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ExH and SM and the huge blowout at their house last night

step off already's picture

Exh asked me to pick up the kids today after school. Thursday's are his days and SM has been picking them up this school year on Thursday's even bough I offer since I'm home on maternity leave and go to the school to get SS anyway. He always declines. But I didn't think much of his request thus morning since I always offer.

ExH asked if he could get the kids from my house at 5. I had to remind him that I was planning on attending th class on ADD medication that he set up for us both to attend just yesterday with DD12's therapist. Again, not unusual because he is horrible with remembering schedules and I typically remind him of all kid events, appointments, etc.

I pick up the kids and dd12 is surprised I'm there but says "oh ya, dad and sm are fighting"

Over the rest of the afternoon the kids revealed more about the fight that they heard and saw and the fact that sm left and stayed at a friend's. My youngest was concerned about divorce and even asked me how me and dh were doing. I assured him that fights don't equal divorce and that sometimes we fight the most with those we love.

I really don't try and pry but as the mother, I do want my kids to be able to share their concerns with me.


step off already's picture

That Would be my first guess but I know that they have some other issues as well.

Who knows. Could be anything but not really my business.

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm sorry, I know kids will be kids, but GAH! I fucking hate that kids have to run back and forth telling each parent what is going on with the other parent. There is not much that pisses me off more, than finding out that skids ran back to BMs and told them something that happened at our house. Between skids and nosey gossipy MIL, I might as well set up a freaking web cam in my house and at least get paid for everyone knowing my business.