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Thank you! (Did I do the right thing?)

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

I'm a long time lurker but I just made an account to say THANK YOU for all of the marvelous advice and support given on this forum. I am a 28 year old woman, childless by choice, I may or may not want kids of my own one day, I haven't really decided. Earlier this year I started dating a man who is incarcerated (don't ask) and I felt he was absolutely perfect for me- except for the fact that he has a 16 year old daughter. I know I have jealousy and insecurity issues and it just didn't feel right that I could give this man my all and make him the most important person in my life, and yet I would never be able to hold that position in his life. Call me selfish but you know what, I think that's okay, because at least I have the self-awareness to acknowledge that it didn't feel right. I tried for two months to get over the fact that he has a daughter but I just couldn't. When I imagined that type of life I wanted for myself and the type of family I'd like to have one day, "blended" does not come into the mix.

He has always known that I've struggled with him having a kid, but he thought I would get over it. Now I know I can't. This girl is simply horrible and if I ever had a child with him I would NEVER want her anywhere near my kid, half-sister or not. She parties all the time, cuts school, tell her mother she hates her, is rude and disrespectful to everyone, and has a drug problem. I have actually found videos she's posted online of her smoking a bong. Did I mention she's just 16? And when I brought this to her father's attention so he can talk to her mother about getting these videos taken down, somehow I am the bad guy. Really? I can't.

Two days ago I ended things with him. I feel really bad about it because he is honestly a wonderful person and the only problem in our relationship was my feelings over his daughter. From everything I've read here it only gets worse and I felt it wasn't fair to either of us to continue things. He deserves to have a woman who can genuinely and truly respect and accept all of the relationships he has in his life including his child, and I deserve to live a life in which I don't have to settle or compromise on such a huge issue. He is not happy about it, he thinks I am overreacting. He tells me she'll be 17 when he comes home next year so she's practically a grown-up and it shouldn't affect us. He never had a relationship with her due to his incarceration (he didn't even know she was his until she was 5 and the courts mandated a DNA test) so they probably won't be close anyway, because they aren't close now. He says she won't be a part of *our* life, just his life, but I feel that if we are together that becomes one in the same. She's clearly having issues living with her mother, what if when her Dad is released (we had planned on him moving in with me) she wants to try living with him? I will NOT allow this disrespectful little girl in my home as I truly want nothing to do with her, so he'd probably leave me over that, anyway. Why delay the inevitable?

He has told me that her mother is not a good influence on her (she's a former convict and meth addict herself) so maybe I can be the one who turns his daughter around. HELL NO. That is NOT my responsibility. I was responsible enough to keep my damn legs shut and not get knocked up by someone I only knew for three months, why should I have to invest the time, money, and emotional energy to raise a kid who isn't mine? When he suggested that I can be the person to give his daughter a good role model I basically flipped my shit- she's not my problem, and how dare he want me to take this burden on when he knows how I feel about the situation? So we're done. It hurts because I truly do love him, but I do think ending things now really is for the best, for all three of us involved.

Of course now I am starting to second-guess my decision to end things. He told me I am being selfish and irrational- and I don't disagree with him, but these are my feelings and try as I did, I can't change them. He told me he's never before met someone who feels so adamantly against step-parenthood, and that if I really love him I should love everything that is of him including her, and I am basically a horrible human being for not being able to accept that he has a teenage (almost adult) child. So am I wrong? I don't *want* to feel this way about her, honestly I don't, it makes me feel terrible about myself, but I truly hate her. I hate who she is as a person, and I also hate that she holds a part of his heart that I nor my potential future children can ever have. He's told me that if he and I ever have a baby (he wants a kid with me, I hadn't made up my mind) that he would probably love our child more than he loves her because he never got to be a dad to her, but he could actually be a father to our baby. Hearing him say that absolutely disgusts me.

So please give me your honest feedback- was I wrong for ending things with him? Is there a way to work past my feelings about her and salvage things with him? Am I some kind of monster for not being able to accept his kid? He's made me feel like my feelings are atypical but coming on here I know they are not; is there anything I can say to him to explain to him that my feelings ARE valid? Are they valid?

christinen's picture

You are absolutely right for ending it! He said he's never met anyone so adamantly against step parenting- does he know any stepparents?? Because no one here would ever advise someone to become a stepparent & most people here regret doing it themselves. I love my DH but if I could do it over again I would have run for the hills. It sounds like you spared yourself a ton of stress, headache and heartache. Don't look back!

Just J's picture

Your feelings are completely valid and you don't need him to understand them. Some men with kids have such tunnel vision that there is nothing you can say to convince them that their evil spawn is not the fantastic angel they think they are. This does not seem to be the relationship for you and it's better that you found out now before it went any further. You can't force feelings for someone and honestly, I don't know why he'd want you to try. His daughter sounds like a nightmare and if you don't want any part of raising her then just run now and don't look back. The situation will not get better and if your boyfriend thinks that you can somehow turn his daughter around, he is seriously mistaken. No offense to you personally, this is not a dig on you, I'm sure you're a lovely person, but you, the girlfriend of her absentee dad, is the last person a girl like that is going to listen to. Sounds like she needs one of those boot camps for teens, she is way too fargone for someone to just reach out to her.

Don't doubt yourself, you definitely did the right thing. Read the Adult Stepchildren forum, it doesn't necessarily get better just because they grow up.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Thank you for not thinking I'm some horrible monster. Because I feel like a monster, you know, for not liking this girl. I purposely never dated men with children because I know I want to be the most important person in my mate's life. This is the first guy with a kid I've taken a chance on. Now I see I'm just not cut out for it, but I truly did try.

Does he know any stepparents? No, I don't think so. This guy is 35 and has been incarcerated since he was 18 (drug charges- guess it runs in the family). There is a lot he doesn't know about the real world because he never got to experience adult relationships or really have to live in reality. I hate myself for being able to overlook his prior criminal activity but not being able to overlook his kid. She's just terrible. I am ashamed to admit this but a few nights ago I got a bit tipsy and called her phone pretending to be a wrong number. Morbid curiosity on my part I guess. This little twat sounded high as a kite when she answered and told me (the wrong number) that I sound like I'm "fucking retarded." Who says that? Who is so goddamn hateful that they curse out a wrong number? That's when I knew- I can't.

His argument is that because he never got to know his daughter, she will be 17 when he comes home in 13 months, and she doesn't even live in the same state, that I should be able to overlook her. The thing is, I know better. I realize that when you commit to someone you're taking on their baggage, too. She will ALWAYS be his daughter and she will ALWAYS come first- regardless of when he says he'll love our future kid more than her (and what kind of father even says that?!). He desperately wants a relationship with her and she wants nothing to do with him. Her step-father died six months ago and she's on social media proclaiming how much she misses her Daddy, RIP Daddy, she'd give anything to hear her Daddy's voice but he's in heaven now- yet when her biological father calls her she rushes him off the phone to go hang out with her friends. And you know what, I get that, I understand that she never got to know my now ex and in her mind he's of little use to her. It just kills me that I love this man more than she ever will, yet he'll put her before me every time. I can't even look at him because when I see her name and year of birth and portrait of her face tattooed on him it literally makes me throw up. I shouldn't be vomiting when I look at the man I love, but that's how much this whole situation disgusts me.

My mother has tried to convince me that I need to get over it, because at my age it will be increasingly more difficult to find a man without children and if this guy is good to me (and he truly is wonderful) I should learn to live with it. She says his daughter will probably want nothing to do with him when he gets home and she's almost an adult anyway so it's really a non-issue. But what about when he wants to go visit her on her birthday and asks for me to pay for his plane ticket? What about when she wants to come visit on holidays and expects to stay under my roof? What if God forbid he and I had a child and my kid would want to know his half-sister? Those are the things that I just can't ignore, though my mother tells me I should. Then my father tells me he'll never love me as much as he loves his daughter and I need to end it.

I emailed the guy yesterday, basically saying "fuck you" for thinking my feelings are abnormal and sent him about two pages worth of quotes from women who hate stepmotherhood and feel the exact same way I do. I guess I just need validation, I don't even know.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

So interesting new development, I hadn't heard from the guy since I broke things off with him over the phone on Tuesday. I sent him an email a couple of days ago explaining that not wanting to be a step-mom is totally valid and okay, but he didn't reply. I honestly thought I'd never hear from him again. I mean, if I had a kid, I know I certainly would never be with a guy who couldn't accept him/her. Then this morning I woke up to an email from him which stated:

"when you are ready to talk like a grown up, put some money on the phone... if we can't talk like that then we are not talking... you say my daughter is a horrible person.... wow... never heard any one talk about a teenage girl like that.... especially a girl that they don't even know... very judgmentle... you act like you are a perfect person...."

To which my first thought was, wtf? This girl DOES exhibit horrible behavior (and illegal behavior at that) and I'm in the wrong for calling it as I see it? I don't have to know her personally to see how she curses at people and calls them bitches and hos on social media. I don't have to know her personally to watch the videos of her smoking marijuana, which is not legal in her state and certainly not for a minor. I don't have to know her personally to know that telling her mom she hates her is a horrible thing to say.

You know what I realized? No matter what I say or do, no matter what she says or does, it's not going to change his feelings. I know he's always going to love his daughter, but the fact that he makes excuse after excuse for her sorry behavior, that's the part I resent the most. I mean, why would I even want to consider having kids with a man who is clearly such an inept parent? He doesn't see all these things about her because he's locked up with no internet access so he's not reading all the hateful and racist vitriol that comes out of her mouth. And when he's home and can read it for himself? It probably wouldn't change anything anyway.

I initially came on here trying to figure out a way to work through my feelings of anger, sadness, jealousy and insecurity because I thought I was the problem. Now I'm not so sure. Is this fixable?

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Lol Cat, thank you for your honesty. For some reason, reading that actually put a smile on my face Smile Why was I in a relationship with a convict? It was honestly just meant to be a pen pal thing. I was planning on heading down to Mexico and doing a five year working tour of Central America once my lease is up at the end of the year. I was feeling a little lonely (I'm living 2,000 miles away from my home city and all my friends/family) but I thought it would be silly to meet someone in my current city if I'm just going to leave in a few months, anyway. I thought a pen pal would be a great way to have someone to talk with and share things with, and prisoners actually do make the best pen pals in terms of being consistent with writing over a long period of time. It was JUST supposed to be platonic with this guy, a way to pass the time before starting my Central America adventure, but then we got to know each other and caught feelings.

Yep, I graduated high school in just three years, graduated magna cum laude with my BA when I was 20, I've been self employed for years and currently successfully pursuing my dream of being a full time published writer. I'm not a stupid girl at all and have accomplished a lot in my own life. I can say that my family wasn't so great and pretty much all of my male relatives have been arrested and served time. I have a couple of uncles who served long bids for drug dealing; my great-grandfather, great-uncle, and father have all been convicted and served time for attempted murder. And all of those men have been wonderful to me and would never hurt a hair on my head, even though they have this stigma that they must be horrible because they did time. I guess with my family background I am more likely to overlook someone with a conviction because I see examples in my own family of men who have done bad things but still treat me very well regardless. I hope that makes sense and explains why I don't necessarily see all felons as unworthy relationship partners. Certain crimes, sure- I know I could never be with someone who did something violent or did anything to a child. But in comparison to what my own father has done, a man who would jump in front of a bullet for me, my boyfriend trafficking some drugs seems so minor in comparison it became a non-issue for me.

Yes, my mother actually told me flat out that I need to get over my feelings about his daughter and be with him. My mother is the type who constantly needs at least one man in her life, she's always been that way, so I guess maybe she was projecting her own insecurities on to me. Me? I have had some very bad and abusive relationships in my past. I had been single for about 2.5 years before I started talking with this guy and I LOVED being single, I loved making plans to go on adventures, traveling, all that good stuff. In fact I was convinced that I would probably be single for the rest of my life and I was totally okay with it, even looking forward to it because then I'd have the freedom to travel the world without baggage. But then, like I said, this guy and his brat daughter came along and my plans changed.

My mother actually started writing to this guy as well, very casually, just a card here and there and exchanging hellos through me. Like I said, he and I were talking cohabitation and marriage, and they wanted to get to know each other and start building a relationship before he's released. I will be the first to admit I've dated some horrible men in the past and my mother knows all about it. My last partner was a mentally disturbed sociopath who went off his meds and tried to murder me. Twice. I guess in comparison, this convict seemed like an angel and my mother wanted me to be with the first guy I chose who actually treated me with consideration, patience, and respect. She's also pushed me to think about having bio children with him once he's home. I was adamantly against it because I don't want my child to have a rotten beast for a half-sister, but he and my mother both put so much pressure on me to change my mind and have a baby. Actually that's kind of sick now that I think about it. Him, I can kind of understand- his daughter wants nothing to do with him so I guess he figures he can just make a new one. My mother, I don't know, I'm an only child and maybe she just really wants grandkids but sees I'm not too keen on having a bio baby?

The more I write about this the weirder it seems.

fedupstep's picture

Maybe your mom can date him if he's so wonderful? Wink

Seriously did EXACTLY the right thing. You were honest with yourself and him. He didn't like it. What would be better? Making yourself miserable (and trust me, you will be) for the love of this otherwise 'perfect man', or cutting your losses now and finding someone that truly values you and your feelings.

I find it interesting that he wants you to be the one that 'turns his daughter around' and then calls YOU selfish when you don't hop right on that train wreck. Good for you for being honest with yourself!

You. Did. The. Right. Thing.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Oh wow, I had no idea so many people on here know about corrections! I only know the convict side of things due to my family's history, but I have tried doing my research. I agree we would have been in for a HARD life! This guy got kicked out of 8th grade for selling cocaine (he was only 13 years old!), spent a bunch of time in and out of juvie, met his daughter's mom briefly when they were both in the system, he served 17 months at the age of 18 for stealing a car (went in right after knocking BM up, but he didn't know, and she was sleeping with 2 other men and said it wasn't his) all before catching this 15 year drug trafficking case at the age of 20. It is truly upsetting to know that this guy has basically NO experience with being a normal, functional, independent person. I live in AZ, he is in Ohio, I had told him I would move up there for him but he insisted he wanted to get away from OH because he could see himself getting caught up with all of the old people and behaviors that led him to spending more than half his life behind bars. Sad story.

So yeah, I am lucky that I am independently employed (I work online while pursuing my writing career). In my line of work a criminal record doesn't matter at all so we had planned on me teaching him the ropes so he could earn a little income online until he could get a legit straight job with benefits. I knew it would be a WHILE before he could land a 9-5, might not possibly ever happen, and had my eyes wide open to the fact that I would be the sole breadwinner. And I was okay with that. But I am just not okay with having to support me, him, AND his bastard child. Guess I have to draw the line somewhere?

I couldn't know the full effects of being with a recently released con who never got to experience adult life, responsibilities, and relationships until after the fact- but I truly would have been willing to try. I feel so guilty for giving up on him, honestly I thought we could work past all of those issues with some good counseling and a strong plan in place, but I just know I can't look past his ridiculous little brat. I wanted SO desperately to learn how to accept the step-situation, or at least tolerate it. I know we would have had other post-incarceration issues but I believed we could figure out how to resolve those. But how do you resolve another human being who's never going away?

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

THANK YOU Smile I've been completely celibate (not even kissing or holding hands) since my last relationship ended in 2011 so no amount of "golden penis" could have the power over me, lol Blum 3 I don't know what his hold on me was, tbh. I guess it was just me wanting to see the good in another person despite their flaws, and me wanting to not be "that person" who dismisses someone over their past. I have a pet peeve over judgmental people and he knows it, maybe I didn't want to be judgmental so my moral barometer flew in the other direction?

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Thank you, momma Cat! I agree that I need to be more discriminating in choosing potential future mates. But you know, I'm not even thinking of dating right now- too much stuff to do on my bucket list first Smile At least this experience taught me that I am just not the type who can be with a man with children. And that's okay. If I got nothing else out of my relationship with this man, that was a very valuable lesson I learned.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

"Maybe your mom can date him if he's so wonderful?"

LMAO you know what's disgusting/disturbing? I wouldn't put it past my mother. She has ALWAYS went for younger guys, and I have always gone for older guys, so usually (and this is so messed up) my boyfriends have been older than hers. I could see her trying to talk to him; he's honestly very attractive and only 35 (my mom is 50). Right up her alley. He even semi-joked about what if my mom tries to flirt with him? Totally effing disgusting. Who knows, maybe instead of being his brat's step-mom I'll end up being her step-sister? *vomit*

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Just got another email from my now ex:

"i told you that i'm not going to discuss these matters on here.... i'm not gonna rush what i have to say to you... and if you would'nt have called the number then you would'nt have been talked to that way... don't get mad now, cause you are the one who wanted to hear her... and i feel that it is plain wrong to even call her when you don't even know her------period... and then do it behind my back.... you are wrong for this, and i'm not gonna discuss this through emails any more... and why would you block the phone... its rediculous... wake up and realize what you are doing to us... and its for nothing [my first name]. you are trippin about nothing... and ask yourself one thing-------no matter what you tell me about my daughter, ask your self this-----------what can i do about it from in here??? nothing. you already know that you are suppose to be with me!!!! so stop this nonsense and lets figure out what we need to do... its not incurable... the world is not ending... we will be alright, just relax and see this shit for what it is... don't allow it to have so much power..."

Ladies (and gents?) THANK you for the pep talk earlier because I now see how much BS I Don't have to put up with! We're done. I really thought he was worth the headache but now I see, he isn't. I never wanted to be a step-mommy and I will not be a step-mommy and I certainly won't compromise my deeply-held desires for someone who can talk to me the way he does. So I sent him THIS as a reply:

"See, this is EXACTLY what I am saying. You are always going to put me second. When it comes to seeing my side of things, you will NEVER give me the benefit of the doubt because your child comes first. And you know what? I Don't Play Second Fiddle Very Well. So I'll tell you what: I really, really thought that we could have figured out a way for you to have me in your life, have her in your life, and you could have kept the two completely separate. Now I see that's not going to happen, because no matter what I say or do, you are always going to see ME as the one who is the problem. So in your mind, she gets to be disrespectful and curse a wrong number out, and that's totally okay on her part, but you see ME as the bad guy? You're fucking delusional.

You know why I brought these things to your attention? So you could talk to her mother about her taking those drug videos down before the cops go after her. So you could talk to her mother about maybe finding a counselor or program or something for her since she is clearly heading down a dangerous path. No, maybe you can't do it by yourself, but you are refusing to do ANYTHING and you are using your incarceration as an excuse not to be a parent. And you think I'd ever want to have a child with someone who refuses to at least try to get his kid on the right track? Once again, delusional.

We are not going to be together because I don't want you anymore- I thought you were a great guy, but I will NOT settle for the life you are planning on "offering" me. The end. Done deal. I'm over it. You know how I told you I was choosing to be with you despite all odds? Well now I am choosing to walk away from you for my own sanity, because I am not going to be the bad guy in my own home, and therefore I can never share a home with you. I've already mailed back everything you have ever sent me- the pictures, the letters, everything. Don't write to me anymore. Everyone was right about you. My feelings are NOT nothing, and since you fail to realize that, then I leave you gladly. I don't wish you harm. I don't wish you malice. I just wish for you to leave me alone. A better man would have found a balance between the girl he loves and the woman he loves, but now I see you are not that man, and I'd rather be alone than be with someone who's going to turn me into a second class citizen just because he has daddy issues."

THANK YOU everyone for giving me such wonderful feedback. Now back to planning my working tour through Central America and having a REAL life without a convict and his bastard. This site has saved me so much grief, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart Smile

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Oh, I tried! A couple of weeks ago he expressed some language which I thought was disrespectful (and semi-abusive) that I need to "stay in my place, or else he would put me in my place." He insisted he NEVER meant it physically and he has NEVER hit a woman and he NEVER would, but I was still concerned enough to try to part ways. When I called the DOC email service (Jpay) they told me they can't actually block him from emailing me. I was told on a prison support forum that I can write to the warden and have all snail mail stopped, but I didn't want to do that because it seems like such a big step that might get him in trouble over such a little issue. I can't block his emails, but I CAN choose not to read or reply to them Smile

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Thank you, I will take your advice and contact the warden if he doesn't back off, but I am hoping he'll see I'm serious about ending things and stop writing on his own. Now that I think about it, there's nothing to stop him writing to my mother and asking her to intervene on his behalf. I haven't told her about this breakup yet because I just don't want to hear her tell me I blew it with a great guy.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Ah, you know what is so funny? I was actually born and raised in New York City and spent the first 25 years of my life there. I agree that if I went with a traditional publishing house it would benefit me to go back, but I've been pursuing self-publishing for the last 7 months and I love the different pace of life and perspective the desert offers, even though I miss NYC.

Oh, my father absolutely HATES that I was with this guy! I am a child of divorce (they split when I was 8 and I had the penultimate "wicked stepfather"), haven't seen my father since 2006, and only recently started reconnecting with him when I came to the desert in 2010. Yes, he despised this relationship and told me the most horrible (and true) things about it. Before, I thought my father was in no position to judge, as he has done WAY worse things than my bf (WAY worse things, violent things, some of which I witnessed as a very young child). I guess as I've gotten older I am understanding his side more, and now with even a few more months of life experience under my belt I see that my father is a selfish, flawed, violent, rotten human being- but he loves me, and he wouldn't steer me wrong, because as you said, as corrupt as he is, he wants better for me. I'm his only child and I am HIS LIFE. And that's part of the reason why I knew I could never "compete" with my bf's daughter. I was away from my father for half my life and yet I know this man loves me IMMESURABLY, as his only child I know in my heart he would gladly lay down and die for me, I didn't get to experience much of my father but the universal truth is, this man will love me above all others until the day he dies. I could say a hundred horrible things about my violent, criminal father but the truth is I am HIS WORLD, and I ALWAYS will be. I never saw myself as a "daddy's girl" because after my parents' divorce we were so distant, but in his mind and heart he is my Dad, my protector, and that is the single most important role he'll ever know in his mind. As much as I hate some of the things I went through with my father, he has done a damn good job of making me KNOW that he will move heaven and Earth, will go back to jail again, will kill a man and bury him in the desert sand- my Dad will do ANYTHING for me. He hasn't seriously dated another woman since my mother left him 20 years ago so that is probably why he is SO in love with me to the point that he forsakes all others, oh trust me I KNOW it is not healthy, but that's my family dynamic for ya! :)So I see how my own estranged father just adores the shit out of me and I think, nah, I can't compete with that in my mate.

And I agree, I don't want to tell my mother things with my now ex are over because I know she'll try to talk me back into it. She's 2,000 miles away and we only talk once a month for an hour or two at a time. We talked last week and I have been putting this conversation off, thinking it won't look that strange if he don't talk for another half a month or so, but I am DREADING her telling me how immature and selfish I am for letting my convict go!

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Nope, we were definitely NOT in a relationship when he was incarcerated 14 years ago Smile We stared talking at the beginning of this year and have only officially declared our commitment for each 2 months ago. Not a long time At All!

I never put money on his commissary (which he threatened to keep his pen pal ad up to find another woman who would, but he eventually relented after I told him I still didn't have the means). Dang... the more I write about this the more I remember the red flags- THANK YOU! I can't say I believe he was talking to another woman because I don't, only because of the sheer amount of time he spent calling and emailing me. Yes, I was spending over $200/month on calls plus 1-2 emails/day every single day, which adds up. I counted those calls and knew they were all going to me but if I was putting $ on his phone, why *wouldn't* he call me if he's bored and looking for an outlet?! I hope I wasn't played a fool, but the more I think about it, the more I think maybe he only talked to me because I made myself available? $200/month in phone calls gets a LOT of phone time and a LOT of opportunities to say "I Love You" even if you don't mean it :/

He served his full time so wouldn't need a halfway house or any type of monitoring after his release, he would be free and clear, but I always did question if he would leave or "forget" about me once he's released and sees his old family, homies, and ex-bitches.

Jesus, WHY did I stay in this relationship? And is this website, like, the antidote for the Kool-Aid?! Smile

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Thank you for the tip! Unfortunately, inmates don't have access to regular email addresses or the rest of the internet; we have to use a service called JPay which is how we emailed back and forth, and JPay doesn't have a spam feature. I actually called them and asked about it and said there is no way they can block an offender from emailing me. Perhaps if I got the warden involved he could do something about it, but so far he hasn't written me back so I hope I don't have to take it to that level.

HeavenOnlyKnows's picture

Update: So I emailed this guy on the 1st telling him I'm terminating the relationship because I can't handle his daddy issues, and asked him not to write to me anymore. Obviously I have put no money on his phone either, but he's since been trying to call me collect 2-3x/day. He knows I can't accept collect calls on my cell even if I wanted to (it's a prepaid) but would always say that would be his signal to let me know he's thinking of me. Today (the 3rd) I got two attempted collect calls from him and a one line email which states, "whats wrong...can't handle talkin to me??"

Um... does this seem confrontational to anybody else? I have not yet written to the warden of his facility asking for no contact. I will if he persists with this behavior but I'd only like to use that as a last resort method. I just don't want to create that kind of drama if he'll eventually (sooner rather than later!) stop contacting me on his own. Should I reply to his email once again asking for no contact, so that I can show the warden that he is not complying on his own? Should I ignore the email and hope he gets the hint? What would be an appropriate amount of time to allow him to back off before I get the warden involved?

I know this has transformed into something WAY beyond a step-issue, but I thank anyone in advance who can offer some insight.