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stupid snail mail from ex, what to do about it ?

pat's picture

I blocked the stupid ex as much as possible. Before she use to send stupid text messages. So I blocked her text. Then , she began with the stupid emails, so I blocked that. Now, she is into stupid snail mail . what do I do about that? I told her if it does not concern the kids, I don't want to hear it. She talks down to me and still thinks she has rights to tell me what to do . I have lost almost all communication with my kids because she is a control freak . I can't afford to take her to court anymore after a long and costly divorce. So, what do I do ? Does anyone ever had communication problems ?

I am confused's picture

Snail mail is the way to go. You're the winner. You can respond on your time, after careful consideration, and there's no chance of it escalating into an argument.

DON'T RESPOND to anything negative. Simply write back a short note addressing the issues you believe are worth discussing, do it politely, and end the letter. Sooner or later she'll get sick of writing a bunch of crap to which you neither pay attention nor respond.

Good luck.

kit2kat00's picture

I've found that what drives my ex crazy when he goes on a rant is to completely ignore him. If you're lucky enough to now just be getting snail mail, pitch it and don't even open it. If the divorce is settled and you have no children, there's nothing she could possibly have to say that's pertinent anymore.

stormabruin's picture

Keep & respond to what's important. If what she sends is just ignorant BS, don't respond. Simply put it back in the envelope, tape it shut, & RETURN TO SENDER. Maybe she'll get the idea.