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Stepson bullying and Biomother not helping!!!

JMC1975's picture

I have been with my husband for almost 9 years. When we got together his sons where 2years old. We fought for visition and got through that. However one of the sons is a bully to say it nicely. I thought maybe we would get lucky and he would grow out of it. But I belive he is a direct result of his parenting. (he lives with his mother and visits us every other weekend) This past summer he came and stayed for the whole summer because his mother is at her whits ends. (needless to say I was kind of pissed because she keep my stepson from his father for the first 6/7 years of his life and now wants him to fix what she raised) we got through the summer and handled the bullying issues and saw some changes. Then he goes back to his mother in sept and starts school. Last week he got into a fight and got suspended and then the same day he returned to school he got into another fight. (he is in 5th grade) He comes this weekend for a visit. Lastnight I saw him playing the play station and I said to him "you shouldn't be playing the game,didn't you get suspended from school for fighting?" he tells me his mother told him he wasn't on punisment. WTH so i went to my husband and he told him not to play the game tonight. I talked with my husband and said "why isn't he on punisment at home?" He said I don't know. Again, she called us to help out when he does bad, but then she doesn't give him an pushiment. I am so very mad right now. I just needed to vent. Thank you for reading. Anyone else go through this?

JMC1975's picture

I am sure one day that will happen. However I would rather have everyone on the same page and teach him that you can NOT hit people or bully people.

StickAFork's picture

Disengage. No need to tattle on the brat.
Who ever thought a SUMMER would "fix" a kid?? That was perhaps well intentioned, but foolhardy.

Purplemom's picture

If it were me I would have a come to jesus meeting with h and tell him flat out that no jail bond step kids will move in with you ever, so he beter get a handle on that shit now!

That way he can't say he wasnt warned and that you didnt try.

JMC1975's picture

Not sure of her reasons other then her parenting style is totally different then ours. I am really trying to hold it together. I am not sure if this family especially my kids would handle him and his behaviors and issues. Sometimes getting through a weekend is hard enough. At times my son who is 4years younger ask if his brother has to come.