supposed to love.

Anyway, I wanted to say a big thank you too all on the board who offered advice. If I hadn't had clarification from the members on here I may have spent another year or longer in a relationship that wasn't right. Good luck to everyone else who is in a difficult situation.

Last In Line's picture

So sorry. But you're better off knowing where he stands.

I'd bet they will end up back together down the line.

notasm3's picture

It's devastating when you find out that your SO is involved with another woman - even if it's not physical. Even worse when it's the ex.

My only advice to you is to cut him off 100%. Ask him (in writing preferably) for a time to move your belongings out. And then do not ever acknowledge his existence again. A clean cut will in the end be better for your children too.

And no you can't be friends with a man who has no concern for your feelings and well being.

Overit1960's picture

^^^^^^ THAT exactly.... I'm so sorry. I truly believe they are still involved and care for each other.

You are worth more than that! AND no you are not paranoid or insecure. Your gut is telling you the truth. If he truly cared for you, he would stop that behavior and he would not have thrown the blame on you. There is more to the entire story than he is telling you. Please cut the ties and save yourself! You can do so much better than that BS.

OK, seriously... someone needs to backhand than man, he is so disrespectful to you and your relationship. Wow, what a jerk.

notsobad's picture

When people show you who they really are, don't ignore it, believe them and move on.

Screaming at you shows you his real feelings.
Be thankful that you aren't married. It hurts now but it would be much worse if you stayed.

MamaDuck's picture



A hug and kiss greeting. If I ever heard SO giving BM a hug and kiss greeting (:sick:) that would be the end of us!

And THEN he SCREAMS at you.... WTF. He is NOT your Prince Charming!

I'm so sorry you are going through this ((Hugs))

hereiam's picture

I am sorry it turned out this way but am glad you got your answer before another year or more went by.

There is no logical reason for him to get so upset and defensive about this.

Even if they are not romantically or physically involved, the emotional attachment is way over the top and maybe deep down, he knows it. But, he still will not or can not let her go.

He is willing to give you the boot instead of emotionally divorcing the woman he is divorced from. He has issues that you would never have gotten to the bottom of. And this is not about his kids.

You thought it was working so well, other than his attachment to the ex, because he was getting his way and you were standing back, letting them do their thing, while still giving him what he needed from his relationship with you. So, he was happy. At your expense.

It's obvious that he is only concerned with what works for him. That's not a friendship, a partnership, or a marriage.

LuckyGirl's picture

Congratulations on shedding a huge amount of dead weight, and avoiding years of anguish and heartache while your heart and spirit are slowly eroded.

It will hurt now, but in the long term it would have hurt so much more. Take care of yourself Smile

misSTEP's picture

Sorry but it is for the best. Cut all ties asap. This guy is trying to get back with BM if he isn't boinking her again already. Way over the top reaction.

As for you, try to get in to see a counselor. You keep asking for validation of your feelings. Your feelings are COMPLETELY valid. Nobody should be having that level of physical interaction with an EX. ANYONE WOULD BE UPSET in your position. YOU ARE COMPLETELY CORRECT. Trust your gut. Don't let someone talk you out of what you feel.

Quinn2's picture

Thank you so much! You are all absolutely correct. I learned a life lesson and won't be making the same mistake twice.