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tax-return fairy picking up santa's slack

startingover2010's picture

so, it has been confirmed that we DO NOT qualify for any toys 4 tots or church things for gifts for the kids, even though we are on public aid. so, after speaking with some family members, we also confirmed that no one is able to help us out. and last but not least, bf wont be getting a tax-return, for the obvious reason of being unemployed and not having taxes taken out of unemployment checks. christmas this year.

i, for one, would be content with this scenario:

waking up christmas morning, having a nice cup of flavored coffee and watch bd3 open up some gifts (used of course, things i find or make). then off to my parents house for christmas breakfast then spending the rest of the day with family, just enjoying the day. i know i wont get anything, as i havent for years now, but to me the whole spirit of the season is what gets me going? the lights, sounds, musics, scents, family, thats what makes MY christmas holiday. always have been. even growing up i wasnt focused on one day getting free shit. the whole package was wonderful to me.

now, bf and sd11 wont feel that way. u cant have a peaceful, stressfree holiday with a materialistic asshole and his narcisstic daughter. he has already begun the whole "im so depressed i cant get my kids gifts this year" bullshit. it will last until easter. really.

so my plan is to ditch them if they start to try and bring me down.

Conflicted's picture

I'm so sorry. I really feel for ya. Times are so hard right now. I am super stressed out about Christmas as well.... God I need a second job.... feel so bad for even thinking of that when so many people don't even have one job right now. You're in my thoughts honey.

startingover2010's picture

thank you. bf is such a dumbass. he's sleeping on the couch because he is 'depressed' again. so am i, but i wont ruin the season for bd3. youre in my thoughts too.

southernbelle's picture

I personally wish our holidays would get less commercial, without so many presents being slung around. It takes away from the experience to me. On the other hand, kids like presents!
Have you checked with the Salvation Army Angel Tree? Or a local volunteer center? Our local one sets our office up every year with a family or group home where the kids wouldn't otherwise qualify for any help, and then we sponsor them, get gifts, etc.

startingover2010's picture

yes i tried. its ok though because bd3 is going to be brought up appreciating what she does have, even if that means not having a truck load of gifts this year. i was not spoiled as a child and i beleive that is why i am the way i am.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. Last year, I was strapped for cash but wanted to buy something for each of my nieces (ages 3 and 5) for Christmas. So I went to the dollar store and bought some dress-up stuff: funny hat, scarf, gloves, fake hair extensions, purse. I spent about $6-7 on each girl. They absolutely loved their gifts! Give from your heart and your daughter will know she's loved.

startingover2010's picture

bd3 isnt the problem. she's still young enough. last year we got her used toys from crigslist. sd wasnt with us. this year she is and if u only knew her, you'd know my worry. i wont get sd new stuff and bd used stuff-that isnt right.